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[Ear] All Races
MP+10 魔法スキル上昇率アップ
LV 91 戦 モ 白 黒 赤 シ ナ 暗 獣 詩 狩 侍 忍 竜 召 青 コ か 踊 学 GEO RUN
情報 [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
キャラ一覧: [所有中] [装備中]
コメント (10)
Leviathan.Alas[Report] スコア: 5
Got this earring for Smn Skilling and didn't notice any discernible difference in skillup rate. The pandas are sad.
2011-10-11 13:26:25
Bismarck.Siggymund[Report] スコア: 1
This earring, B.E.W. Pitaru and the Martial Master moogle power in Gustav Tunnel killing Boulder Eaters is a mages best friend.
2012-04-22 12:10:41
Valefor.Endoq[Report] スコア: 1
am i the only one that finds irony in spending days and days farming an item to save time skilling up when in that time you would most likely have already been capped if you spent that time actually skilling up?
2013-01-25 12:54:16
Quetzalcoatl.Guppeh[Report] スコア: 0
Japanese FFXI Wiki claims it gives +1% to skill gain rate:

2013-07-16 21:57:06
Shiva.Chikatsu[Report] スコア: -1
it likely used to say All Jobs, however with the incoming expansion it was changed in case they decided to not let the new jobs have it. this happened to Kraken Club before ToAU came out, and they decided to stop adding jobs to that item.
2013-03-12 14:39:26
Cerberus.Chalkoutline[Report] スコア: -1
Elusive earring....
2013-09-04 00:40:55
Shiva.Alistaire[Report] スコア: -2
@ endoq: farm this before adoulin, save time skulking p that ??? Category in magic (assuming GEO not RUN since they said RUN will be enhancing magic and JAs)
2013-03-02 17:54:43
Cerberus.Sephrin[Report] スコア: -4
Good only for those people you hate that say "OMG GUYZ 1/1 LOL!".
2013-01-25 15:15:03
Fairy.Esheep 表示 スコア: -21
just got it! (spent 14+hours)
2011-10-01 08:49:04
Unicorn.Kkcare 表示 スコア: -37
Obtained from a Brown casket in Gustav Tunnel.in like 20 min
2011-09-26 20:48:02
スクリーンショット (1)