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防44 HP+5% VIT+5 リジェネ ヒーリングHP+6
LV 74 モ
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コメント (3)
Bahamut.Reeve[Report] スコア: 8
Miley Cyrus???
2010-06-14 09:10:26
Caitsith.Pikarya[Report] スコア: 5
The posters on this page sound as if they have no clue with how Monk works.

For solo situations WHILE resting. This is the best body piece bar-none. This can be coupled with other Regen+ gear (such as neck, Sol Cap) etc. And works quite effectively for that purpose.

Other than that, it has no use but for your resting macros.
2009-05-19 06:29:50
Garuda.Midnightmemory 表示 スコア: -33
This was the most disappointing piece of AFV2 for my monk.
The HP bonus is godly.

Use it if you have no Shura Togi if you are DD.
If no shura use a scorpion harness.

For soloing/Tanking Kirin's Osode is the only thing better then this i think though.
2008-02-29 02:58:26
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