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DPS: 4123 D156 隔227 DEX+30 命中+40 飛命+40 魔命+40 片手刀スキル+269 受け流しスキル+269 魔命スキル+269 空蝉の術範囲化 空蝉の術:パーティメンバーへの分身-2
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コメント (3)
Lakshmi.Buukki[Report] スコア: 17
Oniel, what the hell are you talking about "the little DT-% options out there that it has"?

Ninja has access to Malignance set at the bare minimum, and the new Nyame set that is "All Jobs". Not to mention literally every other -DT% gear that light DD jobs can use. Ninja also has the ability to break 3500-4200+ HP with the correct set, and even gets Scherzo via Migawari. With unlimited shadows. With unlimited hate potential. Now while providing everyone else shadow support.

I swear, a lot of the misinformation about Ninja comes from people who haven't a clue about how the job works.
2021-04-14 12:20:02
Odin.Senaki[Report] スコア: 4
Either Nins will be able to tank again due to AOE enmity gains or Nin will be a heck of a party buffer.

Either way a win for Nin.
2021-04-14 05:47:38
Odin.Oniel 表示 スコア: -31
Yeah, it does seem like AOE enmity gain from utsusemi which is very promising. But after that nin gets hate, then what? Just gonna die anyways with the little DT-% options out there that it has. I still support thiis, though.
2021-04-14 10:40:30
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