Why are people excited over this and why is this over 1k? Let alone 100k where it's currently at. +Finale instruments do absolutely NOTHING to Finale beyond speculation. Military Harp was a joke and so is this. This does not affect Magic Accuracy (other songs do not work this way) and if it does the MACC it contributes is extremely insignificant to show up on tests. It can't increase potency, it doesn't lower recast timers, it doesn't do anything. BRDs who are buying this are essentially buying a level 1 song less flute. And to the BRDs who were Finaleing in Military Harp, sorry, just stick to whatever wind instrument you used last cause at least you are getting the greater base MACC of wind instruments.
I have no idea what took Square so long, but I think its about damn time they added a wind instrument for Finale.
Even saying so, they are still boning us with it since Military Harp is also +2 and nearly 50 levels earlier.
However, one must factor in the difference in offensive song accuracy between Wind and String. That said, Ney is horribly late in coming, but still welcome to the table.