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DPS: 2267 D34 隔90 飛命+5 追加効果:攻撃力ダウン
LV 60 戦 赤 シ ナ 暗 獣 狩 侍 忍
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情報 [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
在庫 0
1D価格 10,000 (10,000 per)
落札率 Dead Slow (0.001 件/日)
中央 550
キャラ一覧: [所有中] [装備中]
上限 110,000,000
下限 1
平均 11,002,932
ラスト 1,000
24 Months 前1,000
26 Months 前13
59 Months 前100
59 Months 前110,000,000
GilPrice History9/215/150M100M25M50M75M125MExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
取引履歴 (10)
Apr. 5, 2023FerirosuExpos1,000
Jan. 21, 2023PokonAwunsevin13
May. 22, 2020YeiraKhay100
May. 15, 2020RemfreyDrizzyelf110,000,000
May. 15, 2020CheeagoRemfrey1,000
Mar. 16, 2020SandyvagWsqacarry100
Jul. 17, 2019TenpetraonZeroburning1,000
May. 23, 2014PinegatePinegate101
Jun. 26, 2007OrigoOrigo1
Sep. 21, 2006DdvodGillians26,000
コメント (10)
Phoenix.Joz[Report] スコア: 42
These can be made into Demon Quivers from Nokkhi Jinjahl.

Also the Attack down effect imposed on an enemy is 12.5%.
2008-01-16 18:37:55
Bahamut.Flowingwillow[Report] スコア: 34

Link to quiver that links you to your server. Darkslitter's links to Fenrir's server price.
2009-04-05 23:51:20
Leviathan.Kosal[Report] スコア: 4
LOL "Better than Angon" srsly? Angon is def down, not atk down.
2010-06-13 03:36:41
Fenrir.Darkslitter[Report] スコア: 2
^Link to Quiver because I think there should be a link on here somewhere
2008-05-24 10:10:06
Remora.Xayd[Report] スコア: -1
Does the attack down effect stack with Bio?
2009-06-22 09:36:49
Leviathan.Shernock[Report] スコア: -3
Good profit if you get the Demon heads crafted ^^; well it was for me, 60k for a stack of demon heads, and 17k to make 66-99.
2008-01-08 01:06:44
Leviathan.Byohtsemoh[Report] スコア: -3
i dont believe the lvl of this craft is accurate. @lvl 65 ww - capped subs the break rate is insanely high. i have never gotten a skill up on a break.
2011-05-18 03:12:50
Caitsith.Laugana 表示 スコア: -16
Why do you guys undercut so much? These sell quickly enough at 5k a stack, why hurt your own profit margins by knocking 2k off? Just makes no sense...
2008-11-04 12:00:01
Kujata.Burrows 表示 スコア: -18
So ACP comes out, RNGs are high in demand, so carpenters see this as a reason to jack demon arrows from 40k for a stack of quivers to 100-120k a stack on Kujata. Ridiculous, *** ridiculous. I'm going to make a wood mule for the sake of undercutting you people taking advantage, just you *** watch. When you see your ***not ever selling, you'll know, "Goddamn Burrows..." The greedy *** pays, you'll *** see.
2009-05-04 23:06:35
Caitsith.Mrgalabama 表示 スコア: -27
what H_ LL!!! i leave 4 a for months n the price drop 2k. Stop undercutting the price. the was good profit 4 WW crafters. Now we have 2 take a loss or just break even.
2008-11-07 12:44:47
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id:3530 Woodworking (69)
デーモンアロー x991815910,0006,1670.18