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[Legs] All Races
防53 STR+12 命中+15 攻+15 暗黒魔法スキル+15 ネザーヴォイド効果アップ コンビネーション:時々自身のHPに比例した攻撃力修正
LV 83 暗
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コメント (4)
Caitsith.Jar[Report] スコア: 13
@seraph.Rafik Ares' Legs have always sucked for DRK
2010-10-08 14:59:43
Fenrir.Gradd[Report] スコア: 9
Not really sure why Jar has been rated down, Ares legs have always been garbage for DRK especially inside of abyssea.

-3 INT and MND are bad for DRK WS when those are two primary mods for WS that DRK use, inside abyssea when FSTR autocaps then Ares really becomes garbage when the INT and MND start to matter much much more.

Either way these are beastly legs for every DRK WS.
2011-01-29 02:40:10
Seraph.Rafik[Report] スコア: 0
another great ws piece and dark magic +15skill are you kidding me

bye bye ares
2010-09-09 19:28:09
Ragnarok.Fafnir[Report] スコア: 0
Nether void (+50%) potency +25%
2014-04-24 17:43:32
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