Idk why ppl act like they've never played this game before. You know that they going to go down and having 109 over 119 doesnt make you gimp, how you play in general makes you gimp. The more ppl do these the more they will go down, simple as that and eventually they will break the 1 mil mark. Happens to all new items and its happening to these as I speak.
@ Shznittle. Actually Krysten is right. If no one pays it then there isnt a high demand and the price will have to go down. Yes people need them but if they don't pay the asking price it will drop. What if the people that had them were asking 500 mil?
@Krysten, just like Dynamis currency right? They'll go down if you dont buy All these synth mats ONLY drop from Ark Angels. If you want them you need to spam them. There are definitely a high demand for them, so until that changes they wont be "1m at most".