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頭装備不可 防43 MP+25 INT+4 弱体魔法スキル+5 精霊魔法スキル+5
LV 56 モ 白 黒 赤 ナ 詩 狩 召 青 か 学 GEO RUN
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コメント (5)
Alexander.Johnson[Report] スコア: 22
Very nice for Blm at this level, drops from Centurio X-I in Quicksand Caves
2007-07-27 11:32:57
Remora.Beltenebros[Report] スコア: 8
Adding to the above: Enter QSC from East Altepa (K-7) and drop down to the left at the first ledge you see to get to the camp for this NM.

Drop rate seems fairly generous, 3/3 w/o any kind of treasure hunter ^^
2008-10-28 12:33:21
Asura.Zekky[Report] スコア: 3
Something to note about how great this body piece is nowadays with level sync and groups of BLMs exping in Vunkerl Inlet[S] until lv 70+, this piece of gear has a much longer use in purpose(as oppose to going to black cloak afterward). So instead of gimping yourself stats by syncing with AF hat, black cloak, errant, igquira set and other piece of gear, you'll be able to sync yourself with lvl appropriate gear if you find yourself in Vunkerl Inlet[S] frequently on your way to 75. ^^
2009-08-12 16:04:05
Ifrit.Preluder[Report] スコア: 2
Very good drop rate. Went 4/5 on this with friends. Had Th2 on 2 of the drops.
2008-12-17 23:23:07
Fenrir.Ktjrn[Report] スコア: 1
Centurio X-I is a lottery pop, with the Antican Signifier as the place holder in Room H-9/H-10 on Map 1. Can pop anytime after the 2.5 hour waiting period. I got mine 4 hours after the initial wait period. Happy hunting! =^..^=
2010-01-30 11:28:00
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