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防40 HP+3% MP+3% MND+12 CHR+12 ファストキャスト効果アップ リフレシュ コンビネーション:ファストキャスト効果+
LV 75 白 詩 召
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コメント (9)
Fairy.Noh[Report] スコア: 9
Made from:

Lv.15: Anu’s Doublet - Bhaflau Remnants – Demented Jalaawa (Spawned by trading an Arrapago Card to the Slot on the 3rd Floor (100% drop rate))
Lv.25: Ea’s Doublet – Arrapago Remnants – Armored Chariot (7th Floor (???% drop rate))
Lv.35: Enlil's Gambison - Zhayolm Remnants – Poroggo Madame (5th floor North (~9.9% drop rate))

Imperial Wootz Ingot x12
Imp. Gold Piece x10
2009-04-08 16:57:28
Fenrir.Alijah[Report] スコア: 6
My comment was in response to someone else (who has since deleted it) saying that this was useless and a Gomlek and HQ Staves "was all you need to bard."

The Shadow/Valk is much better than this for debuffing, but for idling and party buffs, Gomlek/Manteel/Jubbah or even a Dalm will beat this out, since coat is sporting Phys Damage +6%. But yeah, I agree, the coat is > jubbah for debuffs. Im working on getting one at the moment, myself.

In closing: This is an awesome piece if you have the money for it. Im aware it's not 'the best' debuffing body, but it's certainly not useless. The point of my original comment (and this one) is that you can't really claim that 1 single body piece is all you need. Gear swaps, please. This is a luxury item, that doesnt make it a bad one by any means~
2009-08-12 12:09:57
Valefor.Shaddix[Report] スコア: 4
song casting time- is not the same as fastcast. It doesn't affect your recast at all, marduk is going to give you a lower recast on lullaby than yigit body will.
2009-03-22 07:45:42
Leviathan.Sargent[Report] スコア: 1
From a SMN perspective, still the best idle body in the game. The whole set is also the best casting set for SMN still.
2011-07-08 08:09:52
Caitsith.Fortytwo[Report] スコア: -6
To Alijah, I would just change earrings to Musical/Singing earring.
2009-03-07 21:10:16
Asura.Zekky[Report] スコア: -7
About the Yigit that you claim is awesome for refresh effect. For a BRD to be getting refresh, they'd have to equip the entire Yigit set and I don't see any BRDs stacking that entire set just for 1 MP/tic.

So unless that is the case, Yigit only has evasion and -song spellcasting time over this... While Marduk has auto-refresh with just one piece. And it's been determined Marduk has 5% fast cast... Are you really going to notice a 5% difference? Seriously?

I'll spare you the math for this quick situation.
Yigit + Foe Lullaby = 21.6 recast
Marduk + Foe Lullaby = 22.8 recast
Holy hell. So I get auto-refresh, bunch of pretty +stats, 5% fast cast BUT! I miss out on a whole 1.2 second recast.

HQ staves only do so much. That's like telling a RDM to not merit enfeebling magic but have HQ staves. Those will stick gravity and what not.

And +evasion shouldn't matter when fighting an HNM. You're buffing and debuffing.
Like what Ali said. Don't be a pull-***.
2008-10-17 06:19:49
Leviathan.Zhou 表示 スコア: -15
OBVIOUSLY the best piece for WHM
2009-09-06 02:38:24
null.null 表示 スコア: -19
"CHR caps at 100"

2008-09-11 23:53:25
Hades.Mizunos 表示 スコア: -23
Glaciont you're just jealous.
2008-08-21 12:16:21
スクリーンショット (3)