Barspell Equipment

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Barspell Equipment
By 2011-06-23 06:20:26
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By Blazed1979 2011-06-25 01:19:25  
Bismarck.Josiahfk said:
And yes Dodu I believe magic evasion will only boost the chance of resisting nukes or enfeebles yeah, not duration. that's based on other stats relative to the enfeeble.

If you had earth resist above 240 you'd resist almost all slowgas from Glavoid or Ulhuadshi and I never resist them normally (the difference is very clear) I'd imagine you could do it even lower as a bst since they get resist slow V

How much -barstone and earth resistance needed on something like dragua's petrify. I'm sick of /shouting for other people to come stona my whm when I duo it.
サーバ: Bismarck
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user: Azagthoth
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By Bismarck.Azagthothe 2011-06-25 01:42:51  
Blazed1979 said:
Bismarck.Josiahfk said:
And yes Dodu I believe magic evasion will only boost the chance of resisting nukes or enfeebles yeah, not duration. that's based on other stats relative to the enfeeble.

If you had earth resist above 240 you'd resist almost all slowgas from Glavoid or Ulhuadshi and I never resist them normally (the difference is very clear) I'd imagine you could do it even lower as a bst since they get resist slow V

How much -barstone and earth resistance needed on something like dragua's petrify. I'm sick of /shouting for other people to come stona my whm when I duo it.

I used Atma of the Earth Wyrm, capped Enhancing Magic (Barpetra, Barstonra up fulltime), and /RDM for Resist Petrify on my WHM mule. I only got petrified on the very rare occasion and I duoed most of my Scales. If your mule/WHM gets petrified you can always use temp items to keep yourself alive; I never came close to wiping to Dragua at any point.
サーバ: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Kara 2011-06-25 02:36:32  
Blazed1979 said:
Bismarck.Josiahfk said:
And yes Dodu I believe magic evasion will only boost the chance of resisting nukes or enfeebles yeah, not duration. that's based on other stats relative to the enfeeble.

If you had earth resist above 240 you'd resist almost all slowgas from Glavoid or Ulhuadshi and I never resist them normally (the difference is very clear) I'd imagine you could do it even lower as a bst since they get resist slow V

How much -barstone and earth resistance needed on something like dragua's petrify. I'm sick of /shouting for other people to come stona my whm when I duo it.

I used atma of the Horned Beast, /RDM and barstone/barpetra. My husband and I just finished up his scales and in the many fights I got petrified 5 times.
By 2011-06-25 08:33:08
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By Blazed1979 2011-06-25 10:15:24  
thanks guys just tried this out.
no petrifications at all on my mule. should take another few hours to finally get my last 20 scales. appreciated.
サーバ: Valefor
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user: Sylvr
Posts: 26
By Valefor.Sylvr 2011-06-25 14:46:04  
Wouldn't putting in a precast delay defeat the purpose of using a piece of gear that lowers cast time? Elemental Barspells are so fast that you don't need to boost their speed. Leave the Siegel Sash out of that macro.
Siren.Kalilla said:
Bahamut.Aeronis said:
Leviathan.Hohenheim said:
Shiva.Msthief said:
Yeah that's an impressive set, you probably already have it but siegel sash would be nice to have in your precast set.

That would porbably actually be detrimental, since barspells cast so fast, it would be swapped incorrectly.
^I've always worried about if my Beneficus is actually being applied because the spells are so fast, especially in a laggy or gear-swap heavy situation
If your using spellcast Aeronis you can add a small cast delay to allow the gear swaps to be recognized by the servers first if your worried about lag.

Wouldn't using an artificial precast delay completely defeat the purpose of using a piece of gear who's only use is to make you cast faster? I'm pretty sure that even the lowest delay you could use in spellcast is still more time than the Siegel Sash would save you, hence the spell would actually take longer to go off from the time you pressed your macro.

Conclusion: Don't bother with precast for bar-element spells.
By 2011-06-25 14:49:21
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サーバ: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Caylene 2011-09-21 20:35:09  
Remora.Dodu said: »
I'm not sure I understand the point of Barpetra and the like. If you're in range of getting petrified, you're doing something wrong. If you're not casting Stona the instant you see the status-inducing ability being used, you're doing something wrong. Waiting to see if a status lands before casting the appropriate removal spell isn't the best idea.

I know I'm a little late to this party (searched the threads for bar- sets since I'm currently wondering if I should carry all my staves now that I've switched to the Tefnut Wand)- but if we're fighting a mob I know will use petrify- my whole party is getting buffed with barpetra and barstonra. The point of my bar spells is not necessarily to protect me but them, since that's my job as whm. It's like boost-vit- it's not really there for me, it's more there for them.

