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防43 MP+40 命中+10 回避+10 敵対心-9 エンチャント:リフレシュ
LV 70 白 黒 赤 詩 召 学 GEO
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コメント (5)
Kujata.Galatea[Report] スコア: 2
Drops in Dynamis - Tavnazia.
2008-03-17 01:41:07
Leviathan.Pipps[Report] スコア: 1
A nice alternative to the Reverend Mail for WHMs that can be worn by the other mage type classes. I'll definitely be trying to get hold of one of these.
2013-05-21 21:26:23
Fairy.Prometheus[Report] スコア: 0
while I'd rather have a dalmatica or the relic RDM body, this is a nice piece for RDM: MP+40 enmity-9 and evasion+10 being the key pieces. raven jupon is comparable, but still lacking the MP unless you get a lucky augment.
2010-10-05 07:59:10
Gilgamesh.Rya[Report] スコア: -1
This is an excellent Enmity piece for SCH (-9), the next-best being Goliard Saio (-5). However, for RDM,WHM,BRD and even SMN: Raven Jupon is the same enmity (-9). Easy HQ; cheap nowadays.^^
2009-07-25 17:53:55
Quetzalcoatl.Itikuo[Report] スコア: -2
Solid Piece for the RDM's out there who like myself melee under certain conditions regardless of what the party says. Red Mages make the party so I find people don't care what I do as long as I do my job.
2010-05-01 16:34:43
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