Though the price is high, this is one of the best neck pieces for farming lower-end mobs. Unless you're a PLD/DRK with a Parade Gorget, this is worth the money for long farming sessions.
As a 75 Drg/Blu in WoTG areas this is amazing for soloing, right now i have a barone corazza and this giving me 3hp/tic and 2 more from sigil and blu job trait.... dont even try to tell me +5hp/tic doesnt make a difference....
Like comments before have said: a very valuable piece for farming or fighting weaker monsters for long periods of time (Nyzul Weapons, anyone?).
Another use for this piece is in a SCH's "Sublimation" macro, where this piece will counteract the ability's DoT with regen. If you're using stoneskin, this still has use in healing back hp from other HP+ gears or previous damage taken. (Try using with Garden Bangles, too!)
There's a lot of comments about how these are good for farming, good for soloing, good for Sublimation... These things are ALL true, but the more simple comment to make is:
These are great for ANY idle set. I think we've all been in situations where we've lived an attack with scant HP left. I can think of a few times I've lived with exactly 1 HP left. Well, surely I've died by only a few HP as well. A tiny bit of regen can make the difference between living and dying.
After all, what else is going into the slot when idle? Repelling Collar is the only other choice (and this piece would still win for magic damage).
Excellent piece for longevity and TP in Campaign. Mobs aren't particularly evasive so you'll generally enjoy Atk+Regen more than Accuracy on your neck.
Additionally, with the Auto Regen trait, this means that BLU/SCH (my Campaign combo of choice) takes 0/HP tick damage from charging Sublimation. Just remember that you cannot rest still without a Stoneskin effect.
breaking weapon latents on robber crabs solo as war/sam full timing nonstop with this, herc ring, barone body, sigil, def food, defender and retaliation.
Amazing for SCH with with garden bangles(daytime only) or ixion cloak to completely negate sublimation's -hp, allowing you to keep sublimation up without having to cast SS.