Getting A Mythic Is... Annoying...

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getting a mythic is... annoying...
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Posts: 42658
By Jetackuu 2019-01-10 14:22:32  
Fone didn't say difficult, he said it requires people to be competent, there's a big difference.

I've done both, and hybrid setups, may be biased because I actually enjoy SMN but I do prefer that method. :D
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 1360
By Odin.Creaucent 2019-01-10 14:23:28  
Valefor.Angierus said: »
They're also cheaper to buy than Mythics.

Orly? I haven't spent a single gil on my mythic yet so unless I can buy one for 0 gil Mythics are cheaper.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Likos
Posts: 25
By Lakshmi.Likos 2019-01-10 14:25:40  
It's a lot of work, but everyone should go through making a mythic at least once. It's not all torture and grind. You experience a closed off part of the story you hadn't seen before, and while some of the assaults are a pain, there are some missions where you can really step back and appreciate them. Like
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
That's til you actually get into them and realize how much effort went into making them different to everything else you've ever experienced in the game. With Rhapsodies key item you can do Assaults back-to-back as many times as you want without waiting.

I mean if you've been playing FFXI for this long, you should make it a personal goal to make something you really want, regardless of how much effort you'll have to put into it. For instance; I didn't really care to have any specific Mythic weapon, but wanted to do it at least once. Only weapon I really really wanted was Chango, and I didn't want to merc it. So I went through with leveling up summoner, decking it out, making Nirvana just so I'd be more useful in finishing HELM. Not that it was required, but it expedited the process, and I had a lot of fun. ((And I grew to really like Summoner in the process)).

TL:DR- put on your big boy pants and play the game.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4324
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-01-10 14:27:01  
I wonder how many have all the Aeonics? I wonder how many have all the Mythics? One weapon type will have significantly more than the other.

The only reason a player chooses not to get all Aeonics is because half of them aren't any good (but if they were they'd get 'em all pretty quick). The reason a player chooses not to get all Mythics isn't because they are bad .. but because repeating it is a huge pain the arse. Anyone who makes anymore than one mythic must have crazy amounts of patience/time to kill.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3519
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2019-01-10 14:27:07  
On empys, I "merc" the more annoying items directly from SE by paying $1 a pop to activate my 15 mules every time Abyssea drops are in the monthly login campaign. At 64 items per campaign (4 per character, 1000 points each), that's more than a full set of T1 or T2 items per login campaign and close to a set of 75 T3s.

I am inherently lazy about building obnoxious pop sets, so you better believe I have 50 Glavoid shells on a mule from last Empy item login campaign, even with no immediate plans to make my "maybe one day" Twashtar.

FYI, we should be due for another VW item month in March. They basically cycle it in every 6th login campaign.

Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
adjustments made to the mythic path over time (either directly or indirect improvements):

1. Addition of Salvage II. You probably didn't play at ToAU release when the only source of Alexandrite was Salvage I, and the main boss isn't a guaranteed Linen drop like in ver.2. This added innumerable amounts of alex into the markets.

2. Reduction of Salvage timer from one permit per real life day to once per game day.

3. Reduction of Einherjar timer from 72 hours to 20 hours to 1 hour.

4. Adjustment to Nyzul Isle lamps, allowing 1 character to be able to hit even a 5 lamp "same time" within the new time limits.

5. Addition of the Nauls in Abyssea-Tahrongi for Zeni farming.

6. Removal of 3 person requirement for Salvage.

7. Reduction of Assault Tag regeneration from 1 per 24 hours to 1 per 10 minutes.

Mythics HAVE been made easier. quit whining.

All true, and in addition to your first two points, Ambuscade also massively helps Alex supply (not to mention HMP/Riftcinder/Riftdross for Empy).
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-01-10 14:27:20  
Odin.Creaucent said: »
Valefor.Angierus said: »
They're also cheaper to buy than Mythics.

Orly? I haven't spent a single gil on my mythic yet so unless I can buy one for 0 gil Mythics are cheaper.

