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サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Safiyyah
Posts: 1119
By Sylph.Safiyyah 2013-12-11 11:40:01  
This is kind of an odd comparison, because monk is more about its utility than raw damage:

-Highest HP, Mantra to boost party's max HP
-Formless Strikes to deal magic damage/bypass resistances
-Counter/Guard/Good Evasion for added defense
-Easy to gear

Monk is just a really well-balanced DD job at the moment. It has survivability, has the best abilities for Morimar delve farming, and yes, it does pretty good damage. I've only messed with the dps spreadsheets a little bit since the REM 119 update, but I think Mythic WAR/DRG/SAM and Apoc DRK are beating MNK in raw damage. So what? They're still not going to topple monk from its perch as premier damage dealer for Adoulin.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2013-12-11 12:25:46  
Asura.Loire said: »
Asking people to do your work for you when unable to yourself? Best to step down from your self-entitlement high-chair first.
Quit being HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE. It's a normal thing to ask for help when you can't do something yourself. It's all over these forums. Thinking before typing. That will be the key to you not looking like a jerkoff.

There are entire forum sections dedicated to helping people with spellcast. I'm sure those people know how to type. They just don't know WHAT syntax to type. Just like I'm sure Celoria knows how to add/subtract/multiply/divide, he/she just doesn't know WHAT numbers to plug in.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Bunnygod
Posts: 563
By Asura.Loire 2013-12-11 12:49:08  
Sylph.Peldin said: »
Asura.Loire said: »
Asking people to do your work for you when unable to yourself? Best to step down from your self-entitlement high-chair first.
Quit being HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE. It's a normal thing to ask for help when you can't do something yourself. It's all over these forums. Thinking before typing. That will be the key to you not looking like a jerkoff.
It is also completely normal to be humble to criticism on topics you don't have a knowledge base on either. But go ahead and take that out of context like your quote too if you wish.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Michiiru
Posts: 271
By Phoenix.Michiiru 2013-12-11 13:02:49  
Posts: 1216
By voiceless 2013-12-11 13:16:07  
Phoenix.Michiiru said: »

サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: celoria
Posts: 84
By Odin.Celoria 2013-12-11 14:10:18  
Shiva.Onorgul said: »
I kinda wonder what the purpose of this question is. Both options are top-tier DPS; it's not like anyone is debating that a Dancer puts out the same kind of damage as a Dark Knight. Even if you happen to be part of a group that can take down Tojil with ~9 people, the difference between a well-played, top-tier Dark Knight and a well-played, top-tier Monk is not going to be sufficient to change a win into a loss.

Because I would like to know. Is it not ok to have curiosity?

Asura.Loire said: »
Asking people to do your work for you when unable to yourself? Best to step down from your self-entitlement high-chair first. Critiquing your "comparison" is not stuffing my opinion anywhere. As far as your assessment of where those weapons stand in end game, its unfortunate, but they are now the mid-tier catergory regardless of how butt-furious it makes you. If this was relevant to the interests of those that are more capable than you to make a math based, unbiased comparison, it may have already been done within the first few posts. That or anyone that can, recognizes this as just another flame bait topic.

lol ok kid, keep staying made cause nobody buys into your personal opinion about things. lol senbaak and oats being mid-tier. The only people that turn things into a flame topic are asshat immature *** like you that can't just shut the *** up. I asked a simple *** question. That's all. Secondly if I was on a self entitlement high-chair wouldn't I have just thrown out the math and said drk suck or mnk sucks and tried to be an asshat like yourself and prove everyone that isn't me is worthless? Kinda like.... What you do in every ignorant rant you post.

As for if it is possible, Yes technically it is. No I cannot do it. I haven't got dmg calc to work on this pc since I got it. On my last pc it worked fine on this one for some reason it isn't working. I have tried many different things to no avail. That is why I can asking about it. Not having the knowledge or ability to do something and then coming to the table and saying I can't and I would like to know suddenly makes me in a self-entitlement high chair? Really? Cause the way I see it, that is being humble when you don't know the answer. Just because you paid for guildwork premium and post alot with a fancy gold bar... Doesn't mean you have all the knowledge and answers. Kinda a give away when you claim oat and senbaak are mid tier DD's...

