I did two runs in Grauberg with this for my dnc. First run I got Dmg+3, Subtle Blow +5, additional effect: light dmg +11.
Second run I got: Double Attack+1,
Subtle blow +4.
If your running your Dnc on a DD-setup this isn't a bad alternative.
Keep in my the Ogre Jambiya itself will retain the Main Hand Dmg of 28 even after augmenting. Good Luck!
Assuming your crafts are high enough to craft ingredients needed, here is this items true cost:
1 x Silver Ingot: Ores are bought from NPC and crafted so only cost is around 1500 gil per ingot
1 x Darksteel Ingot: Darksteel ingots are crafted from darksteel and iron ores. Iron ores cost around 300 each from guild NPC and darksteel ores can be farmed from certain antican and some worm NMs and mined in certain areas. They also can be found in some treasure caskets in the past. Otherwise, they go for around 3k each.
1 x Sunstone: Sunstones can be found in coffers.
1 x Mercury: Mercury can be crafted from 4 cobalt jellyfish and can be farmed from magic pots, dolls, and hecteyes
1 x Buggane Horn: These can be found from Campaign Unions.
True cost: 2400 gil
Any ingredients that are NPC sold for less than 100 gil will be considered no cost.
anything i missed or why is this so overpriced?
there are not many dnc on this server tho and the available items are still *** - most of them.no clue why ppl are trying now to overprice this nice alternate weapon -.-