Time = Money

Whether you buy those 30k alex or earn those 30k alex, they still cost ~150m. (*)shenanigans with bonanza
Posts: 8848
By SimonSes 2019-01-10 14:30:31  
I just had a good laugh. thx :)

50 chloris buds in a night ahahaha thats good.
Sure if you bring 30 ppl with ready pops, but how is that an argument lol. You cna take 3 friends that will do all Nyzul isle for you and call you every time you will need to click code lamp or get entry for next nyzul. You are the one that over exaggerate one thing under exaggerate other.

Please go to Tahrongi with 0 items and pops ready, without friends, even with a mule and farm 50 chloris buds. You will be my hero if you make it in less than 15h. Getting 2 chloris pops in 1hour is about what you can expect and you need WAR with every red !! WS and THF mule for TH (or war mule and thf main).

One Chloris pop requires:
7 items dropped randomly from mobs in 7 different parts of the map and running around those camps alone takes a lot of time. Getting pop item sometimes take several minutes even with th. Then You need to kill 4 nms with 100% drop rate. You lose 4 minutes wiaitng for ??? if you have a mule. Then you need to kill 3 popable NMs and proc red !! on them. You better have WAR with all red proccing WSs or you can lose a lot of time running to conflux and reseting NMS hate. Then you have one time spawned NM, which also requires red !!. If none else camp it, you are fine, if you have competition then you better be better at climing. You still need to wait 10-15min for another spawn for your mule.

If you are very fast and have some luck you should be able to make a pop for 2 chars in like 40 minutes. So avg 3 Chloris pops per hour. It usually takes around 35 pops to get 50 buds, so around 12 hours. That being siad I farmed around 400 glavoid shells (including 50 recently) and 300 Chloris buds and I never got 50 faster than in 15h and Im very efficient at it and have 2 mules.

EDIT: And all assaults are easy. Some can take 20 mins, but 80% of them takes 2-5 minutes. Ther eis only one super annoying one when you need to mien orichalcum ore and its completely luck based afaik.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4324
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-01-10 14:30:42  
I was thinking about that login points thing Capuchin. Thanks for reminding us lol. So Empy is that easy you don't even need to step foot in abyssea to get those items if you "pay2win".
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4324
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-01-10 14:31:25  
SimonSes said: »
I just had a good laugh. thx :)

50 chloris buds in a night ahahaha thats good.
Sure if you bring 30 ppl with ready pops, but how is that an argument lol. You cna take 3 friends that will do all Nyzul isle for you and call you every time you will need to click code lamp or get entry for next nyzul. You are the one that over exaggerate one thing under exaggerate other.

Please go to Tahrongi with 0 items and pops ready, without friends, even with a mule and farm 50 chloris buds. You will be my hero if you make it in less than 15h. Getting 2 chloris pops in 1hour is about what you can expect and you need WAR with every red !! WS and THF mule for TH (or war mule and thf main).

One Chloris pop requires:
7 items dropped randomly from mobs in 7 different parts of the map and running around those camps alone takes a lot of time. Getting pop item sometimes take several minutes even with th. Then You need to kill 4 nms with 100% drop rate. You lose 4 minutes wiaitng for ??? if you have a mule. Then you need to kill 3 popable NMs and proc red !! on them. You better have WAR with all red proccing WSs or you can lose a lot of time running to conflux and reseting NMS hate. Then you have one time spawned NM, which also requires red !!. If none else camp it, you are fine, if you have competition then you better be better at climing. You still need to wait 10-15min for another spawn for your mule.

If you are very fast and have some luck you should be able to make a pop for 2 chars in like 40 minutes. So avg 3 Chloris pops per hour. It usually takes around 35 pops to get 50 buds, so around 12 hours. That being siad I farmed around 400 glavoid shells (including 50 recently) and 300 Chloris buds and I never got 50 faster than in 15h and Im very efficient at it and have 2 mules.