Sylph.Safiyyah said: »
This is kind of an odd comparison, because monk is more about its utility than raw damage:

-Highest HP, Mantra to boost party's max HP
-Formless Strikes to deal magic damage/bypass resistances
-Counter/Guard/Good Evasion for added defense
-Easy to gear

Monk is just a really well-balanced DD job at the moment. It has survivability, has the best abilities for Morimar delve farming, and yes, it does pretty good damage. I've only messed with the dps spreadsheets a little bit since the REM 119 update, but I think Mythic WAR/DRG/SAM and Apoc DRK are beating MNK in raw damage. So what? They're still not going to topple monk from its perch as premier damage dealer for Adoulin.

Thats the way I see it, and putting Oat's mnk vs Senbaak drk, I see mnk winning do to the massive balance that mnk has. However the raw power of drk with reso I have seen pull ahead of mnks to top the DD parse. On average I am top parse with the groups I do delve with. That being said I am top if I am drk or mnk, doesn't matter. I am not saying that the people I play with are crap, cause that would be a lie. There have been times I get outparsed. Mostly depends on buffs, debuffs etc... but because we have so many DD's that swap out for runs I can't get an accurate reading on the dmg I do vs the other top players making it hard to be able to figure out which is the better DD. Each run is vastly different than the other due to different healers, DD, brd's, cor's. Doing 3 runs a night with over 40 people is kinda hard to tell what job does what in comparison.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: suji
Posts: 962
By Phoenix.Suji 2013-12-11 14:14:11  
Odin.Celoria said: »
I haven't got dmg calc to work on this pc since I got it. On my last pc it worked fine on this one for some reason it isn't working. I have tried many different things to no avail. That is why I can asking about it.
Which spreadsheet program are you using and what kind of error are you getting?
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: celoria
Posts: 84
By Odin.Celoria 2013-12-11 14:17:11  
Phoenix.Suji said: »
Odin.Celoria said: »
I haven't got dmg calc to work on this pc since I got it. On my last pc it worked fine on this one for some reason it isn't working. I have tried many different things to no avail. That is why I can asking about it.
Which spreadsheet program are you using and what kind of error are you getting?

I downloaded one off google doc, done the download several times. Every time I try to open it just opens blank. I run win 7, but instead of microsoft excel I use open office. Never had an issue reading microsoft documents in any format with open office before this.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2013-12-11 14:27:48  
I had the same problem with Open Office on my old PC. Paying for Microsoft Office just to get Excel for a DPS spreadsheet seemed like a waste of money.

So I just built a new computer instead =/
Guide Maker
Posts: 3251
By Quetzacoatl 2013-12-11 14:42:21  
I use Libre Office for my DPS spreadsheets. You'll have to save in ods format though (which is okay), or else the xls format gets all *** up. Well, for me at least.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Bunnygod
Posts: 563
By Asura.Loire 2013-12-11 15:04:56  
Odin.Celoria said: »
lol ok kid, keep staying made cause nobody buys into your personal opinion about things. lol senbaak and oats being mid-tier. The only people that turn things into a flame topic are asshat immature *** like you that can't just shut the *** up. I asked a simple *** question. That's all. Secondly if I was on a self entitlement high-chair wouldn't I have just thrown out the math and said drk suck or mnk sucks and tried to be an asshat like yourself and prove everyone that isn't me is worthless? Kinda like.... What you do in every ignorant rant you post.

As for if it is possible, Yes technically it is. No I cannot do it. I haven't got dmg calc to work on this pc since I got it. On my last pc it worked fine on this one for some reason it isn't working. I have tried many different things to no avail. That is why I can asking about it. Not having the knowledge or ability to do something and then coming to the table and saying I can't and I would like to know suddenly makes me in a self-entitlement high chair? Really? Cause the way I see it, that is being humble when you don't know the answer. Just because you paid for guildwork premium and post alot with a fancy gold bar... Doesn't mean you have all the knowledge and answers. Kinda a give away when you claim oat and senbaak are mid tier DD's...

