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BFバルワク+1   Ex
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防112 HP+22 MP+29 盾スキル+107 盾発動率+5 被魔法ダメージ-25%
LV 99 戦 赤 ナ 獣 侍
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コメント (4)
Asura.Dragomair[Report] スコア: 4
SE has reported that this shield has an approximate damage reduction of 50%.
(Ochain being 60%)
2014-03-12 17:07:17
Valefor.Tsurara[Report] スコア: 2
To be able to get this, you must first have the base Beatific Shield from Yorcia Wield skirmish. Then, you must get a special Key Item from Outer Ra'kaznar Skirmish, which will be taken to one of the tarutaru's in Western Adoulin's Inventor's Coalition. He'll require both the item and the Key Item, and voila, +1 shield!
2014-07-08 13:17:42
Fenrir.Arziet[Report] スコア: 0
Does Successful chance of block +5 mean 5%?
2014-02-27 07:58:46
Bismarck.Kuroganashi 表示 スコア: -13

"Does Successful chance of block +5 mean 5%?"

No , Block Rate on NQ = 75% so this adds 5% more making it a total of 80% BLOCK RATE :D

Ochain is 100% !!!

But this is an amazing shield for BST RDM ! or any PLD that doesnt have Ochain yet


Hope this helps out clear some of the confusion.
2015-10-28 00:03:04
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