Don't tell me how to Chloris .. I did it back when it was new and difficult.

Edit: Also see Capuchin's post .. which makes this stage even easier if you're willing to "merc" SE.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-01-10 14:31:39  
Respect Kylos for your write up of Mythic. I have never made one, and never had a desire for one. I probably have half the amount of points/progress for each of the steps, I just never really started the questline. I did despise the amount of "work" needed to complete one, but in my entire ffxi career (loL), I never felt like I needed a Mythic. I just recently went through all of the trials to do Verethragna, and it was a lot of work. Strangely, I actually miss logging in every day doing the farming for it, even though Chloris/Ulhuadshi/Dragua was abyssmal at the time.

It all comes down to your attitude and perspective for these quests. Ten years ago you couldn't pay me to sit around and do all of these mindless tasks for a shiny. Now, I'm at the point in the game where I'm in no immediate "rush" to get anything done right now, so an incremental goal in mind isn't so bad to have that you slowly chip away at and FINALLY get it done. The bigger problem in this game is the meta and attitude most players have when it comes to getting a job geared. There is ZERO content in this game that requires you to have perfect R15/BIS gear in all slots, yet, it is more or less a "soft requirement" for most groups to want you to be the absolute greatest in your [job]. This in turn makes you feel overly stressed about taking 6 months to finish one weapon, because you feel like you'll get left behind if you don't get it done in 3 days. You won't, but that's the atmosphere that has been created now and it's pretty sad.

tldr; - OP, just make a small goal with no end date. Work at it in your off-time (you'd be surprised how much time you burn LOOKING for something to do). You will look back on all that time you idled in Mhaura waiting for a shout and be glad you had a goal to keep you occupied. It takes time, but as the old Adage goes: "If it comes fast, it doesn't last!" You'll just be more inclined to jump on another "bandwagon" as soon as that weapon you lusted after isn't hot no more. Kylos's motivational tips are great.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-01-10 14:32:43  
SimonSes said: »
I just had a good laugh. thx :)

50 chloris buds in a night ahahaha thats good.
Sure if you bring 30 ppl with ready pops, but how is that an argument lol. You cna take 3 friends that will do all Nyzul isle for you and call you every time you will need to click code lamp or get entry for next nyzul. You are the one that over exaggerate one thing under exaggerate other.

Please go to Tahrongi with 0 items and pops ready, without friends, even with a mule and farm 50 chloris buds. You will be my hero if you make it in less than 15h. Getting 2 chloris pops in 1hour is about what you can expect and you need WAR with every red !! WS and THF mule for TH (or war mule and thf main).

One Chloris pop requires:
7 items dropped randomly from mobs in 7 different parts of the map and running around those camps alone takes a lot of time. Getting pop item sometimes take several minutes even with th. Then You need to kill 4 nms with 100% drop rate. You lose 4 minutes wiaitng for ??? if you have a mule. Then you need to kill 3 popable NMs and proc red !! on them. You better have WAR with all red proccing WSs or you can lose a lot of time running to conflux and reseting NMS hate. Then you have one time spawned NM, which also requires red !!. If none else camp it, you are fine, if you have competition then you better be better at climing. You still need to wait 10-15min for another spawn for your mule.

If you are very fast and have some luck you should be able to make a pop for 2 chars in like 40 minutes. So avg 3 Chloris pops per hour. It usually takes around 35 pops to get 50 buds, so around 12 hours. That being siad I farmed around 400 glavoid shells (including 50 recently) and 300 Chloris buds and I never got 50 faster than in 15h and Im very efficient at it and have 2 mules.

