3rd Party Program For Lotting.

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3rd party program for lotting.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Azrial
Posts: 93
By Lakshmi.Azrial 2009-08-05 19:34:45  
Packet injection? HIGHLY unlikely. If that were the case, what information could possibly change the outcome your lot? The packet you send simply says "give me a number" not "i want a number in this range". The server on SE's side already has a predetermined number range. The server runs its script, takes the number, send its off. If you somehow bypassed this and created your own numbers, you would have to have server/router information that SE doesn't release to the public. I'm sure they would consider this unlawful and prosecute you, let alone ban your account. In other words, it would be detectable. Easily at that.

BUT THEN AGAIN... as always, I COULD BE WRONG. SE has the largest shitpile of code I've ever experienced in any computer application. Who else breaks 8-10 things during an update that had NOTHING to do with that update? This means their tweaking ***behind your back, but instead of being sneaky about stealing the cookie, they broke the whole *** jar and nerviously loled about it when they were caught. I wouldn't be suprised if something WAS broken on their end. But I doubt any type of packet injection would help.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Rinako
Posts: 1193
By Bismarck.Rinako 2009-08-05 20:48:26  
Savannah said:
Swingandamiss said:
(e.g. The same player lotting in the 990s each of 7-8 different items.)

I did this once...but it was 4/5 items i won.

and i play on xbox...i dont hax lol some ppl just get lucky...now if they do this on a regular basis...

Yeah my boyfriend plays on ps2 in my house lol he lotted 9 Wootz Ores in Dynamis Bastok with 900+ lots each time and won each one that dropped when they were 300k a piece. Some people get lucky, i applaud those that get lucky like this, those that cheat to get this lucky, that's another story
サーバ: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13
By Diabolos.Swingandamiss 2009-08-05 20:54:05  
Xellith said:
i hear so many people bitching yet no proof. screenshots of people lotting 990+ on 10 items at one time or it didnt happen.

We don't need to screenshot everything. People like you annoy me. How about I screenshot my balls for you, would you like that?
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xellith
Posts: 916
By Shiva.Xellith 2009-08-06 05:12:45  
Swingandamiss said:
Xellith said:
i hear so many people bitching yet no proof. screenshots of people lotting 990+ on 10 items at one time or it didnt happen.

We don't need to screenshot everything. People like you annoy me. How about I screenshot my balls for you, would you like that?

no proof = no credability.

You can complain all day about WMD like the bush administration - but oh noes. looks like they were wrong.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xellith
Posts: 916
By Shiva.Xellith 2009-08-06 05:14:41  
Antipika said:
Xellith said:
me and a friend once /randomed at the same time and got the exact same random. we did this on 3 seperate occasions.


A thing such as "exact same time" do not exist. If you take 1/100,000th of second, you'll never have 2 event happening at "exact same time" :<

You and your friend latency will be different anyway, you request will not hit the server at the "exact" same time. Even if you're both sharing the same internet line.

I didnt say "at the exact same time" i said at the same time. I random and he random and the numbers were the same. im asuming that he and I did it and latency involved our requests got to the server and voila. Same number at the same time.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-08-06 05:16:00  
its a hax, the FBI is now monitoring your porn downloads, pedophilia will not escape them.
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Shizukat
Posts: 50
By Garuda.Shizukat 2009-08-06 05:27:52  
Xellith said:
I didnt say "at the exact same time" i said at the same time. I random and he random and the numbers were the same. im asuming that he and I did it and latency involved our requests got to the server and voila. Same number at the same time.

I think it's something in those lines too. As the result of "random" is based on the server clock cycle instead of a actual Random() function. And if that is actually true, it wouldn't be too hard to make a tool that can take into account your average lag to put in high lots. Afterall, didn't the used to have hacks like that before. I remember some casino's exploiting something simular.
Other thing that could very likely be true, is that the /random and other "user initiated" randoms are made by client-side. However if that would be true, you'd see nothing but 999 lots by some people :p
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-08-06 05:43:42  
All random programs are based on clock cycle, but since it's based on server clock cycle, there's no way of seeing or influencing that.

