Bismarck.Snprphnx said:
»i got it to work, sort of. i had a long gear set in mine with all my nin gear called gearcollector. i deleted this set, and it then collected all the gear in my xml. however, i have seen other xmls with this gearset listed in it. any ideas on that?
Something as simple as this can work in any XML :
<set name="OtherItems">
<!-- Proc'ing Weapons -->
<item>Ark Saber</item>
<item>Pitchfork +1</item>
<item>Trainee Hammer</item>
<item>Aliyat Chakram</item>
<item>Twilight Knife</item>
<!-- Misc. Items -->
<item>Forbidden Key</item>
<item>Ninja Chainmail</item> <!--didnt port over from GC as a variable in the script-->
Also, be sure to abbreviate your gear in your XML when its abbr. in-game, else it will ignore it and not move it.