Nope. THF and a mule, cleave, done in a day. Boring as ***. But that's how I made all of mine. 8 years ago, do it now it's way faster. AtmaoftheBlueCrab obviously.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4324
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-01-10 14:35:42  
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Respect Kylos for your write up of Mythic. I have never made one, and never had a desire for one. I probably have half the amount of points/progress for each of the steps, I just never really started the questline. I did despise the amount of "work" needed to complete one, but in my entire ffxi career (loL), I never felt like I needed a Mythic. I just recently went through all of the trials to do Verethragna, and it was a lot of work. Strangely, I actually miss logging in every day doing the farming for it, even though Chloris/Ulhuadshi/Dragua was abyssmal at the time.

It all comes down to your attitude and perspective for these quests. Ten years ago you couldn't pay me to sit around and do all of these mindless tasks for a shiny. Now, I'm at the point in the game where I'm in no immediate "rush" to get anything done right now, so an incremental goal in mind isn't so bad to have that you slowly chip away at and FINALLY get it done. The bigger problem in this game is the meta and attitude most players have when it comes to getting a job geared. There is ZERO content in this game that requires you to have perfect R15/BIS gear in all slots, yet, it is more or less a "soft requirement" for most groups to want you to be the absolute greatest in your [job]. This in turn makes you feel overly stressed about taking 6 months to finish one weapon, because you feel like you'll get left behind if you don't get it done in 3 days. You won't, but that's the atmosphere that has been created now and it's pretty sad.

tldr; - OP, just make a small goal with no end date. Work at it in your off-time (you'd be surprised how much time you burn LOOKING for something to do). You will look back on all that time you idled in Mhaura waiting for a shout and be glad you had a goal to keep you occupied. It takes time, but as the old Adage goes: "If it comes fast, it doesn't last!" You'll just be more inclined to jump on another "bandwagon" as soon as that weapon you lusted after isn't hot no more. Kylos's motivational tips are great.

(I could be wrong ..) Sounds like you hang around with elitist types who make you feel bad for not being decked out. I was never under any pressure to finish Lib. But of course it's not like I absolutely needed Lib to be useful on DRK, it was just another thing to add to my arsenal. Don't worry about what others think. Chip away at your own pace, and don't get burned out or you'll never get finished. It's not a race. I keep telling people this .. it's not a race. I see players get burned out as they play literally 6+ hours everyday and wonder why the game suddenly got boring and stressful. It's not meant to feel like work, or an obligation. Play other games too .. or at least dedicate days to not playing FFXI. It will do wonders.
By 2019-01-10 14:39:11
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Posts: 8284
By Afania 2019-01-10 14:44:04  
Jetackuu said: »
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Jetackuu said: »
I could understand mercing certain items at random that are just eluding you, especially if you can't play steady enough to do constant content but just spam ambu here/there and have gil sitting around. I don't understand mercing everything, but to each their own.

Oh of course there are instances where mercing something elusive which you may not have time for makes sense. There's one or two things I could think of that I would merc for if I had the gil to pay someone off .. but it's not a big deal really. Mercing something like your first aeonic though? I don't get that, you should be experiencing the challenge instead of robbing yourself of it, but each to their own I guess? It's their game and they play it (or not play it) how they want.

And I agree with Afania. If you don't have the motivation to do mythic .. then don't do it. It's not the end of the world. If someone turns you away from a group for not having mythic then they're a colossal douche.

Eh, I could totally see a good group turning away a WHM without a Yagrush depending on the content and group and it has nothing to do with being douchey. Then again Yagrush is damn near game breaking :D

Yagrush is good but getting turn down without one is pretty ridiculous lol. Many group that I know of has seriously shortage of real whm players, that people generally accept anything they get.

Some endgame content doesn't have aoe status ailments too. I think yagrush is either game changing when you need it or vice versa.
Posts: 8848
By SimonSes 2019-01-10 14:44:41  
Asura.Eiryl said: »
SimonSes said: »
I just had a good laugh. thx :)

50 chloris buds in a night ahahaha thats good.
Sure if you bring 30 ppl with ready pops, but how is that an argument lol. You cna take 3 friends that will do all Nyzul isle for you and call you every time you will need to click code lamp or get entry for next nyzul. You are the one that over exaggerate one thing under exaggerate other.