I give them a double bar-, no matter what we are fighting, since it's been shown to reduce the time of the effects.

Additionally, you should wear as many +2 AF3 pieces as you have, except the legs which should be the Cleric's Pantaloons. This will give you more chances at completely resisting all dmg from the element of the spell.

Personally, I've witnessed whm vs whm in alliance- with my enhancing magic capped and merited, appropriate gear for enhancing magic and bar-spells- my party takes significantly less damage, which means using less MP- a must for me, since I'm Elvaan. I know the other WHM didn't really care (he doesn't specialize) but he's a taru and seems to never run out of MP.

I'm not saying that the way anyone plays is wrong. Play the way that makes sense to you, and learn as you go along. I just want to put out there that I've worked to maximize my efficiency for the race and job I've chosen to play in group settings. I do have to suggest that people really research the spells they are going to be casting though- there's a bit of surprising misinformation in this thread as a whole, and enhancing magic is an important role in the WHM position, especially in a low-man group situation where the Red Mage role is left empty.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Lorzy
Posts: 1356
By Ramuh.Lorzy 2011-09-22 04:39:29  
genuinely confused here, what do bar sets and staves and tefnut have to do with each other?

he's got a point on some things; if you've only got one or two people on a mob and there's no huge range or hate reset etc, it's not a huge deal since you can single target -na. but i used barpetra for dragua not just because of the huge range, but also because enpetrify is still annoying for the melee.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Cerberus.Caylene 2011-09-22 05:13:33  
Ramuh.Lorzy said: »
genuinely confused here, what do bar sets and staves and tefnut have to do with each other?

he's got a point on some things; if you've only got one or two people on a mob and there's no huge range or hate reset etc, it's not a huge deal since you can single target -na. but i used barpetra for dragua not just because of the huge range, but also because enpetrify is still annoying for the melee.

first question- inventory space.

and second-yes you're right, which is what I was trying to point out- even though we can single target -na, the barspells aren't necessarily just for the WHM, they're to help out the melee in the PT.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Lorzy
Posts: 1356
By Ramuh.Lorzy 2011-09-22 05:40:52  
i'm sorry, i'm still confused. how do barspells affect whether you need staves or not?
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Gael
Posts: 172
By Bismarck.Gael 2011-09-22 05:46:20  
Cerberus.Caylene said: »
first question- inventory space.

No, the answer is "nothing". The staves DONT do anything for barspells. The only weapon which help your bar spells is the Beneficus.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Cerberus.Caylene 2011-09-22 08:49:47  
Thank you Gael- I was more looking at it from the aspect that the staves give the elemental resistance and that I have the enhancing magic grip.

I think I will just go with what I have though- 415 enhancing magic (although I have to re-cap it now, thanks to the level cap increase) on a WHM is probably just fine.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Gael
Posts: 172
By Bismarck.Gael 2011-09-22 09:24:54  
I was more looking at it from the aspect that the staves give the elemental resistance and that I have the enhancing magic grip.

The problem here (outside the inventory issue) is that the +20 (or +15 i dont remember) elemental resistance will only work for you, and only if you equip the correspondong staff full time (like any other gear with +x elemental resist on it), it wont boost the spell you cast.

I say it cause i'm not sure you used your staves like that. If you really want to have an extra boost (again, for you onry), i suggest you to equip a Kirin's Pole instead of carrying 8 staves for almost nothing.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6168
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2011-09-22 09:39:16  
I've always wondered . . . what the heck do Bar-status spells actually do? I don't think it gives you the "resist" trait, and I'm not sure it actually makes the effect any shorter . . . so what the heck is it?
サーバ: Siren
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user: Kalila
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By Siren.Kalilla 2011-09-22 09:48:44  
Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
I've always wondered . . . what the heck do Bar-status spells actually do? I don't think it gives you the "resist" trait, and I'm not sure it actually makes the effect any shorter . . . so what the heck is it?
Well, I thought it was accepted by the community that it lowers the duration of the effect when you get affected by it.
サーバ: Cerberus
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Posts: 2269
By Cerberus.Wolfshadow 2011-09-22 09:51:09  
Siren.Kalilla said: »
Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
I've always wondered . . . what the heck do Bar-status spells actually do? I don't think it gives you the "resist" trait, and I'm not sure it actually makes the effect any shorter . . . so what the heck is it?
Well, I thought it was accepted by the community that it lowers the duration of the effect when you get affected by it.
Not in the least, after fighting Imp with too much HP sooooooooooo many times, baramnesra failed to even reduce the duration of the amnesia tantara, I'd guess it would just improve one's general resistance to it slightly, not through a means of a job ability "Resist!", but the chance of evading or "Wolfshadow resists the spell." etc.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
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By Siren.Kalilla 2011-09-22 09:52:43  
Cerberus.Wolfshadow said: »
Siren.Kalilla said: »
Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
I've always wondered . . . what the heck do Bar-status spells actually do? I don't think it gives you the "resist" trait, and I'm not sure it actually makes the effect any shorter . . . so what the heck is it?
Well, I thought it was accepted by the community that it lowers the duration of the effect when you get affected by it.
Not in the least, after fighting Imp with too much HP sooooooooooo many times, baramnesra failed to even reduce the duration of the amnesia tantara, I'd guess it would just improve one's general resistance to it slightly, not through a means of a job ability "Resist!", but the chance of evading or "Wolfshadow resists the spell." etc.
I've never seen an improvement with resisting the effect though...

