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ペルデュシックル   Rare Ex
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DPS: 1054 D88 隔501 潜在能力:D93
LV 73 戦 黒 暗 獣
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コメント (5)
Garuda.Xjam[Report] スコア: 12
Hidden Effects: Attack+14, Accuracy+5
Both Latent & hidden effect works when ur TP<100% (works for WS also)
2008-02-23 13:42:31
Shiva.Xiae[Report] スコア: 10
Price: 40,000 Imperial Standing Mercenary Rank: Chief Sergeant

Name Location
Famatar Al Zahbi F-7
Falzuuk Al Zahbi G-6
Asrahd Aht Urhgan Whitegate I-8
Nabihwah Nashmau H-6
2007-12-21 19:07:57
Fenrir.Gradd[Report] スコア: 6
In terms of Weaponskill Damage Perdu is not that impressive and wont put out as big numbers as other higher Damaging scythes.

What really makes this Scythe shine is the low Delay 6-Hit Drk/Sam(Same Delay as Naglering) which puts out a very nice DoT over other scythes. Faster Weaponskills = More Damage over Time.

Is this the best Scythe? Short Answer: No.

Drk unfortunatley doesnt have One OMG WTF Amazing weapon like Sams have their Hagun, or Dragoons with their Vforks.

Properly Geared other Scythes can and WILL outdo Perdu. In the end its all preference, playstyle and how you gear yourself.

This is still an amazing scythe, but other Scythes such as Tredecim should not be underestimated by any Means~
2010-01-28 15:03:27
Unicorn.Ninetales[Report] スコア: 0
Perdu is facing stiff competition from the Magian scythes (particularly the 105 DMG one), but its ATK and ACC bonuses are still highly attractive.

As far as BST goes, Perdu is the best you can get.
2010-05-05 00:30:15
Bahamut.Raenryong[Report] スコア: -8
DMG is not a large factor when comparing high level Scythes, since it becomes increasingly less significant as base damage becomes higher.

An increase of 1DMG on a 30DMG Dagger is 1/30; an increase of 1DMG on a 93DMG Scythe is 1/93: significantly smaller. During WS, your WSC term will be adding to this, making the increase even smaller still.

Perdu is powerful because of its delay, firstly: this is enough to beat Tredecim/Death NQ without any further input. Secondly, accuracy+5 which can be used either to make you suck less, possibly eat Red Curry, or use Blitz Ring etc.

Finally, the Attack maintains its value more or less and so can actually be better than the higher DMG in a hit-for-hit basis anyway.

Basically, Perdu is the best nonrelic Scythe in most situations.
2010-01-31 10:19:48
スクリーンショット (3)