Really painting the best picture of who is most upset and jealous by all of this. Keep it up though, lets hear more about your King-of-the-pug parses and adept navigation of windows, it is bound to really get this 'kid' all kinds of riled up and 'mayd'.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Motenten
Posts: 764
By Fenrir.Motenten 2013-12-11 15:09:02  
LibreOffice was a fork of OpenOffice, but has apparently improved well beyond the original, as OpenOffice tends to have many more general issues with my spreadsheets.

Also, make sure you're downloading the .xls files (in the "XLS for Calc" folder), -not- the .xlsx files. Neither OpenOffice nor LibreOffice work properly with .xlsx files. I only keep the .xlsx files as the top level default because Google Sheets (their online spreadsheet program) dropped support for .xls a while back, and only work properly with .xlsx now. Oh, and neither Google Sheets nor Microsoft Excel properly handle .ods files (Calc saves in version 1.2, which Excel treats as corrupt because it only understands up to version 1.1, and makes mistakes with version 1.1 as well.) Compatibility is a ***.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: celoria
Posts: 84
By Odin.Celoria 2013-12-11 15:14:40  
Asura.Loire said: »
Odin.Celoria said: »
lol ok kid, keep staying made cause nobody buys into your personal opinion about things. lol senbaak and oats being mid-tier. The only people that turn things into a flame topic are asshat immature *** like you that can't just shut the *** up. I asked a simple *** question. That's all. Secondly if I was on a self entitlement high-chair wouldn't I have just thrown out the math and said drk suck or mnk sucks and tried to be an asshat like yourself and prove everyone that isn't me is worthless? Kinda like.... What you do in every ignorant rant you post.

As for if it is possible, Yes technically it is. No I cannot do it. I haven't got dmg calc to work on this pc since I got it. On my last pc it worked fine on this one for some reason it isn't working. I have tried many different things to no avail. That is why I can asking about it. Not having the knowledge or ability to do something and then coming to the table and saying I can't and I would like to know suddenly makes me in a self-entitlement high chair? Really? Cause the way I see it, that is being humble when you don't know the answer. Just because you paid for guildwork premium and post alot with a fancy gold bar... Doesn't mean you have all the knowledge and answers. Kinda a give away when you claim oat and senbaak are mid tier DD's...

Really painting the best picture of who is most upset and jealous by all of this. Keep it up though, lets hear more about your King-of-the-pug parses and adept navigation of windows, it is bound to really get this 'kid' all kinds of riled up and 'mayd'.

Every time I see you text I just can't stop laughing.

Fenrir.Motenten said: »
LibreOffice was a fork of OpenOffice, but has apparently improved well beyond the original, as OpenOffice tends to have many more general issues with my spreadsheets.

Also, make sure you're downloading the .xls files (in the "XLS for Calc" folder), -not- the .xlsx files. Neither OpenOffice nor LibreOffice work properly with .xlsx files. I only keep the .xlsx files as the top level default because Google Sheets (their online spreadsheet program) dropped support for .xls a while back, and only work properly with .xlsx now. Oh, and neither Google Sheets nor Microsoft Excel properly handle .ods files (Calc saves in version 1.2, which Excel treats as corrupt because it only understands up to version 1.1, and makes mistakes with version 1.1 as well.) Compatibility is a ***.

I will give that a try tonight, ty
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: suji
Posts: 962
By Phoenix.Suji 2013-12-11 16:26:52  
LibreOffice runs a bit faster too, in my experience.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2013-12-12 04:14:27  
Fenrir.Motenten said: »
LibreOffice was a fork of OpenOffice, but has apparently improved well beyond the original, as OpenOffice tends to have many more general issues with my spreadsheets.

Also, make sure you're downloading the .xls files (in the "XLS for Calc" folder), -not- the .xlsx files. Neither OpenOffice nor LibreOffice work properly with .xlsx files. I only keep the .xlsx files as the top level default because Google Sheets (their online spreadsheet program) dropped support for .xls a while back, and only work properly with .xlsx now. Oh, and neither Google Sheets nor Microsoft Excel properly handle .ods files (Calc saves in version 1.2, which Excel treats as corrupt because it only understands up to version 1.1, and makes mistakes with version 1.1 as well.) Compatibility is a ***.