Now that is a question I wouldn't mind them answering in their stupid Q&A's, a real detailed explanation.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Sekundes
Posts: 4189
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2011-09-22 10:01:43  
I was always under the assumption that it reduced debuff time, reduced debuff potency and increased the chance you'd outright resist but it could be more of a placebo.

I always use barparalyzra when fighting anything that can para and I notice that I always get the actual procs less on myself. This is the only one I could say that I actually think works, the others are just assuming.

Looks like we need some actual testing. What would be an easy test to determine these for certain? It'd also be nice to know if enhancing gear helped potency or simply helped duration.
サーバ: Carbuncle
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user: Kunimitsu
Posts: 389
By Carbuncle.Kunisama 2011-09-22 10:14:01  
Siren.Kalilla said: »
Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
I've always wondered . . . what the heck do Bar-status spells actually do? I don't think it gives you the "resist" trait, and I'm not sure it actually makes the effect any shorter . . . so what the heck is it?
Well, I thought it was accepted by the community that it lowers the duration of the effect when you get affected by it.
Always thought this too. Should be simple enough to test anyway? barsleep in some PvP tests
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2011-09-22 10:15:07  
Ragnarok.Sekundes said: »
I was always under the assumption that it reduced debuff time, reduced debuff potency and increased the chance you'd outright resist but it could be more of a placebo.

I always use barparalyzra when fighting anything that can para and I notice that I always get the actual procs less on myself. This is the only one I could say that I actually think works, the others are just assuming.

Looks like we need some actual testing. What would be an easy test to determine these for certain? It'd also be nice to know if enhancing gear helped potency or simply helped duration.
Maybe they all aren't the same thing

barpoison = lowered a tick in poison? I've never tried it.. Like if it was 3 hp a tic it would be 2 hp a tic, but couldn't be reduced to 0? Just an example and probably isn't right. lol

barparalyze = lowered proc rate of getting paralyzed

barpetra = lowered duration...? I don't know what else it could be unless its an actual resist rate thing.

baramnesia = I would think this is the same thing as barpetra

barsleep = could only imagine the same thing...

barblind = Same thing for barparalyze I would think...

Barsilence = same thing for barpetra

barvirus = same thing for barpoison? idk though

So this would make them:

Type 1
Type 2
Type 3

Not saying that's right, just what my theory would be like in a table, the type 1's would be the easiest to prove right or wrong, the type 3's would also be easy but would have to use a parser. Type 2 would probably be easy if you kept track of the averages. I guess Type 1 and Type 3 would be the same thing, but split them up because they are different type of potency.

I can only think of Duration, Potency, or Resist completely for what the spells could do.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6168
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2011-09-22 10:19:00  
The easiest way to test it is to cast Barsleep and let yourself be slept. I'm 99% sure it doesn't directly reduce the debuff duration.

Here's how resisting statuses works, I think:
1) "Resist" traits give you an X% chance of "Resist! ___"ing when you are hit with a status debuff regardless of the monster's MAcc and your MEva.

2) It is also possible to resist statuses completely or partially purely on the basis of the MAcc vs. MEva check. Unlike nukes, which take a direct damage cut, Debuffs are affected by a duration reduction. Also unlike nukes, which can resist up to three times (1/2^3), most debuffs only get one or two potential resist checks (Sleep II can only be 90 or 45 seconds if it lands).

