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矢筒【血ボルト】  x12   一個
『ブラッディボルト』を収納する武具。 多数のボルトを携帯できる。
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在庫 0
落札率 Dead Slow (0.022 件/日)
中央 120,000
上限 150,000
下限 10,000
平均 113,800
ラスト 120,000
24 Days 前120,000
1 Months 前150,000
8 Months 前10,000
17 Months 前100,000
GilPrice History2/247/1911/243/1010/220k25k50k75k100k125k150k175kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
取引履歴 (25)
Mar. 4, 2025FuqnutPixelmage120,000
Feb. 15, 2025FuqnutPixelmage150,000
Jul. 26, 2024PatulotKamof10,000
Oct. 24, 2023ReismundusBleary100,000
Oct. 22, 2023ReismundusMontaine100,000
Jul. 9, 2023HakutsuruJacuzzi100,000
May. 11, 2023ChaarleynLordkilla100,000
May. 1, 2023ChaarleynDrathien100,000
Apr. 22, 2023HakutsuruShiroineko100,000
Mar. 10, 2023StallionessKudooadoo120,000
コメント (15)
Shiva.Cjudge[Report] スコア: 16
One reason the prices on these jump so much is because of the Conquest standings. If 2 nations are tied for 1st no one is able to make quivers, which makes the price go up signifigantly. It's not always "RMT" or "price cutters" as much fun as it is to blame them.
2009-03-02 09:54:53
Siren.Freestyle[Report] スコア: 11
@ Liminality
From what I've seen, it's very difficult to monopolize on a consumable like this. Even if you have 28 stacks up at +30% auction rate, many buyers will simply not pay that high a price, and other sellers are going to notice a huge supply on the market, not necessarily knowing it's all owned by one individual, and therefore price their wares lower. Therefore flooding the market like this can put downward pressure on prices even if it's mostly controlled by one individual.

To truly monopolize on a consumable like this, I believe one would have to buy every item that came on auction at a modest price, and sell their supply slowly at at inflated price - something that's easier to do with rarer, more valuable non-consumable items with no close substitutes.
2009-04-15 14:46:30
Midgardsormr.Xeonfire[Report] スコア: 6
Crafting these at the right time high level woodworker can squeeze 5 full stacks out of 99 bolt heads effectively mass producing them, this means they can sell them much cheaper then a mid level crafter and still make a tidy profit. And if that crafter as a friend who can make the bolt heads cheaper (and they normally do) they can afford to to go even cheaper if the market calls for it. I've been making this for about 3 years and prices varying by 20-30k from week to week is nothing new.
You can complain all you like about the ppl under cutting your prices but it's basic economics if someone can make them cheaper they can sell them cheaper and still make the kind of profits that others can only make selling them at a higher price. if you can't beat them on price you need to either; wait for the ppl selling them cheaper than you to run out of stock then sell, or make something else.
2010-01-13 22:51:04
Bahamut.Kindadarii[Report] スコア: -1
That's like that for a vast majority of items that are commonly available in both stack and single form. Many times the stack will be cheaper as more incentive for people to buy them -- Buy a large quantity from me and I'll give you a little discount.

And yes, you're right, people SHOULD be charging at least 12 times the COST of one quiver. But remember that selling price is =/= cost. People who sell stacks frequently are still making more profit on them, they're just trading a little bit of profit for increased sales volume, which isn't a bad thing if you're like most people and craft a full stack of bolt heads at a time (minimum of 33 quivers if all NQ, up to around 65 if you time it right). Do you really want to sell even 33 quivers 7 quivers at a time for a measly 833 extra gil per quiver?

Also, last I checked quivers also tend to go for more than stacks of bolts, convenience is being charged for, so everything in your argument is flawed.
2010-10-19 22:22:51
Gilgamesh.Khara[Report] スコア: -3
What I really don't understand about some of the prices on these quiver stacks is that people are undercutting themselves significantly. On Gilgamesh, 1 Bloody Bolt Quiver is 5,000. 12 Quivers sell for 50,000.

5,000 x 12 =/= 50,000 - 5,000 x 12 = 60,000

People should be charging -at least- 12 times the cost of one quiver, if anything tack on an extra charge for the convenience of quivers. Not to mention you went to the first ranked nation and quivered them. Stop undercutting each other and make more money.
2010-06-15 18:15:34
Gilgamesh.Militis[Report] スコア: -5
Guys stop complaining about the price changes. It happens. And it's going to happen no matter how much you complain. It's how the market corrects itself. And the sooner you all realize this and stop complaining about it on just about every item page, the better for all of us.

These are a nice bolt that drains HP from the target and cures the user. The amount drained appears to be dependent on the user's INT. These are a great companion to farmers.
2009-02-13 10:28:47
Phoenix.Emphulax[Report] スコア: -7
Rodrod, suggesting arbitrage is exactly what Ian SHOULD be suggesting. Without transparent pricing arbitrage is the only means available to ensure an efficient market and, by extension, the fairest prices.

It doesn't matter who's buying and who's selling because an arbitrageur only cares about the price being agreed to. If there is a large gap between the stack price and the individual price, there is an inefficiency in the market. The arbitrageur's profit, then, is his due wage for acting to correct that inefficiency by changing supply and demand. No transaction is one-sided.

I've been doing arb plays since I started this game, and this is one of my favorites. On my server the market is currently "efficient" but that is how arbitrage works: people will to continue to take advantage of the disparity in supply and demand until there is no profit in it, at which point they move on to the next gap in the market and/or wait for the window to re-open, as very often happens i
2008-08-24 02:38:28
Titan.Tahoma[Report] スコア: -7
these arent that bad t make, the only reason i think they would ever cost so much is because too many ppl are just too lazy to go farm these items, i've gotten 3 offers to have a stack made and all i had to do was farm up the mats, just go to bost under sandy and farm the ghosts and hounds there, as for the bloods go to pashow and farm the leeches, get someone to make heads for you (cheap as hell) then being lv16+ woodworking grab some stacks of ash lumber(again farm them up by logging and using wind crystals to synth into lumber) and a couple of earth crystals and wala BLOODY BOLT
2009-12-15 23:17:03
Pandemonium.Mordot[Report] スコア: -8
Cjudge, its a rare event on our server to tie and sure they went up from 40k-70k that week as expected. but to drop to 25k afterwards done by only one person? after 2 weeks of seeing his name 80% of the time nobody had a choice but to follow or leave...
Militis? complaining about complainers? LOL
Nainebel...check the pandy page for these bolts. We just now, as of this writing, climbed back from 20K to 30/33K a stack...BTW the tie was almost 2 months ago and that's about as high as it gets right now unless there's a run on them.
FYI..i only craft bolts now just to undercut that one particular under cutter when i see his run start..the more i can slow him up the better i now feel. (sorry to everybody else. Meanwhile I've moved on to a completely different craft the one he buys his material from......

I know this senseless but right now that's how angry i am at the 1 person who started it all, so if anybody wants great deals on acid or bloody bolt quivers..buy them in Jueno/Pand
2009-03-08 09:43:32
Leviathan.Satchy[Report] スコア: -9
@ Militis
Yes, prices do change, but they shouldn't be changing by ~10k at a time. The people that undercut by such big amouns are just screwing everyone else, and themselves, over.
2009-02-22 16:42:36
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