I'm assuming you wrote them in all in Excel from MS Office? What exact version? I'm thinking I'm gonna have to finally put MS Office on my Home PC.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: innit
Posts: 176
By Bismarck.Marmite 2013-12-12 04:46:00  
Open Office opens Motenten's spreadsheets fine, however, the first time you open them will take a while (about 20 mins) and it will look like open office has crashed. Be patient and when it finally opens, save as *.ods file.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Hoshiku
Posts: 802
By Asura.Hoshiku 2013-12-12 12:19:56  
When I told Loire that they both suck he threatened to break my pearl.
Posts: 6
By Blazeoffury 2013-12-12 12:47:33  
Odin.Celoria said: »
Asura.Loire said: »
Odin.Celoria said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai said: »
You mean 119 Rag vs. 119 MNK R.E.M. What you said was pretty absurd.

Actually no, I meant what I said. Oats vs Senbaak, I think your ability to mind read is pretty lack luster. You probably shouldn't try to put words in people's mouth.

I chose those two weapons because they are more common. I want to know what of the two jobs does more. On top of that I have both the weapons and near top gear for those weapons. So I repeat. I meant what I said.
Doesn't look like mind reading, more correcting your contradiction. Asking for top gear and not the top current weapons as well is a wasted comparison. Not to mention the overly biased opinions and weighted math you'll see across here normally. Download the spreadsheets and throw down your outdated, mid-tier weapon comparison.

Top gear and top weapons are 2 different things. I gave the weapon choices I wanted. Just because you see it differently does not mean I am contradicting myself. There is top gear that is different for each weapon and sub job. I picked those weapons. Therefore you are correcting nothing.

As for "mid-tier" They may not be the best weapons, but they still hold their own and rightfully so. The dmg of rem is higher but I don't see it being high enough to ever put delve weapons in the "mid-tier" category. You want mid-tier that would be skirmish/wkr weapons. Low tier is voidwatch and lvl 85-90 weapons. Your biased opinion about what you think this topic should be about vs what it really is about, doesn't do anything justice. Stop attempting to force your opinion's on people.

Obviously you've never seen an Upu Vs a 119 Ryu

Let's just say it was a 9.1% difference. . .
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Motenten
Posts: 764
By Fenrir.Motenten 2013-12-12 13:15:36  
Lakshmi.Saevel said: »
I'm assuming you wrote them in all in Excel from MS Office? What exact version? I'm thinking I'm gonna have to finally put MS Office on my Home PC.

I'm using Office 2007. I changed to that when Google Sheets stopped supporting the 2003 .xls versions.
Posts: 12782
By Pantafernando 2013-12-12 13:24:12  
Blazeoffury said: »
Odin.Celoria said: »
Asura.Loire said: »
Odin.Celoria said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai said: »
You mean 119 Rag vs. 119 MNK R.E.M. What you said was pretty absurd.

Actually no, I meant what I said. Oats vs Senbaak, I think your ability to mind read is pretty lack luster. You probably shouldn't try to put words in people's mouth.

I chose those two weapons because they are more common. I want to know what of the two jobs does more. On top of that I have both the weapons and near top gear for those weapons. So I repeat. I meant what I said.
Doesn't look like mind reading, more correcting your contradiction. Asking for top gear and not the top current weapons as well is a wasted comparison. Not to mention the overly biased opinions and weighted math you'll see across here normally. Download the spreadsheets and throw down your outdated, mid-tier weapon comparison.

Top gear and top weapons are 2 different things. I gave the weapon choices I wanted. Just because you see it differently does not mean I am contradicting myself. There is top gear that is different for each weapon and sub job. I picked those weapons. Therefore you are correcting nothing.

As for "mid-tier" They may not be the best weapons, but they still hold their own and rightfully so. The dmg of rem is higher but I don't see it being high enough to ever put delve weapons in the "mid-tier" category. You want mid-tier that would be skirmish/wkr weapons. Low tier is voidwatch and lvl 85-90 weapons. Your biased opinion about what you think this topic should be about vs what it really is about, doesn't do anything justice. Stop attempting to force your opinion's on people.

Obviously you've never seen an Upu Vs a 119 Ryu

Let's just say it was a 9.1% difference. . .