My assumption has always been that "Barstatus" spells increase your Magic Evasion specifically against one type of debuffs. So it isn't directly reducing the duration (say, from a 90 second Sleep II to an 80 second Sleep II), but it's effectively reducing the average duration.

Bar-element spells also work for reducing average duration in this way (with the exception of Sleep because of no Bardark) because they add magic evasion to an element. So if you have Barblizzara up and get hit with Paralyze, you effectively have ~120 more magic evasion against Paralyze. Barparalyra would potentially add more magic evasion on top of that.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1361
By Asura.Pergatory 2011-09-22 10:43:13  
It can decrease duration and increase resist rate. I'm 100% sure of this for at least Barpetra. I remember doing Dyna Bastok back in the day where the pets cast Breakga. I would use Barstonra+Barpetra religiously. Anytime Breakga hit, about 2/3 of my party would resist it outright. Those times that I didn't personally resist it, it always wore off almost immediately, whereas the entire rest of the alliance would have it wear off simultaneously a good 5-10 seconds later.

I'm fairly certain Barsilence works the same too. I've used it with Baraera quite a bit, and get full resists on Silencega. Duration is harder to guess because people will use Echo Drops and such, but I suspect it's also reducing duration for those people it does hit.

It could be that in addition to being able to outright resist ailments, you can do half/quarter resists like nukes. No telling if/how that affects potency. I'm fairly certain nothing will affect potency for poison or virus, for example. I've NEVER had a poison effect hit me and drain less HP per tick than it normally does.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Sekundes
Posts: 4189
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2011-09-22 11:10:56  
Asura.Pergatory said: »
It can decrease duration and increase resist rate. I'm 100% sure of this for at least Barpetra. I remember doing Dyna Bastok back in the day where the pets cast Breakga. I would use Barstonra+Barpetra religiously. Anytime Breakga hit, about 2/3 of my party would resist it outright. Those times that I didn't personally resist it, it always wore off almost immediately, whereas the entire rest of the alliance would have it wear off simultaneously a good 5-10 seconds later.

I'm fairly certain Barsilence works the same too. I've used it with Baraera quite a bit, and get full resists on Silencega. Duration is harder to guess because people will use Echo Drops and such, but I suspect it's also reducing duration for those people it does hit.

It could be that in addition to being able to outright resist ailments, you can do half/quarter resists like nukes. No telling if/how that affects potency. I'm fairly certain nothing will affect potency for poison or virus, for example. I've NEVER had a poison effect hit me and drain less HP per tick than it normally does.
If barstatus gives you additional resistance to that particular status then it may have just been simple resists rather than a base duration decrease. Hard to tell since you were also using bar-element and we'd need exact numbers for duration and resist %'s.

Plague and poison are good indicators of potency changes so if there are none, then I guess it doesn't affect it. Would probably be good to test a few different mobs and types of poison.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Cerberus.Caylene 2011-09-22 13:30:50  
It is accepted typically that bar-spells reduce the amount of damage taken or the amount of time a negative status effect based on an element lasts.

Testing this exactly gets more complicated, as the % of dmg you take is also based on other factors and not just the bar-spell. SO. You'd probably have to get an entire party's stats, then parse the tests, then work it out based on formulas- I think anyway.

@Gael- Well I did usually pop one on, yes I know it only effects me, but I was carrying and using them anyway for spells, you know?

TBH I feel like I'm carrying too much situational gear these days- is an extra +1 in healing skill (augmented facio gages with +6 healing magic skill vs the augur's mitts with +5 healing magic skill) really worth carrying around the extra piece of gear? Even if I don't pull out my HMSkill set unless we're fighting a mob that requires me to use cursna, it's still an inventory slot.

I guess I am looking for places where I can carry less, but not lose effectiveness- and it ends up being piles of math. Even with all my spreadsheets I don't know if I have the energy to exactly work it all out....but ofc ocd will probably make me. ><
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
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By Carbuncle.Tweeek 2011-09-22 13:46:24  
Cerberus.Caylene said: »
is an extra +1 in healing skill (augmented facio gages with +6 healing magic skill vs the augur's mitts with +5 healing magic skill) really worth carrying around the extra piece of gear? Even if I don't pull out my HMSkill set unless we're fighting a mob that requires me to use cursna, it's still an inventory slot.

I don't bother with a full out HMS set for cursna
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6168
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2011-09-22 13:59:03  
Has it ever been proven that it matters?
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Cerberus.Caylene 2011-09-22 14:00:30  
HM set or Bar- set?

Bar- set= yes definitely
HM Set= no not really. Sort of by people saying they've noticed a difference.
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