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SRペタソス+2   Rare Ex
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防30 MP+41 魔攻+5 精霊魔法スキル+12 敵対心-5
LV 90 黒
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コメント (3)
Valefor.Houppelande[Report] スコア: 2
Can be further augmented with Adds "Increases Ancient Magic II damage" via Magian Trial 4969

Ancient Magic II damage +3% per merit level.

Trial 4969: 20,000 XP in Dynamis - Xarcabard or Dynamis - Tavnazia with item equipped.

Info provided by BGWiki
2012-02-16 13:43:32
Siren.Alexandercdxx[Report] スコア: 1
Disappointed that the Enfeebling skill goes by by.
2012-06-22 13:20:57
Asura.Fredjan[Report] スコア: -3
You can gain an "Increases Ancient Magic II Damage" augment on this by completing Trial 4969, 20000 EXP from Dynamis - Xarcabard / Dynamis - Tavnazia.

As for actual performance on this hat, there's higher MAB available when it comes to maximum damage, and Goetia Petasos +2 is better for accuracy not to mention casting time-12% just to "tip the icing on the cake". Strictly speaking, MAB+5 does beat INT+8.

In the long run though this is probably going to end up useful only for the thing it gets augmented for.
2011-12-19 18:29:53
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