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DPS: 1224 D41 隔201 魔攻+5 スナップショット効果アップ カードの知識
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コメント (5)
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] スコア: 4
This is for the COR who makes use Meleeing.

Now that Quick Draw gives TP, its not always in your best interest to Switch to Elemental staves that match for maximum damage. So a good strong Dagger with great benefits and offhanding something a little better (Joyeuse? Merc.Kris?).

This won't be the dagger for quickest TP gain, but its benefits i would think might outweigh its negatives.

(Edit: @ Afania, Yes I know, Thats why i said "This won't be the quickest dagger for tp" Pretty much Implying its not the best for every situation, But also implying after it still might be worth its uses. Thank You for pointing out what I already said though <3)
2011-01-19 20:59:01
Ramuh.Kyrael[Report] スコア: -3
:Q swweeeettt
2010-12-07 09:59:35
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] スコア: -5
Decent for building TP on quick draw while kiting as you always did, then tossing in a quick WS for an extra burst of damage. It's not the best for anything, just a nice Hybrid.
2011-01-18 16:53:23
Ragnarok.Afania 表示 スコア: -18
I'm sure it has it's uses, but as a melee weapon it's dmg is not higher than Yataghan with right augment, and not gaining TP faster than Twilight/Joy/MK. As a melee weapon It's easily replaceable with other melee options. Yataghan with right augment for Evi WS/melee dmg, Twilight/joy/MK if you want TP. The only advantage of this dagger as a melee weapon is MAB+5, which barely makes a difference especially comparing with all the DPS/TP you lose.

I'm just pointing out that besides meleeing, this is the only snapshot weapon on weapon slot, if you don't need rose strap for x-hit, have courser's roll, and not spamming fire shot only this is a good /ra or pulling weapon.
2011-01-29 18:09:43
Carbuncle.Colenzo 表示 スコア: -34
if you use this you're *** retarded
2011-09-14 14:37:48
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