You can compare this to Ace's all day, but the fact is that for 99% of things you do, good old walmart turban is better than this.
The issue with askar hat is: if you need the acc from the dex, you /should/ have enough haste buffs to make the extra 1% haste on Walahra pull ahead (this includes the negligible increase from STR).
If you're in the shortbus party in northlands dynamis (or something similar) with no bard this might be handy.
If you can afford to drop some haste for a Rune Chopper / Catastrophe aftermath build because you're already at the haste cap it might also be worth considering.
Otherwise, stick to the turban.
Not a bad multi-hit WS piece if you lack a better alternative, though.
@ Patriclis
If I had to choose between askar and ace's for TP i'd still choose ace's. You aren't worrying about your crit hit rate when you're TPing. You are trying to gain TP as fast as possible without missing.
7acc > 3acc period.
The best use this has is in a WS macro, not the best, not the worst.
Other than that, unless you're capping haste in other gear the 1% loss from turban isn't worth the 2-3 acc, or the minimal gains from STR(2-3 att, possible fSTR)