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革工サインボード   Rare Ex
革細工師の看板。 調度品の一種。
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コメント (2)
Hades.Neosephiroth[Report] スコア: 0
These grant you a new mog enhancement, Moglification: your craft here. Has an element strength of 10, overpowering your other guild furniture. This new enhancement grants skill+ as well as a higher chance of retaining materials during failed synths. I have attached screen shots of my Goldsmith's Sign to my profile for those interested.
2008-01-03 09:40:32
Hades.Paco[Report] スコア: 0
This doesn't give Moglification: Leathercraft. This alone gives Moghancement: Leathercraft Skill (LC skill +1); the Golden Fleece alone gives the same; the Signboard & the Golden Fleece together give the Moglification (skill +1 as well as reduced chance of lost materials from a break), as long as your ice isn't overpowered by another element in your furniture setup (careful with those bahuts et al.!).
Here's an example I came up with of a furniture setup that will give "powerful" ice energy (51+), which in theory I suppose should further heighten your chances of keeping materials via the Moglification (unconfirmed?):
1x Golden Fleece: 9 Ice/1 stg.
1x Tanner's Signboard: 10 Ice/1 stg.
1x Bronze Bed: 6 Ice/1 stg.
1x Stationery Set (easy Windurst quest; ra/ex): 3 Ice/1 stg.
8x Bonbori (from Doll Festival 2008, now found in bazaars; fairly small floor space): 3 Ice/2 stg.
- Sky Pot (a better #3 piece but difficult to obtain via quest): 5 Ice/7 stg.
2008-08-09 01:40:11
スクリーンショット (1)