Please go to Tahrongi with 0 items and pops ready, without friends, even with a mule and farm 50 chloris buds. You will be my hero if you make it in less than 15h. Getting 2 chloris pops in 1hour is about what you can expect and you need WAR with every red !! WS and THF mule for TH (or war mule and thf main).

One Chloris pop requires:
7 items dropped randomly from mobs in 7 different parts of the map and running around those camps alone takes a lot of time. Getting pop item sometimes take several minutes even with th. Then You need to kill 4 nms with 100% drop rate. You lose 4 minutes wiaitng for ??? if you have a mule. Then you need to kill 3 popable NMs and proc red !! on them. You better have WAR with all red proccing WSs or you can lose a lot of time running to conflux and reseting NMS hate. Then you have one time spawned NM, which also requires red !!. If none else camp it, you are fine, if you have competition then you better be better at climing. You still need to wait 10-15min for another spawn for your mule.

If you are very fast and have some luck you should be able to make a pop for 2 chars in like 40 minutes. So avg 3 Chloris pops per hour. It usually takes around 35 pops to get 50 buds, so around 12 hours. That being siad I farmed around 400 glavoid shells (including 50 recently) and 300 Chloris buds and I never got 50 faster than in 15h and Im very efficient at it and have 2 mules.

Nope. THF and a mule, cleave, done in a day. Boring as ***. But that's how I made all of mine.

And this is how I make mine too, but even when you cleave its only a little faster now, than farming NMs and you need to build azure light too and keep getting time extensions or rebuild amber every time you go in again. Generally cleaving is better if you can spend 10h straight in abyssea, but if you want to farm like 1-2h a day, then good luck with cleaving.

Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Don't tell me how to Chloris .. I did it back when it was new and difficult.

Omg really? so what? I was mercing abyssea back then with a friend, both dual boxing and I made probably 30 or more empyreans total (we had 3-4 each for ourself) and we had the most optimal setup for it too (thf war nin (sometimes blu for cleaving) whm). Afaik you made 2 empyrean in tahrongi and very long time ago, so maybe you forgot how much pain it is or maybe you simply have/had a lot of friends giving you pops.

As for getting items from campaign, ofc you can pay for 15 alts and get items this way (assuming you cna wait for log in campaign with those items) and you can simply merc abyssea items, but I'm talking about legit farm.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4324
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-01-10 14:46:45  
Afania said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Jetackuu said: »
I could understand mercing certain items at random that are just eluding you, especially if you can't play steady enough to do constant content but just spam ambu here/there and have gil sitting around. I don't understand mercing everything, but to each their own.

Oh of course there are instances where mercing something elusive which you may not have time for makes sense. There's one or two things I could think of that I would merc for if I had the gil to pay someone off .. but it's not a big deal really. Mercing something like your first aeonic though? I don't get that, you should be experiencing the challenge instead of robbing yourself of it, but each to their own I guess? It's their game and they play it (or not play it) how they want.

And I agree with Afania. If you don't have the motivation to do mythic .. then don't do it. It's not the end of the world. If someone turns you away from a group for not having mythic then they're a colossal douche.

Eh, I could totally see a good group turning away a WHM without a Yagrush depending on the content and group and it has nothing to do with being douchey. Then again Yagrush is damn near game breaking :D

Yagrush is good but getting turn down without one is pretty ridiculous lol. Many group that I know of has seriously shortage of real whm players, that people generally accept anything they get.

Some endgame content doesn't have aoe status ailments too.

If I turned down every WHM for not having a Yagrush I'd never get anything done lol. It's super nice to have, but not essential unless you're doing something super stressful like meleeing T4 Reisens or Master Trials.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-01-10 14:47:25  
I farmed Chloris buds. It was absolutely annoying (at the time), but if you don't have competition, it's not that bad tbh. You can actually camp the AH and buy some of the stuff people put up there (Tarnished Pincer Shriveled w/e, HQ t1 PIs, Exorcism Skull, Bloody Fang/Eyes etc). You can save a bunch of time doing this across mules and sending the items to yourself. That 5-10 min of farming a t1 pi to pop for a KI is priceless.

