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DPS: 3347 D251 隔450 両手刀スキル+242 受け流しスキル+242 魔命スキル+188 敵対心-10 残心+5 残心:時々2回攻撃+5%
LV 99 侍
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コメント (6)
Ragnarok.Exavion[Report] スコア: 0
NPC: Oboro - Port Jeuno (E-6) Qufim entrance

Items required: 150 of either Beitetsu, Riftborn Boulder, or Plutons.
1 Cehuetzi claw
1 Jindachi
1 Butachi

Completion of any SKCNM on "Difficult" or higher.

Completion of any High Tier Battlefield fight on "Normal" or higher.

Obtained title from any of the Delve megaboss.
2014-04-27 21:01:38
Sylph.Safiyyah[Report] スコア: 0
Tsurumaru will beat this just about everywhere. This isn't a bad great katana, but Save TP +25 (along with 15 ACC) can't be beaten in Ionis zones short of Kogarasumaru.
2014-07-17 12:28:08
Shiva.Knightz[Report] スコア: 0
ASIDE from R/E/M.

if you lack ACC and ATT or want to build a ACC set, go with Tsurumaru.

If you like to WS/SC on your own, and u dont lack ACC and ATT, then this is the GK for you. Possible 4/hit build with this GK and a good sTP set that meets or exceeds the "Save TP 250" from shark GK, makes for VERY Fast and i mean VERY Fast WSing.

Possible to do 6 WS/SC Darkness with this GK without the use of meditation, Sekkanoki, Hagakure, Konzen-ittai.

IMPO: Shark GK beats this GK by a VERY small fraction... every so often.

Gekko>Yukikaze>Kasha>Yukikaze>Kasha>Gekko. Try it, you will love it.
2014-09-18 10:58:50
Asura.Babyseal[Report] スコア: 0
Upgradable to Rank 15 with Oboro for 300 additional Beitetsu, riftborn boulders or plutons (1st sets the type and does not count towards ranks then add 299 of the SAME type)

Accuracy +70
Weapon Skill Damage +5%
Double Attack +5%

Having the Kurikaranotachi.
The Key Item:"Scintillating Rhapsody", obtained from the final Rhapsodies of Vana'diel Mission, must be obtained first in order to begin the augmenting process for these items.
2016-03-26 00:55:37
Asura.Qiqirnmercenary[Report] スコア: 0
Accuracy +70
Weapon Skill Damage +5%
Double Attack +5%
2018-02-25 11:48:51
Lakshmi.Ryanx[Report] スコア: -6
what is better this or shark gk?
2014-04-13 02:00:46
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