These are the new Coeurl Sub because these take a lot less effort to make for the same reward. Cooks will know what I'm talking about when it comes to making Coeurl sautee. The exact same stats and attack boost(barring an additional -2 INT and +20 hp instead of +10mp) and some additional +hp and +mp. Better than subs for most, if not all, based on the +20 hp alone. If you're gung-ho about Int mods use the Subs instead.
30 minutes
HP +20
Strength +5
Agility +2
Intelligence -4
HP Recovered While Healing +2
MP Recovered While Healing +1
+75 attack@ 375 base (same for ranged)
resist stun
resist sleep
The cap on attack is based on how many people are in your party. Caps at 75 when there are <4 people. Caps at 85 when party contains more than 4 people.
@ a couple of you. First of all RMT don't sell so cheap they lose money, and lets be honest there aren't exactly a lot of RMT left on this game its not worth it to them. Second... There are crafters out there who are well off and don't mind losing some cash by undercutting their own supply so people lose money because they can afford to do it. They are trying to drive out the "smaller guy" who then understands that it isn't worth making. People do it in every craft, on every server. Its just the super crafters saying gtfo my goods.
Why are these getting undercut? They sell "very fast" and they sold that way at a much higher price.
Please stop undervaluating your craft. It takes a lot of time and gil to get to the point of being able to make these, and ppl will buy them anyway.
I do not see the need to lowball the price of something that sells at about 20 stacks per day.
There is room for everyone at that rate, and at a higher price.
Sorry to those of you that just buy these, but we cooks are tired of selling at a loss, or at very little gain for the time involved in even making some of these foods.
(I will probably be rated down for saying this, but it needs to be said.)
Ascrookshanks is right in recent weeks on Valefore these have dropped as low as 21k and are now go for about 25k on average for stacks for something that has sold for 35k+. This is not really due to market flooding but just price cutting. <_< Makes no sense even with new and more people they sell fast and frequently some loss in price would be expected but 14k+ reallly? ; ;