Swingandamiss, appropriate name... considering that damn near every person has agreed that people some people continuously lot ridiculously high, the need for screenshots is pretty much null and void.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Azrial
Posts: 93
By Lakshmi.Azrial 2009-08-06 06:30:58  
Swingandamiss has to be the guy rating people down. Love how you can do that out of ignorance of knowledge instead of attempting to correct somebody's post.

Also: You just basically said "why do we need proof? its annoying". Just because people like you believe anything people say without proof doesn't mean the rest of the of the world thinks credentials are overrated. Please do some research on how things work, leave it to those who already have.

If /random does work off a clock cycle, thats a joke. That would be way to easy to influence. And I don't think it would take SE 7 years to figure out how exploitative that could be. BUT... if that is the case, your all *** unless you have this new tool now. Leave it to SE to completely destroy yet another portion of their security integrity.


Edit: edited rage out
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-08-06 06:36:09  
Actually, Azrial just made me realise my error, I actually agree with Swingandamiss, (although not his attitude) it was Xellith I thought was the idiot.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Azrial
Posts: 93
By Lakshmi.Azrial 2009-08-06 06:46:22  
As far as producing single screenshots of loot pools that match this case, its null, exactly as you said. The results of tools and luck cannot be distinguished against at this time. Either one looks like the other.

NOW... if you have screenshots of 1 specific person doing this in say... 10-20 different screenshots (date stamped for say, 1-3 days in a row), now there is some data to work with. Clearly screenshots help figure out whats going on in this case

So no, we don't need screenshots for EVERYTHING, but the right screenshots in this case will help.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-08-06 07:03:09  
Not really, when you have this many reports of the same thing, all the screenshots will do is confirm what everyones been saying. Yes, the confirmation is nice, but doesn't actually help to solve the "why" of it.
サーバ: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: xdudemanx
Posts: 990
By Seraph.Xdudemanx 2009-08-06 07:09:43  
idk...i went whm/nin to campaign and pulled in 3400ishxp for one long *** solo battle...i lotted over 700 once....didnt win ***
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Xellith
Posts: 916
By Shiva.Xellith 2009-08-06 07:28:55  
Blazza said:
Not really, when you have this many reports of the same thing, all the screenshots will do is confirm what everyones been saying. Yes, the confirmation is nice, but doesn't actually help to solve the "why" of it.

im sure its common knowledge and accepted by everyone that aliens exist. So many sightings each year right?

Blazza... your logic fails at epic levels.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eeek
Posts: 768
By Asura.Eeek 2009-08-06 07:59:17  
Azrial said:

If /random does work off a clock cycle, thats a joke. That would be way to easy to influence. And I don't think it would take SE 7 years to figure out how exploitative that could be. BUT... if that is the case, your all *** unless you have this new tool now. Leave it to SE to completely destroy yet another portion of their security integrity.


If /random could be easily exploited, it would've been rampantly exploited years before now and exploited to get drops that are worth a damn.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-08-06 09:05:32  
Xellith said:
Blazza said:
Not really, when you have this many reports of the same thing, all the screenshots will do is confirm what everyones been saying. Yes, the confirmation is nice, but doesn't actually help to solve the "why" of it.

im sure its common knowledge and accepted by everyone that aliens exist. So many sightings each year right?

Blazza... your logic fails at epic levels.

Except that when you say many UFO sightings a year, you're talking about tens, maybe hundreds of sightings per year. Out of... what's the worlds population now? 5 billion or something? On this matter though, we're talking about several accounts out of 3 pages of posts... little bit of a difference in ratio wouldn't you say?

Besides, people have the screenshots to "prove" that UFO's exist, and they're still not believed, what's to say you'll believe the screenshots of this?

Also, Eeek hit the nail on the head, as has already been said many times in this thread.
サーバ: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Antipika
Posts: 1339
By Garuda.Antipika 2009-08-06 09:12:37  
Eeek said:
If /random could be easily exploited, it would've been rampantly exploited years before now and exploited to get drops that are worth a damn.

More like if you could simply do lolpacketinjection for the server to return a 990+ lot, it would mean you could do this for your next nuke to deal 50K damage basically.

