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Dasva said:
I still don't see why anyone would really pick tamas. Already stated but you'll never need both int and mnd at the same time. The +mp is ok but really if your a job that really cares chances are your not looking for stats anyways and there are alot better mp rings out there. And -emnity... nice and all but alot of the times not gonna do a damn thing for you and getting something for the -emnity is just silly. rajas on the other hand all the stats good at same time. Same Sattva for the few jobs that get any use out of it. Sure does Tamas save you some invent space yeah. Does it safe you some maccro lines on a couple of jobs sure but really thats about it

Well about the MND/INT part yeah. No spell uses both (from a heavy spell casting mage). But as a RDM that's an added 30MP w/o having to sacrifice MND/INT in a ring slot. For WHM, it's a great ring hands down. MND, -enmity, and MP all into one slot allowing for Serket, Vivian, Aqua, Troopers, whatever ring for other slot (instead of having to use a sub-par ring over Tamas). Same can be said of BLM.

If you're a melee over a mage, surely go with Rajas. Where as myself, I'm a RDM WHM BLM SMN (no I don't use Tamas on SMN, that's ridiculous when there are way better rings out there) and a COR as my only so-called "melee", I picked Tamas Ring and never had a regret.

And if for some reason I look at this post tomorrow and realize it's a jumbled wall of text because I'm half-awake and sick, I'm still probably not gonna fix it. :D

Basically: Rajas if melee, Tamas if mage only, Sattva only if career PLD imo.

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