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ほうき星のかけら   Ex
天から降ってきたと伝えられる石。 周囲に微量のガスや粒子を帯びている。
情報 [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
コメント (2)
Leviathan.Dazzler[Report] スコア: 2
I got this by wearing the Himegami yukata and winning the (Hard mode)chocobo event game @Windy Woods K12

Used to make "Celestial Globe"
Synthesis Recipe
1 x Cosmic Designs
1 x Comet Fragment
1 x Puny Planet Kit
2011-08-02 18:34:21
Asura.Plikt[Report] スコア: 0
Obtainable by winning the "Hard Mode" at Mini-game NPC while wearing specified gear. The item that you need to equip to unlock the "Hard Mode" at the Mini-game NPCs varies each year. You will be automatically rewarded Comet Fragment if you have won.

I obtained mine wearing Starlet set and scoring 36 chicks on the Chocobo Mini-game (Sunbreeze Festival 2022).

Used to make "Celestial Globe"
Synthesis Recipe
1 x Earth Crystal
1 x Cosmic Designs
1 x Comet Fragment
1 x Puny Planet Kit
2022-08-16 00:11:06
スクリーンショット (2)