People have a hard time understanding whats handled server side and whats ain't.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-08-06 09:14:07  
Lol, true that too actually
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Azrial
Posts: 93
By Lakshmi.Azrial 2009-08-06 12:16:49  
Exactly my point. Ty Antipika.

And on the subject of the screenshots, I only mentioned that having a data base of what is going on will -HELP- figure out the problem. Never said solve it. Baby steps here.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-08-06 13:37:20  
The way i look at lotting, is that the server has a little roulette wheel that spins around 24 hours a day. When a person casts a lot its the same thing as throwing that little ball into it and hoping for the best...

...sure some people can wait that few seconds before hitting that lot button as if "strategy" was actually involved.

Welcome to what is known as pure luck

It's the same thing as people who hit the lottery or walk out of a casino with double their money. Some people have good days some people don't.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eeek
Posts: 768
By Asura.Eeek 2009-08-06 13:53:25  
Clinpachi said:
The way i look at lotting, is that the server has a little roulette wheel that spins around 24 hours a day. When a person casts a lot its the same thing as throwing that little ball into it and hoping for the best...

...sure some people can wait that few seconds before hitting that lot button as if "strategy" was actually involved.

Welcome to what is known as pure luck

It's the same thing as people who hit the lottery or walk out of a casino with double their money. Some people have good days some people don't.

While I agree that this applies to /random's functionality throughout the vast majority of the game, I think there's enough evidence to suspect that some server-side formula is influencing lotting on Union drops in Campaign. My suspicion is raised by two things. First, I've seen screenshots posted of people lotting 900+ on the majority of items in a Union loot pool on other boards. Secondly, SE themselves mentioned that moochers would not have access to items in Union lootpools.

I'd be curious to know the job combinations used and exp/AN rewards received by those people who are rattling off so many high lots. I'm willing to bet that it's not the guy struggling to level his lvl67 THF/NIN.
サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Strahd
Posts: 4
By Gilgamesh.Strahd 2009-08-06 15:18:57  
I agree that any maniuplation to the system to change the odds of an item/reward dropping to one player over another is ***. The campaign drops aren't really that good to start with. The occasional O-ingot or Dynamis currency pops up here and there but other than that it's mostly trash.
Aside from the lower than whale ***chance someone has figured out how to hack the union drops, is it really hurting your job that bad? Most people use campaign as a means of capping/recapping/merit xp/limit points as applicable anyway...so SE tossed in the Union's to "bring in" more campaigners, big deal. /Random is just that...it's random. If you get lucky and get a drop congratulations. If not, move on to another campaign and try again.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Azrial
Posts: 93
By Lakshmi.Azrial 2009-08-06 17:52:17  
Secondly, SE themselves mentioned that moochers would not have access to items in Union lootpools.

What SE means by this is it's literal translation. They wont have ACCESS. Meaning loot wont even show up in their pools. You mess around and do nothing or show up to late, that's to bad. You could get a gnole horn to lot on while the rest of your union is lotting on a full loot pool. They didn't mean their capping your lots.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eeek
Posts: 768
By Asura.Eeek 2009-08-06 19:30:40  
Azrial said:
Secondly, SE themselves mentioned that moochers would not have access to items in Union lootpools.

What SE means by this is it's literal translation. They wont have ACCESS. Meaning loot wont even show up in their pools. You mess around and do nothing or show up to late, that's to bad. You could get a gnole horn to lot on while the rest of your union is lotting on a full loot pool. They didn't mean their capping your lots.

Well, based upon the lotting anomalies that people have been seeing with the Union loot pools, I think it's fair to extrapolate upon SE's comments in this case. They state themselves that they didn't want moochers to profit off Union loot. Is it not unreasonable to think that SE gamed the system so that major contributors in battle, as measured by Exp/AN accrued, have a higher percentage of rolling high lots?

This is only a possible explanation based upon people's observations and reasoning. Ultimately, it may not be the correct explanation, but at least it has some basis in reality, as opposed to all the baseless speculation that people across all servers have suddenly become able to alter lotting, which is handled server-side, without being detected and promptly banned or without using these supposed lothacks on drops elsewhere in the game that are actually worth a damn.