Again, it's not a cakewalk for someone not using exploits or running multiple characters (i farmed it with one character, across 4 weeks, only playing 3-4x a week for 1-2 hours each farming). But it is not difficult and the time will go by fast if you stay occupied by farming other NMs for the later staged in between when you have competition.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4324
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-01-10 14:48:38  
SimonSes said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
SimonSes said: »
I just had a good laugh. thx :)

50 chloris buds in a night ahahaha thats good.
Sure if you bring 30 ppl with ready pops, but how is that an argument lol. You cna take 3 friends that will do all Nyzul isle for you and call you every time you will need to click code lamp or get entry for next nyzul. You are the one that over exaggerate one thing under exaggerate other.

Please go to Tahrongi with 0 items and pops ready, without friends, even with a mule and farm 50 chloris buds. You will be my hero if you make it in less than 15h. Getting 2 chloris pops in 1hour is about what you can expect and you need WAR with every red !! WS and THF mule for TH (or war mule and thf main).

One Chloris pop requires:
7 items dropped randomly from mobs in 7 different parts of the map and running around those camps alone takes a lot of time. Getting pop item sometimes take several minutes even with th. Then You need to kill 4 nms with 100% drop rate. You lose 4 minutes wiaitng for ??? if you have a mule. Then you need to kill 3 popable NMs and proc red !! on them. You better have WAR with all red proccing WSs or you can lose a lot of time running to conflux and reseting NMS hate. Then you have one time spawned NM, which also requires red !!. If none else camp it, you are fine, if you have competition then you better be better at climing. You still need to wait 10-15min for another spawn for your mule.

If you are very fast and have some luck you should be able to make a pop for 2 chars in like 40 minutes. So avg 3 Chloris pops per hour. It usually takes around 35 pops to get 50 buds, so around 12 hours. That being siad I farmed around 400 glavoid shells (including 50 recently) and 300 Chloris buds and I never got 50 faster than in 15h and Im very efficient at it and have 2 mules.

Nope. THF and a mule, cleave, done in a day. Boring as ***. But that's how I made all of mine.

And this is how I make mine too, but even when you cleave its only a little faster now, than farming NMs and you need to build azure light too and keep getting time extensions or rebuild amber every time you go in again. Generally cleaving is better if you can spend 10h straight in abyssea, but if you want to farm like 1-2h a day, then good luck with cleaving.

Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Don't tell me how to Chloris .. I did it back when it was new and difficult.

Omg really? so what? I was mercing abyssea back then with a friend, both dual boxing and I made probably 30 or more empyreans total (we had 3-4 each for ourself) and we had the most optimal setup for it too (thf war nin (sometimes blu for cleaving) whm). Afaik you made 2 empyrean in tahrongi and very long time ago, so maybe you forgot how much pain it is or maybe you simply have/had a lot of friends giving you pops.

As for getting items from campaign, ofc you can pay for 15 alts and get items this way (assuming you cna wait for log in campaign with those items) and you can simply merc abyssea items, but I'm talking about legit farm.

Will you get off my case if I tell you I may have slightly overexaggerated? So it could take you two nights. It could take you one night if you're super prepared and have a little help, but in general it may take you two nights. Three nights if you're only doing it for a few hours each time. Is that enough? Can you move on from this now? It's not something to stress about.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-01-10 14:57:37  
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
(I could be wrong ..) Sounds like you hang around with elitist types who make you feel bad for not being decked out. I was never under any pressure to finish Lib. But of course it's not like I absolutely needed Lib to be useful on DRK, it was just another thing to add to my arsenal.

