For BLM the INT+4, MagAcc+2, and hMP+3 are unrivaled.
For BRD the CHR+4 and MagAcc+2 obviously help you obtain a lower resist rate on Lullaby and Elegy, and the Eva+5 helps a lot when pulling. However, you can argue in +Skill boots over these if you can hit the CHR cap without these (Say with an Etude or Marduk's Shalwar).
A *great* pair of for relatively easy picking. Obtainable from Nyzul Isle Investigation (assault) Floor 20, Adamantoise, Behemoth, or Fafnir.
Another awesome piece for scholar, i use these for puppetmaster as well for pup/sch, and slip them into sleep macro for solo chain #7 wamoura prince's in the mountain! (Yes i play pretend blm)
Best general useage feet for RDM.
4 INT, 4 MND - good for each type of enfeeb. the Int will also help out nukes a bit.
hMP - handy for all mages.
M.ACC - Good when fighting higher level monsters
Eva - Bonus, for soloing or RDM/nin tanking.
how can you lol at mage eva? do PvP some +eva on any melee mage is welcome there, mostly Whm and Rdm and Smn. + Its good for say campaign for the "+lolmageeva" so it can mitigate some of the dmg you take to yourself. and it's good for solo'ing and skill ups. So lol @ you Sephrin.