After spending the last year or so making these by the hundreds, I can attest that there is no x66 HQ synth. I also took the liberty to correct the Wiki, as it had the correct information up about 6 months ago, but someone changed it.
If you have Alchemy already leveled and your looking for a more profitable way to turn the iron ingots you made leveling smithing, I would suggest making these
Some bullet-synths have x66 as HQ1, some do not. Either test it for yourself or rely on first-hand testimonials. Logic tells you what "might be" true, not what "is" true.
My comment saying " shows there is a "66" synth for this, and there's a "66" synth for the level 22 "Bullet", so I find it hard to believe this goes from 33 straight to 99." was mostly to say that either this page or wiki needs updating. Also just because you've never gotten something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. *prepares for more rate downs*