That's why I'm curious about the exp/AN rewards of people who are rolling all the high lots. I think there's a definite connection between exp/AN rewards and high lots on Union drops. As far as I know, no one has collected any information to look at this kind of connection (although many people have suggested that such a connection does exist...I'm not the first to bring it up). We know that there's a very minimal threshold you have to reach in order to lot Union drops (around 500 exp, I believe?). I'm wondering if there are tiers above this initial lotting threshold, and depending on which tier you reach, your chance of rolling a high lot on Union drops improves.

This isn't something I can check myself. SAM and PLD can really pump out the exp/AN in Campaign (among others, I'm sure), but I don't have those jobs leveled. THF, BRD, and BLM do OK in Campaign, but they don't tear it up like the other jobs I mentioned.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 263
By Fairy.Lethewaters 2009-08-06 19:43:31  
My fiancee mentioned something about having more exp/AN for tanking the mobs in campaign. The last 2 I was in were with her and we were both PLDs (70 PLD/RDM and 75 PLD/DNC). In each one we recieved about 2k exp each (give or take about 100 exp) and on the 2nd we tried a union. I lotted higher than her and I was a lower lvl. I would say we both performed the same for kiting and tanking mobs.She did die however due to Softshell aggroing.

In al honesty if you think it is a 3rd party hack and it's constantly from the same person lotting 900+ over and over every campaign, open a GM call. If it is a hack, it'll get fixed.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2009-08-06 20:03:18  
It only seems to be about 250-300 exp you need to earn before you are allowed to lot.

I gained 300 exp once and lotted 900+'s and won several things before.

Luck is luck, and /random is server side.
サーバ: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: ladymist
Posts: 79
By Midgardsormr.Ladymist 2009-08-06 22:49:32  
Yunalie said:
Blazza said:
So you're happy to go out and play your job like a retard (believe it or not that isn't actually a personal attack on you for once) to get more exp/AN, rather than play your job how it was supposed to be played. All jobs have a use in campaign, especially if people actually work together, the system should work that playing your job properly gets you max points, rather than seeing all these melee whm's that don't cure tanks or raise. (Although I gotta say, props to all the whm's and rdm's I've campaigned along side in Xarc, you've all been tops ^^)

I couldn't agree more. You can run into a cb and aga III hit every mob thats grouped hit your dmg cap and afk...where is the fun in that. If you are actually looking to play the game you have sit for 5 min wait for weakness then wash rinse repeat. It makes blm utterly boring. Its just more of SE brain washing this new age of blms to have no idea what the hell a magic burst is. and turning them all into microwaves. /sigh

I have found that as a BLM the best way for me to get xp/an is to MB from others skillchains, raise and heal...a little of everything I guess..

no freaking way will you catch me trying to melee idc what it gets me, thats just HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tarowyn
Posts: 737
By Unicorn.Tarowyn 2009-08-06 23:36:23  
Ladymist said:
I have found that as a BLM the best way for me to get xp/an is to MB from others skillchains, raise and heal...a little of everything I guess..

no freaking way will you catch me trying to melee idc what it gets me, thats just HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.

What's wrong with meleeing? It's like free points and in between Aspir and Spirit Taker, you can still nuke without having to rest excessively.
サーバ: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: ladymist
Posts: 79
By Midgardsormr.Ladymist 2009-08-07 00:02:22  
other than the point that BLM doesnt melee? Makes it a little harder to raise. Also, I dont have to rest a whole lot since I am sparing with large mp cost spells. Ive found that MB, rasp, burn etc and raise/heal to gain me the most xp. To each thier own, however I will not be meleeing anytime soon, lol
サーバ: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tarowyn
Posts: 737
By Unicorn.Tarowyn 2009-08-07 00:11:15  
BLM still has decent staff skill, not super high but good enough for campaign. I guess I just don't see how all those things can't be done while meleeing. Maybe if you fight yagudo a lot the stun gets really annoying but battle dance can just be SS'ed and turtles don't do jack AOEwise.
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