Incorrect lol. I play 95% of the time solo. I just know whenever I see people complain about how long it takes to get an item, it's because they feel like they are left behind because they actually have a goal in mind, and it will take a long. Who FKN CARES? Just work on it and finish it for yourself, not for other people to elevate your own ego and fill "in". This is especially true of the people who make weapons like Nirvana and Death Penalty, because they often don't even like the jobs they are playing, they are playing it because it is "in" and "easymode". Lame.

I have had my coalitions done for over 2 years, and never finished my Idris. I was just pure lazy, but I never truly needed it. Now, I am saving HPB just because I can get it done finally and start on the sword. I think when so much of the time when you see people asking for Idris/Epeo/Nirvana/DP etc, the task of completing the weapon feels like a job instead of a goal. That's mainly the reason I never completed my idris, because it was stressful (at the time). Again, is it a goal for yourself or something yo're doing to catch up to everyone else? If you do it for you, it will be enjoyable. If you're doing it while running fifteen characters and speed hacks on all of them, you're kind of never going to appreciate the grind.
Posts: 8284
By Afania 2019-01-10 14:58:22  
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Respect Kylos for your write up of Mythic. I have never made one, and never had a desire for one. I probably have half the amount of points/progress for each of the steps, I just never really started the questline. I did despise the amount of "work" needed to complete one, but in my entire ffxi career (loL), I never felt like I needed a Mythic. I just recently went through all of the trials to do Verethragna, and it was a lot of work. Strangely, I actually miss logging in every day doing the farming for it, even though Chloris/Ulhuadshi/Dragua was abyssmal at the time.

It all comes down to your attitude and perspective for these quests. Ten years ago you couldn't pay me to sit around and do all of these mindless tasks for a shiny. Now, I'm at the point in the game where I'm in no immediate "rush" to get anything done right now, so an incremental goal in mind isn't so bad to have that you slowly chip away at and FINALLY get it done. The bigger problem in this game is the meta and attitude most players have when it comes to getting a job geared. There is ZERO content in this game that requires you to have perfect R15/BIS gear in all slots, yet, it is more or less a "soft requirement" for most groups to want you to be the absolute greatest in your [job]. This in turn makes you feel overly stressed about taking 6 months to finish one weapon, because you feel like you'll get left behind if you don't get it done in 3 days. You won't, but that's the atmosphere that has been created now and it's pretty sad.

tldr; - OP, just make a small goal with no end date. Work at it in your off-time (you'd be surprised how much time you burn LOOKING for something to do). You will look back on all that time you idled in Mhaura waiting for a shout and be glad you had a goal to keep you occupied. It takes time, but as the old Adage goes: "If it comes fast, it doesn't last!" You'll just be more inclined to jump on another "bandwagon" as soon as that weapon you lusted after isn't hot no more. Kylos's motivational tips are great.

I would upvote this 10 times if I could. I did mythic the origional way, started in 2011 and finished in 2013. To me the weapon is never meant to be another shiny like your HQ gears nor su5, but an ultimate reward for people that career the job.

People consistently ask for easier mythic, which is something I don't get. It's pretty much changing the core idea behind it.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4324
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-01-10 15:07:49  
Totally agree, it doesn't need to be any easier than it is or it won't feel as good when finished. It's easy enough already, so it's up to the player to endure and get through it. Suck it up and chip away .. or don't, it's your choice. At least respect those who did, as every Nirvana, Death Penalty (etc.) took a lot of time & effort to make. Not as much as the original way of course, but at least enough to take several months for the average player.
Posts: 42658
By Jetackuu 2019-01-10 15:08:08  
Afania said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Cerberus.Kylos said: »
Jetackuu said: »
I could understand mercing certain items at random that are just eluding you, especially if you can't play steady enough to do constant content but just spam ambu here/there and have gil sitting around. I don't understand mercing everything, but to each their own.

Oh of course there are instances where mercing something elusive which you may not have time for makes sense. There's one or two things I could think of that I would merc for if I had the gil to pay someone off .. but it's not a big deal really. Mercing something like your first aeonic though? I don't get that, you should be experiencing the challenge instead of robbing yourself of it, but each to their own I guess? It's their game and they play it (or not play it) how they want.

