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エースホーズ   Rare Ex
[Legs] All Races
防29 攻+12 命中-10 ヘイスト+4%
LV 79 暗 侍 竜
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コメント (12)
Ragnarok.Runfrior[Report] スコア: 20
Ace really needs to stop losing his clothes to players. Next we'll get his shoes and shirt now that we have his hat and pants.
2010-06-23 02:55:28
Ragnarok.Skiutah[Report] スコア: 6
To agree with Sylph, Byakko's Haidate are still the best TP pants in the game (for the jobs that can wear it)

For DRK and DRG, these could beat Homam pants if you've got the accuracy to spare. That said, -10 is a pretty sizable hit for any DD's TP setup, so it really depends on what you fight.
2010-06-21 18:57:06
Unicorn.Sedres[Report] スコア: 2
DRG get away with their acc bonuses (assuming you're not using that to make up for say, askar body), SAM have Byakko's, DRK can use these for zerging with Feint..
2010-07-04 03:35:02
Carbuncle.Kaelthas[Report] スコア: 0
lol your comment made me think of this video:
2012-03-22 10:50:39
Odin.Derian[Report] スコア: 0
Desynthable with lightning crystal. Don't know what comes of it.
2017-12-27 21:56:06
Caitsith.Dipset[Report] スコア: -1
Agreed, Byakko's > Ace's. And agreed with Gradd, these are sweet for DRK.
2011-01-05 09:25:18
Cerberus.Mirril[Report] スコア: -2
Ace was jealous of how cool all the Beastmasters dress so he decided to one-up them.
2012-01-06 20:57:53
Fenrir.Gradd[Report] スコア: -4
For a Dark Knight with 5/5 Diabolic Eye Merits these legs are amazing for that that 3 minutes of your TP phase.

Swap back into Homam/Blitzer/Perle once Diabolic eye is down, easily done if you use windower/spellcast.

Also @Dasva, DRK is the ONLY job currently that cannot cap haste w/out an Apoc, so dont know what you are smoking kid~ These legs are amazing.
2010-10-07 00:35:33
Gilgamesh.Kunimitsu[Report] スコア: -5
So nearly amazing for drk >< 10 acc is alot to give up for 1%
2010-06-21 19:55:59
Sylph.Shaman 表示 スコア: -10
Haidate is still no1!
2010-06-21 18:49:40
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