this shield (and the HQ) can be etched with synergy. It can accept an Earth or dark upward triangle (vs family type evolith). Only one etching slot is available.
Earth type: +DEF vs Family
Dark type: +Magic Evasion vs Family
these bonuses are obviously only applicable while fighting mobs of the respective family of the evolith.
Great shield. I wear it all the time, decent Def, a bit of extra VIT, CHR which helps in fighting undead, not that I do a whole lot of but you never know, Enmity for keeping hate. All around a very good shield.
Oh I get it, that's why you are farming there. If you wanna be rude then lets play rudely. If I see you next time and you still do it, Ill treat you the same way.
One of the best shields for PLD at this level. Right now i full time one until i can get Terror Shield and is really good for CB as well, specially for /dnc the CHR helps as well. Of course Kaiser is better but i like others dont have the 4mil to shell out for one. Its really worth the current 200k on Pandy