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防52 命中+20 攻+20 クリティカルヒット+5% 残心効果アップ コンビネーション:ストアTP+
LV 75 戦 モ 狩 侍 忍
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Asura.Seraphical PM1,200,0001Port Jeunoabout 2 hours ago
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
コメント (29)
Caitsith.Zalnier[Report] スコア: 31
PW dead

set store TP = 20
2009-01-17 04:07:30
Remora.Nhahagolah[Report] スコア: 27
For MNK, only the usukane haramaki comes close and that's ONLY with the full set... otherwise, for all jobs, this wins, period.
2008-06-10 05:53:33
Cerberus.Hannako[Report] スコア: 22
@Phaal, I can't really see the logic in your post; only if you are considering that people who can get this can not get an Adaman Hauberk. Seeing as you are clearly talking about Warrior and its use of Ares's vs. This. Any person who is in a LS, good enough to kill PW, has an even greater chance to get an e.abj.body. Which if that is the case, Adaberk > Hachiryu, hands down, In my Opinion.
2009-01-17 18:18:49
Fairy.Phaal[Report] スコア: 19
@Caitsith I can't see how 12str and 4 att extra from ares body would be better than 20 acc and 5% crit from this body. WS in ares sure, but for tp this wins hands down imo
2008-07-04 12:07:46
Bahamut.Zorander[Report] スコア: 14
Drops from Pandemonium Warden which is the end all be all boss for the ZNM's.
2009-02-02 13:50:38
Seraph.Zagarikano[Report] スコア: 10
Best mnk body in the game period.
Anyone who thinks it isn't... show me a better peice.
This is the highest Acc body peice in the game while maintaining the NQ togi's 20 attack, and even has a 5% crit hit rate which will be monsterous combined with crit hit merits and destroyers. (and hollow earring,byakko haidate, rajas ring, blk tathlum all have dex as well, so the list goes on).
It even enhances zanshin effect.. this thing just doesn't want to let you miss your attacks.
according to test from apathy LS, the store TP bonus is +20 woth the set..
2009-01-20 09:49:16
Cerberus.Iamme[Report] スコア: 10
Just throwing this out there, Armada Hauberk is better than this for Warrior.
2009-05-28 21:25:39
Asura.Bokusa[Report] スコア: 4
Drophylla and Foxina are they same person, they have ripped off many players. They ask you for gil first normally on mule, than don't trade you the item. Don't buy from them, they don't have any of the items they bazzar. - On another note if anyone actually has a Hachiryu Haramaki for sale please PM me :)
2011-01-04 23:32:48
Phoenix.Bigbosshenry[Report] スコア: 0
hey everybody i just wanted to say that drophylla ripped 10mgil from me so becareful and he's going down
2010-11-25 17:02:38
Carbuncle.Serene[Report] スコア: 0
collector's item!
2011-12-06 08:56:11
スクリーンショット (6)