Rumor has it, all KS30s have a chance to drop Pole, Sword, and Claymore. I did 6 ODS runs two nights ago, and 3/6 runs dropped a Strap. Drop rates appear to be pretty good. Come next week, all straps will probably be affordable to most everybody.
This item, like Brutal Earring, DOES grant Double Attack to jobs which do not have it already. On DRK/SAM equipped with only this for Double Attack, two consecutive damaging hits are observed (not confused with Zanshin!), and Guillotine TP returns occasionally return 1% more TP with higher damage, suggesting a Double Attack proc.
Conclusively, I received a 4% TP return Guillotine, suggesting the first hit missed, the last three hits connected, AND a Double Attack hit connected.
I rarely see a level 60+ that carries two handed weapons without one of these grips. It helps out with a lot of jobs especially ones that don't /war. My DRK/SAM gets approx. 15-16TP a hit, and with the addition of this grip my TP has increased greatly.
To goldmember, and all you other people complaining about the price droping. It cant be helped, whit all the KS burn groups, and to be frank, its a good thing. Keep in mind that the grips was introduced to make up for the dual users. As much as a 2nd weapon may cos abit and such, the reason the grips exist is to make it fair to 2handers, so the few grips out there should not be to hard to get.