And I agree with Afania. If you don't have the motivation to do mythic .. then don't do it. It's not the end of the world. If someone turns you away from a group for not having mythic then they're a colossal douche.

Eh, I could totally see a good group turning away a WHM without a Yagrush depending on the content and group and it has nothing to do with being douchey. Then again Yagrush is damn near game breaking :D

Yagrush is good but getting turn down without one is pretty ridiculous lol. Many group that I know of has seriously shortage of real whm players, that people generally accept anything they get.

Some endgame content doesn't have aoe status ailments too. I think yagrush is either game changing when you need it or vice versa.
Jetackuu said: »
depending on the content and group

サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-01-10 15:08:25  
Afania said: »
People consistently ask for easier mythic, which is something I don't get.
Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
feels like a job

Easier?; because job; always want a chore/work to be easier; easy to understand concept.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-01-10 16:17:19  
Tfw people think unengaging tedium and difficulty are the same thing.
Posts: 74
By Pilipinoboi 2019-01-10 17:02:00  
We've been here over and over. No matter how many times SE DOES make things easier for the player base, there will always be that one person who would still not be content as their mindset and general outlook in life is that they're entitled for things with no effort.

Many long-standing players here have experienced the evolution of the game. For myself, I have a personal attachment and sentimental value for Apocalypse. Why? It took near damn 9 years to make in between quitting the game for some odd years on and off. Many friends came and went, many Dynamis LS' helped in the process.

When mythics were new, it served as a new daunting task for your "career FFXI job" as did Relics. It remained your ultimate goal to complete and at the time, others were genuine in being happy you made it thru. Nowadays, since it's ridiculously easy to make anything, people look down on your achievement and troll you on how you may have taken longer vs how they did theirs.

I remember original Dynamis, I remember all the OG relic holders before it became dime a dozen due to the ability to solo dynamis AND for no wait time after ROE completion. I remember them because they were the first bunch to conquer the ultimate challenge the game had to offer and you wanted to emulate it for yourself. If you don't know who Deathknight was, then maybe you didn't play this game long enough. He's the first ever relic and his relic was Apocalypse as well on Phoenix server.

It's crazy to think that I was able to finish Death Penalty in 2-3 months iirc and that's revisiting places and content I've not been in since ToAU release. The nostalgia was nice but it got even nicer with ROE timers simplifying my grind. Now you can also make a relic within 4 hours. Let that sink in.

Moral of the story is, just do what you want to do but if things aren't going your way, don't openly whine about it online in hopes to find some form of relief from like-minded people as yourself. More often than not, you'll receive the opposite.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nickeny
Posts: 2047
By Bismarck.Nickeny 2019-01-10 17:25:57  
Me and my 125m and 7k betitsus are so fen lazy.


SE can you let me win the bonanza so I can ez mode my dp to rank15
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2019-01-10 17:26:04  
Pilipinoboi said: »
if things aren't going your way, don't openly whine about it online in hopes to find some form of relief from like-minded people as yourself

Why not? It's worked out nicely for the #MeToo movement so far.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 487
By Asura.Beatsbytaru 2019-01-10 17:48:29  
Asura.Veikur said: »
Tfw people think unengaging tedium and difficulty are the same thing.
Pretty much. You don't want to do the same stupid event over and over again for 10 hours because it's about as exciting as watching flies ***?

Posts: 3390
By Taint 2019-01-10 17:48:46  
My only wish is Copper Vouchers worked towards Nyzul and Einherjar points....I hate that part.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-01-10 17:49:34  
Asura.Beatsbytaru said: »
Asura.Veikur said: »
Tfw people think unengaging tedium and difficulty are the same thing.
Pretty much. You don't want to do the same stupid event over and over again for 10 hours because it's about as exciting as watching flies ***?

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