Recent returnee looking on catching up with Odyssey and Sortie.
Currently, I have most base V20's cleared as this was around the last time I last heavily played with a few odd V25's cleared.
Of course, PUG life isn't the best at times so I was hoping to recruit either people who are in the same boat as I or people who need the clears in general.
I do have Sortie experience from when it was first released but haven't progressed to Aminon yet. Mostly done COR on all runs with the odd PLD and DRK.
My jobs that are geared for events are COR, PLD, DRK and WAR all near if not BiS with exception on newer Empy +3 on some jobs.
Current Clears if it matters to those looking to join;
Dealan-Dhe: V20
Sgili: V20
U Bnai: V20
Gogmagog: V20
Aristaeus: V20
Raskinoviche: V20
Marmorkrebs: V19
Gigelorum: V19
Procne: V20
Henwen: V25
Xevioso: T0
Ngai: V15
Kalunga: V20
Ongo: V0
Mboze: V0
Arebati: V15
Bumba: V15
As you can see, the 2 T2's are holding me back and they're the most annoying ones lol.
Sakpata is currently 3 pieces 25/25, 2 pieces 20/25. Nyame 5/5 20 if it mattered because I know some content need RP'd gear to better our chances at clears.
I play PST and hold my own schedule so am flexible on when to run, I'd most likely prefer 12:30 PM - 8:30 to 9 PM PST run times but again, am flexible and down to do it for the group.
Hopefully there's some interest out there! Catch ya'll here or in game via /tell.
Thanks for reading.