I'll have to agree with what everyones said so far. heres a little info in acquired about this staff.
I've used for for a while now, months and months... This is probably the best Solo Staff for SMN out there, And not to mention with its damage its easy to keep out avatars by using Spirit Taker.
The Proc rate on this staff is Very high Indeed on Most mobs. Farming Gigantobugard i tend to have Higher then 50% proc Rate. (On Some mobs i've landed 10/10 hits for Additional Effect) Realisticly the Proc rate on TW/EP mobs is probably 30%, Maybe 25%.
The Additional Effect usually drains about 30~75HP, Like that of your average Bloody Bolt. Not like the Lolkatana Weapons that drain like 2~3.
Not bad? This staff is amazing. The proc ~50hp happens a few times a fight. Base DMG is quite good. I farm Attercops outside town with Fenrir, never need to rest. Remember INT + MND are Spirit Taker mods. I can crit 150+ its great, don't forget double attack strap.