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DPS: 1629 D+76 隔+51 格闘スキル+162 ガードスキル+162 魔命スキル+126
LV 99 モ か
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コメント (4)
Bismarck.Baalthus[Report] スコア: 1
Changed Attribute Description- "DMG:+85 Delay:+51 Hand-to-Hand skill +162 Guarding skill +162" changed to "DMG:+76 Delay:+51 Hand-to-Hand skill +162 Guarding skill +162"

With this the more accurate DPS math for MNK is as follows:

DPS = [(H2H skill * 0.11 + 3 + DMG of weapon) * 60] / (280 + Delay of weapon) * 2 fists

Rigors: ((424 + 162) * 0.11 + 3 + 90) * 60 / (280 + 60) * 2 = 157.46 * 60 / 340 * 2 = 55.57
Ninzas +1: ((424 + 162) * 0.11 + 3 + 76 + 10 max augment) * 60 / (280 + 51) * 2 = 153.46 * 60 / 331 * 2 = 55.63
Oats: ((424 + 228) * 0.11 + 3 + 126) * 60 / (280 + 96) * 2 = 200.72 * 60 / 376 * 2 = 64.06
2013-10-09 05:12:50
Seraph.Jacaut[Report] スコア: 0
Just got DMG+8 AGI+2 and DA+1
Verdigris stone +2
2013-08-22 13:27:42
Asura.Zanthanine[Report] スコア: 0
Got DMG +9 Dex +7 MDB +3% with a +2 stone
2013-08-25 09:17:31
Lakshmi.Aliandria[Report] スコア: 0
DMG +8 STR +5 Crit hit +1
Verdigris stone +2
First try.
2013-09-07 06:12:53
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