I think its pretty common sense that mythics are in top of chain, and thats fair due they are the hardest to get.
But comparing mythic drg and delve drg there is a different factor than others jobs: drg prefered ws is drakesbane, and mythic just increase that by 30%. That doesnt apply to jobs where mythic ws isnt prefered, like mnk and drks, who prefer using victory smite and resolution.
The list of variable that can determine what can deal the best dmg its great, but i think the major diference of drk to a mnk is the amount of att trait, while mnk have hp trait. In current game game due to super buffs, its possible to cap att, so naturally drk will be lose to mnks because their main traits are useless while hp trait from mnks are great for great nms. Had we a situation where its impossible to cap att just super buffing, prob drk would come ahead, but that is not the case nowadays.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ccl
Posts: 1995
By Asura.Ccl 2013-12-12 13:32:10  
Polearm sam is top of the chain now!
Posts: 6
By Blazeoffury 2013-12-12 14:19:39  
Pantafernando said: »
Blazeoffury said: »
Odin.Celoria said: »
Asura.Loire said: »
Odin.Celoria said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai said: »
You mean 119 Rag vs. 119 MNK R.E.M. What you said was pretty absurd.

Actually no, I meant what I said. Oats vs Senbaak, I think your ability to mind read is pretty lack luster. You probably shouldn't try to put words in people's mouth.

I chose those two weapons because they are more common. I want to know what of the two jobs does more. On top of that I have both the weapons and near top gear for those weapons. So I repeat. I meant what I said.
Doesn't look like mind reading, more correcting your contradiction. Asking for top gear and not the top current weapons as well is a wasted comparison. Not to mention the overly biased opinions and weighted math you'll see across here normally. Download the spreadsheets and throw down your outdated, mid-tier weapon comparison.

Top gear and top weapons are 2 different things. I gave the weapon choices I wanted. Just because you see it differently does not mean I am contradicting myself. There is top gear that is different for each weapon and sub job. I picked those weapons. Therefore you are correcting nothing.

As for "mid-tier" They may not be the best weapons, but they still hold their own and rightfully so. The dmg of rem is higher but I don't see it being high enough to ever put delve weapons in the "mid-tier" category. You want mid-tier that would be skirmish/wkr weapons. Low tier is voidwatch and lvl 85-90 weapons. Your biased opinion about what you think this topic should be about vs what it really is about, doesn't do anything justice. Stop attempting to force your opinion's on people.

Obviously you've never seen an Upu Vs a 119 Ryu

Let's just say it was a 9.1% difference. . .

I think its pretty common sense that mythics are in top of chain, and thats fair due they are the hardest to get.
But comparing mythic drg and delve drg there is a different factor than others jobs: drg prefered ws is drakesbane, and mythic just increase that by 30%. That doesnt apply to jobs where mythic ws isnt prefered, like mnk and drks, who prefer using victory smite and resolution.
The list of variable that can determine what can deal the best dmg its great, but i think the major diference of drk to a mnk is the amount of att trait, while mnk have hp trait. In current game game due to super buffs, its possible to cap att, so naturally drk will be lose to mnks because their main traits are useless while hp trait from mnks are great for great nms. Had we a situation where its impossible to cap att just super buffing, prob drk would come ahead, but that is not the case nowadays.

I agree with the fact Mythic will pull ahead, was just showing his fault that when he said the damage will never be high enough to make delve weapons mid-tier. Either way, I'm not sure I'd include senbaak in as a "delve weapon" it's not 119, and ragnorak jumps all over it. Almost like comparing 119 Conq to Razorfury.
Posts: 12782
By Pantafernando 2013-12-12 15:46:26  
Blazeoffury said: »
Pantafernando said: »
Blazeoffury said: »
Odin.Celoria said: »
Asura.Loire said: »
Odin.Celoria said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai said: »
You mean 119 Rag vs. 119 MNK R.E.M. What you said was pretty absurd.

Actually no, I meant what I said. Oats vs Senbaak, I think your ability to mind read is pretty lack luster. You probably shouldn't try to put words in people's mouth.

I chose those two weapons because they are more common. I want to know what of the two jobs does more. On top of that I have both the weapons and near top gear for those weapons. So I repeat. I meant what I said.
Doesn't look like mind reading, more correcting your contradiction. Asking for top gear and not the top current weapons as well is a wasted comparison. Not to mention the overly biased opinions and weighted math you'll see across here normally. Download the spreadsheets and throw down your outdated, mid-tier weapon comparison.

