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コメント (9)
Shiva.Chikatsu[Report] スコア: 9
more problematic, is that unless damage from Automatons is significantly boosted, these new weapons which have 2-3 times the damage potential of previous H2H weapons, the Automaton falls FAR behind that of the master.

this is a problem facing all the pet jobs right now that it doesn't seem like SE has fully thought out by blasting the old weaponry out of the water.
2013-05-03 08:03:22
Bismarck.Bloodrose[Report] スコア: 8
Can be augmented with 3 different set types:
Type A is Attack
Type B is Accuracy
Type C is Evasion
Each augment requires the use of "Mezzotinting", and Airlixirs/+1/+2
2013-05-02 07:17:58
Bismarck.Macross[Report] スコア: 7
Don't worry buddy, with the new animator your robot gains +70 to all stats which should make it strong.
2013-05-04 11:23:32
Bismarck.Alana[Report] スコア: 5
@ Bigpete the KI is permanent

the rest of your post is ok thou
2013-05-04 03:29:44
Carbuncle.Bigpete[Report] スコア: 2
Obtained by possessing a 'Semi-pure celadon yggzi' (temporary key item) and trading Forri-Porri npc near the Inventors' Coalition in Western Adoulin, costs 30,000 Mweya Plasm
2013-05-02 05:20:37
Cerberus.Detzu[Report] スコア: 0
Middle finger Baghnakhs!!
Great but really ugly...
2013-05-09 06:18:25
Phoenix.Nephilipitou[Report] スコア: -1
Who cares if the Auto is or isn't benefiting as much as the master. If you're that worried turn it into Whm auto and go all out let your puppet keep you alive, and land some spells.

It's not like monk can benefit from any of that automaton stuff and nice fists are nice fists. Kinda glad I didn't work on a Pup Nuking set.
2013-05-04 03:54:26
Bismarck.Faelar[Report] スコア: -5

It does say for Automaton.
2013-05-03 20:56:26
Sylph.Safiyyah 表示 スコア: -10
@Bloodrose- do you mean Pet Attack, Pet Accuracy, or Pet Evasion?

These are a nice H2H for pups looking to enhance their pet, but the pet stats on them are problematic. They would be far better if the stats were Auto: Atk, Auto: Ratk, Auto: Matk., with a possible accuracy augment.
2013-05-02 10:49:21
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