NPC Resale Price: ~537 gil when fully charged or discharged.
NOTE: Teleports only yourself. Unlike the spell, this effect teleports only the user. Not rechargeable.
OBTAINED: Purchased with Allied Notes, Bazaar, or on the Auction House under the Armor > Rings category.
* Fourth Division (Bastok) > Bronze Ribbon > 5,000 AN
* Iron Rams (San d'Oria) > Bronze Ribbon > 5,000 AN
* Cobra Unit (Windurst) > Bronze Ribbon > 5,000 AN
* The spell will only function on characters possessing the Meriphataud Gate Crystal and have the Wings of the Goddess expansion pack both installed and registered. The key item can be obtained by traveling to I-8 in Meriphataud Mountains (S) and examining the Telepoint located there, underneath Drogaroga's Spine. (The Telepoint does not exist in the present day version of the zone.)
As of May 2011 update the recall and teleport rings have had their recharge reduced to one hour; purchasing several of these rings will allow you to complete the bottled pixie trials quicker.