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DPS: 1093 D82 隔450 HP+15 STR+2 敵対心+2 対ビースト:命中+7
LV 73 侍
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コメント (12)
Bahamut.Raenryong[Report] スコア: 36
This is generally worse than Onimaru and certainly worse than Hagun.

There is NO way that 7D and 2STR gives you 300 more WS damage in response to Kronik from Seraph.

Ushi will produce roughly 10% more DoT damage (being generous and assuming 2str will give you +1fSTR (50% chance of this) and using 5fSTR base) than Hagun, but Hagun will produce 18.8% more WS damage from the martial bonus.

7D and 2STR on a SAM WS will be approximately ~5% damage using 110STR.

10% TP damage vs 13% WS damage.
Ushi vs Hagun.

Make your choice, SAMs.
2009-05-09 16:42:24
Unicorn.Sedres[Report] スコア: 10
If (through unforeseen act of God) you find yourself at 300% TP before you WS, then perhaps this GK will serve you well.

For everything else, there's Hagun.
2009-06-07 06:46:57
Bismarck.Samanosuke[Report] スコア: 9
Then alythia all your Hagun owner's on Pandemonium must really suck...Ushikirimaru, may look a little more aesthetically pleasing to the eye, but in no way is better than Hagun :]. I'm not going to go through numbers because it looks like raenryong has taken care of that.
2009-08-18 23:16:06
Diabolos.Obliterate[Report] スコア: 4
To add on to what raen said, this is NOT better than hagun not even close,
the extra 10% dmg that you get from tping doesnt come close to the extra 300 dmg on ws. heres an example: you hit 150 with hagun, means you will hit for 165 with ushi.
with a 6 hit build thats 90 more dmg ushi has on hagun, until the ws where it is out damaged by 300 making
hagun a +210 dmg per every tp/ws round. Onimaru comes closer to hagun than this because of the +18 atk and even then will fall short.
2009-05-27 17:49:11
Odin.Southie[Report] スコア: 2
First off, this GK is awesome for starting out a HNM, GOD, some boss with 300 tp SATA for initial hate. But math does not lie. Why in God's name would you have more than 100 tp (you can still weaponskill if your waiting for sata...just be careful>. So switch to hagun afterthe first ws. I use oni and hagun. The tp mod's for SAM are so impotant. Any real SAM know that we are weaponskill builders... real damage...btw Sekkanoki? For example... 100 tp i could use after a grav sc could make 1k + 2k+/- on drkness. Instead of waiting for 200+ tp with ushi to pump out those numbers. Do a six hit drkness skillchain with oni and hagun using SAM 2 hour, and and compare the damage. Rate up Raenryong for the numbers. I just wanted to add the snowballing skillchain build damage that seemed not to be accounted for. Hagun is a fairly ez drop, and this rare drop is bazaared @ 500k.
2009-10-27 16:28:15 Delete
2009-10-27 16:39:37
Sylph.Penance[Report] スコア: 2
I'm with Raen on this there is absolutley no way in hell 7D and 2str add 300dmg to ws, i call total bs on your statement kronik. and no this not better than Hagun, yes i at one time had both and i tossed this because after extensive test i found it was a waste of space. and to add to what i find as an insult from Erdricko, you my friend are really stupid why is that poor people on this game find it so hard to believe that somebody can make 2.5mil gil w/o buying it? i'll tell you how i got mine, i'm 0/38 on SiAC this drop along with climbing the parradamo tor is reason alone why price is high so stop your bitching. so after my friend amaru said "I'll buy you a hagun if you offer me 1mil up front and pay 100k every fri til paid off. i said sure why not. Gave him a mil got my hagun, which paid off quickly because i did ugglyy runs, i solo avatars everyday on SMN for a free 60k, do Royal Ramble 300k 100% of time and other things. you guys should stop crying about the price and try farming
2009-12-30 22:16:58
Ragnarok.Erdricko 表示 スコア: -15
in defense of the people who actually use this weapon as opposed to the arrogant gil buyers you use hagun, think of endgame! mobs that have significantly higher defense values the extra damage (and STR) far outclasses hagun. Hagun only shines if you live your samurai career meriting colibri.
2009-09-03 20:29:50
Pandemonium.Alythia 表示 スコア: -20
Well im guesssing none of you use this weapon

I out damage every silly lil hagun using sam on my server, and proudly ^ ^(and i dont even have a str based set up for my equipment)

This sword has the hidden effect: "makes things die" just incase you didnt know.

Hagun is a gimp over priced ushikirimaru, simply a waste of gil

If your a SAM and you dont have relic and you just so happend to be in the pt that kills zip and this drops, try it out you wont be dissapointed
2009-07-15 15:21:57
Pandemonium.Uchihaobito 表示 スコア: -21
Ok first of all, who cares about Hagun besides Raenryong here who just gave everything but the birthdate about the stupid GK,all I know is, Ushi is free and it has STR+2.And yeah,most Hagun SAMs on our server do suck, its the Ushi SAMs that make them look like scrubs.
2009-09-17 07:28:28
Asura.Keyia 表示 スコア: -21
moaning over this is pointless, wen i still played i used both ushi and hagun and i can say i prefer ushi, hagun costs more an yea does do good WS damage but not always.
dont insult ushi if uve never used it, weirdly enuf it does in fact out power the hagun especially when fight high defense enemies at engame.
2009-10-25 20:08:21
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