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アスカルコラジン   Rare Ex
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防49 STR+5 攻+12 回避+12 ダブルアタック+2% ストアTP+5 コンビネーション:HPmax+
LV 75 戦 ナ 暗 獣 侍 竜
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コメント (16)
Midgardsormr.Midnightjade[Report] スコア: 107
Drop from floor 80 boss in Nyzul Isle. Boss is Cerberus, Khimaira, or Hydra (random). Does not use GoH/Nerve Gas/Fulm on this floor.
2007-08-15 17:13:46
Ragnarok.Bsphilar[Report] スコア: 72
Of all the jobs that can use Askar, only DRG can't use a Haubergeon, making the Korazin far more valuable for DRG over the other jobs that can wear it.
2008-12-07 22:34:24
Fairy.Kaliber[Report] スコア: 24
Max HP Boost = HP is increased by 10% (base HP + equipment HP taken into account) when wearing the FULL set, not just multiple pieces if you were wondering.
2008-10-21 14:35:06
Unicorn.Sedres[Report] スコア: 21
If you can make up the acc and dex lost, this is a great upgrade from a Haub. And with the Store TP+5 it's easy for SAM's to hit that 6 hit build. Double attack is always a good thing too!
2008-05-19 08:04:45
Odin.Roark[Report] スコア: 10
A Sam with 5/5 STP merits needs 11 STP for 6 hit build. Full time this, Rajas and Brutal and you will never come up short.
2009-07-15 17:01:17
Ifrit.Jynxy[Report] スコア: 10
OK just flicking through i'm seeing alot of haubergeon/askar is better but this is simply not true. Neither is better than the other but both are situational depending on gear, merits etc.

For newer 75 sams or for people with not much accuracy elsewhere then the haubergeon(+1) is superior for the acc +10 and the dex which is 0.75*5 acc on top.

On the other hand the Korazin makes lower hit setups simpler for example a 5 hit is much easier with this piece and it allows a full haste 6 hit build instead of using the hachiman kote. The double attack is also a massive bonus imho as it increases the rate at which you gain Tp. with /war, brutal earring, pole grip and this you have 19% rate of double attack, and zanshin backup. The Korazin is also useful for those sams looking to follow the /dnc route without trading off a great body for a scorpion harness.

Hope this helps some people and sorry for the long post ^_~
2010-04-21 17:00:54
Bahamut.Raenryong[Report] スコア: 8
Hachiman Kote/Haubergeon > Dusk Gloves/Askar Korazin for SAM unless you're eating sushi (which you should aim not to).

This is a wonderful piece for DRG.
2009-04-08 10:52:58
Alexander.Erdrick[Report] スコア: 8
One of the best looking sets in the game in my opinion.
2010-03-05 13:16:35
Shiva.Sagagemini[Report] スコア: 5
This is some nice looking gear but haubergeon is still better for Samurai. There are so many pieces of gear for a 6 hit build you dont have to sacrifice so much accuracy. Unless you WS with Optical Hat, that would make you a lol Samurai anyway.
2009-06-22 10:12:25
Siren.Itachi[Report] スコア: -4
You can't go wrong with this body piece if you have capped merits on your weapon, great to TP in, the store TP and double attack own big time
2009-02-20 16:20:18
スクリーンショット (4)