Obtained through the quest "Inside the Belly" in Selbina. That quest is the last quest of a series of quest in Selbi and it require fishing level 30+. Trade a Ryugu Titan(level 100 fish caught on the Ferry)to Zaldon at fishing guild and obtain 800gil or the very rare Mercurial Sword. I can tell i caught Ryugu Titan in the level 50's of my fishing skills. Can break Lu Shang's Fishing Rod. Good Luck!
Even if that were true, which it's not, the maximum amount of attacks per round is 8. And don't you think that if that were true, someone would have figured it out by now? Rather than just one clueless NIN refuting raw evidence.
❝Just for the record, I swear this has a worse rate than bloody Ebisu items ><❞
@Littlewolftamer: Maybe I got lucky with the sword, but both the Ebisu Fishing Pole items have a much lower drop rate. The 2nd item drop rate for the pole seemed even worse! I really hated it!!! >..<
In addition to the tp/dmg reduction lost from your shield your also feeding the mob way more tp w/ this then any sword, situationally useful for pld/dnc but for most situations probly not worth giving up your shield for.