Top gear and top weapons are 2 different things. I gave the weapon choices I wanted. Just because you see it differently does not mean I am contradicting myself. There is top gear that is different for each weapon and sub job. I picked those weapons. Therefore you are correcting nothing.

As for "mid-tier" They may not be the best weapons, but they still hold their own and rightfully so. The dmg of rem is higher but I don't see it being high enough to ever put delve weapons in the "mid-tier" category. You want mid-tier that would be skirmish/wkr weapons. Low tier is voidwatch and lvl 85-90 weapons. Your biased opinion about what you think this topic should be about vs what it really is about, doesn't do anything justice. Stop attempting to force your opinion's on people.

Obviously you've never seen an Upu Vs a 119 Ryu

Let's just say it was a 9.1% difference. . .

I think its pretty common sense that mythics are in top of chain, and thats fair due they are the hardest to get.
But comparing mythic drg and delve drg there is a different factor than others jobs: drg prefered ws is drakesbane, and mythic just increase that by 30%. That doesnt apply to jobs where mythic ws isnt prefered, like mnk and drks, who prefer using victory smite and resolution.
The list of variable that can determine what can deal the best dmg its great, but i think the major diference of drk to a mnk is the amount of att trait, while mnk have hp trait. In current game game due to super buffs, its possible to cap att, so naturally drk will be lose to mnks because their main traits are useless while hp trait from mnks are great for great nms. Had we a situation where its impossible to cap att just super buffing, prob drk would come ahead, but that is not the case nowadays.

I agree with the fact Mythic will pull ahead, was just showing his fault that when he said the damage will never be high enough to make delve weapons mid-tier. Either way, I'm not sure I'd include senbaak in as a "delve weapon" it's not 119, and ragnorak jumps all over it. Almost like comparing 119 Conq to Razorfury.

What i said is that some things must be clear before claiming that one weapon is better/worse than another. 9.1% isnt, by any means, the difference between a delve drg and a mythic drg. 9.1% is the difference between a mythic drg using drakesbane as main ws, and a delve drg using drakesbane.
The difference between a rem dd and a delve dd will always fall in the "ifs" category. "If" a mythic dd can mantain am3, he will pull ahead any dd without am. And "if" rem dd cant mantain am3, he will be doing worse than a delve dd, suposing both are using a neutral ws. Also, "if" you place a oat dd and a glazfaust 119 hitting tree in a reive and go afk, the oat mnk will do better than a glanzfaust mnk just because the former have higher dps.
Thats the balance SE bring to ffxi. All weapons were calculated so that all ilv119 can be equal, so yes, delve is on same tier as rem 119, no matter how unfair thats it.
Just the "ifs" can change the balance, and the biggest "if" is related to luck, unfortunately. Luck of a dd have a great ws that is boosted by his weapon. Drg have this "luck", his great ws is boosted by ryu, so ryu drg will always parse better than any know drg.
And if a dd is unlucky, of having a poor ws on mythic/relic weapon, he will find himself not much ahead a delve dd.
And aparently, that seems the case with mnk and drk.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3331
By Siren.Kyte 2013-12-12 16:44:43  
Erm, Stardiver is technically the preferred WS. The difference between Stardiver and Drakes just so happens to be small enough to where the mythic bonus can make it up.

DRG is in a different situation than other DDs mainly for another reason- the fact that AM3 maintenance is far more practical.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Scwall
Posts: 101
By Quetzalcoatl.Scwall 2013-12-12 17:03:33  
If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, ilv119 rem would be equal to ilv119 delve weapons.

But they're not.

Pantafernando said: »
Thats the balance SE bring to ffxi. All weapons were calculated so that all ilv119 can be equal, so yes, delve is on same tier as rem 119, no matter how unfair thats it.

Posts: 6
By Blazeoffury 2013-12-12 22:39:11  
My point exactly, and if a mythic user can't keep up his AM3, he should have never gotten his mythic. Then you can't forget the hidden damage boosts of relics. Not to mention empy users have had their empys long enough that they are going to realize how to keep their aftermath up as well. . .
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