How Would YOU Bring Back Low-level Parties?

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How would YOU bring back low-level parties?
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サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-11-09 16:30:16  
Quetzalcoatl.Vostakoyev said:
Not limit the entry requirement to 70, but limit the requirement to receive exp to 70. Or at least severely nerf the exp gained at levels lower than intended, pretty much the same as how campaign is with jobs lower than 60.
EXP on jobs below the highest level member in the group has been penalized for years. Level 30 jobs often get 0 EXP in Abyssea for a while.

I don't think that traditional exp parties need a bonus to the xp rate, because the long grind of leveling a job up to 70+ is a major factor in teaching people how to play their jobs right and weeding at least some people out who weren't meant to play the job.

ITT: Level grinding teaches you how to play your job well.

PS: half my jobs are Abyssea burned. I'm still better at them than you.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Ninian
Posts: 2596
By Leviathan.Niniann 2010-11-09 16:30:56  
Yeah, it's not a perfect answer--I don't have a perfect answer sadly, but there would need to be a serious overhaul of old areas, possibly including more 'exp' camps with not-***mobs, and lots of said mobs.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: volkom
Posts: 1294
By Quetzalcoatl.Volkom 2010-11-09 16:31:03  
give signet/sigil/sanction increased status effects for people below 70~ like improved hp/mp/acc/attk/ and out of combat +50hp/mp regen/tick to lower downtime
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-11-09 16:33:49  
Bismarck.Tuvae said:
Leviathan.Niniann said:
Bahamut.Zorander said:
Bismarck.Tuvae said:
minimum level inside abyssea is 70. Thats how id fix it.
I don't think it would fix anything TBH..I think it would just bring back AFBurning again.
This. Exactly *** this. The only thing I can think that'd 'fix' the situation is to change the mob respawn timer in the old areas to maybe 3 or so minutes, maybe change inside to 5? Offnote, this would actually help Magian Trials too. Maybe add more crystals/clusters to mobs... since apparently that's a problem nowadays. Perhaps have a small amount of gil per mob kill or something to that effect to encourage poor people to level in parties. I don't know a perfect solution, but changing Abyssea's minimum level is NOT the answer.

Its a step in the right direction though. It would defenitly help.
No, it wouldn't help. At best it changes nothing, at worst it's a step backwards.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Cruxus
Posts: 333
By Cerberus.Cruxus 2010-11-09 16:38:56  
Would be fun to see SE do something for low lvl characters since everyone now pulls "Hey! I'm 30 let me be your chest *** and leech EXP!" I would like to try my hand at other jobs I left at low lvl's and not have to depend on a solo/duo situation (except for bst), especially since somehow I got my hands on one of those Kupofried rings
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Sect
Posts: 3987
By Quetzalcoatl.Sectumsempra 2010-11-09 16:42:54  
Raise the EXP a mob gives based on if you can successfully SC on it. And then moreso for MBing.

Or, give EXP as you raise your skills.

Ie, when the PLD's shield skill raises a level, he gets an EXP bonus on that mob.

When the skill is capped for your level, you get double exp/gil from the mobs or something.

サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Harpunnik
Posts: 867
By Ragnarok.Harpunnik 2010-11-09 16:45:57  
Aren't low level abyssea partys possible? I'd imagine an alliance of level 40's could take on some treants in the highlands and get the same results? Not sure saw long time ago someone having success...

If someone did it and posted about it, perhaps posting a thread could entice more people to seek on lower level pt's.
サーバ: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Judaine
Posts: 789
By Caitsith.Judaine 2010-11-09 16:57:52  
Leviathan.Draylo said:
Make partying more enticing. Spice it up a little with new things and give incentive. I would say add more soloing things but I really would like to see old fashioned pt make a comeback at least for low levels.


Maybe if they did something like WoE, by that I mean something that can be done in alliances or lowman parties.
So let's call it a WoE and MMM hybrid.

Ok, so let's say they make something like that-
Here's what I imagine:
-The minimum level requirement to enter Abyssea areas has been bumped up to level 70.
-New (let's call it:) "Asgard" area grand opening!
-EXP Modifier for parties that are synced or capped to below level 70 has been given a 10% Bonus in EXP (EXP modifier changed while using Asgard area).


-Must be atleast a level 30

-Must have atleast 6 members, max is 18

-You can only enter the area once every 2 Earth hours.

There's a large area with different tiers of levels of monsters, such as walk of echoes (I'll use conflux 1 as an example). You have your Cyanic Crabs, Damask Crabs, then you have Caldera Crabs (In order of difficulty). Now, take away all the drops so players wont fight over lots etc., but make it where every 1,000 EXP you earn in the area, you get 1 point (kind of like a conquest point). And with those points, you can buy Key items, pop items, or even traverser stones for abyssea. For example, 10 points = 1 traverser stone.

Now, to determine the difficulty of the monster, let's take just 2 parties of people.

50 PLD
39 DNC
45 SAM
34 DRG
75 WHM
58 SAM
64 RNG
48 DRK
85 BLM
40 SMN
72 WAR
68 SCH

Now let's take the lowest level: 34 DRG
And now let's average all of the player's levels: 678/12 = 56.5*0.1 = 5.65 (round up to 6)

For now, let's make n represent the lowest level, and x represent the average of all the player's levels

Everyone will automatically be synced to the level of the lowest level member in the alliance.

Then to figure out the level of the monsters in the area, you'd use this forumla: n+(x*0.1)+1 for Tier 1,
then for Tier 2, just add another level to your end result, and Tier 3 add another level.

So you'd end up with 12 people being synced to lvl 34, and for monster's you'll have :

-15 Tier 1 Mobs
-10 Tier 2 Mobs
-5 Tier 3 Mobs

30 Monsters altogether.

You'd have lv 41 Cyanic Crabs
Then lv 42 Damask Crabs
Then lv 43 Caldera Crabs.

For the amount of EXP earned:

TIER 1 = n*10+(n*200%EXPMODIFIER)= 10n+(n*2)
TIER 2 = n*11+(n*250%EXPMODIFIER)= 11n+(n*2.5)
TIER 3 = n*12+(n*300%EXPMODIFIER)= 12n+(n*3)

So for our dragoon friend, he and his alliance would have earned AT LEAST 13,260 EXP, not counting EXP chains and the 2 levels
he got from all of that EXP in LESS than an hour.
So really, you can earn quite a bit of experience in a short amount of time for that level.

But hey, let's spice it up more:

Put a 45 minute time limit in this area, and if you clear the area in that time limit, you get to fight a Mega-Boss.

The formula to determine the mega-boss's level will be: n+(x*0.1)+5

So even though our Dragoon friend has leveled up to 36, and everyone will bump up to a lv36, the monster's are still going to be
based off of the initial level the lowest level (n) entered as.

For our lovely group, the boss's level will be 34+(56.5*0.1)+5= 45.

Now let's make a comparison here, at about level 14 in the dunes, you'd be killing level 20-23 damselflys, which is about 6 to 9 levels above your current level.

Now let's look at the boss, 12 Lv36's vs. 1 Lv45. That's a 9 level difference, it shouldn't be that hard (depending on what type mob it is and what skills they are given).

As a reward for killing the mega-boss, you'll receive a temporary key item (now depending on the level of boss, you'll receive a certain key item).

Now what you can do with this key item is:

1)Choose to reset your entry timer (You can re-enter again without waiting the 2 hours)

2)Gain (bosslevel*0.5) Asgard points

3)Gain (bosslevel*100) Abyssea Cruor

4)Gain 1 Traverser Stone

5)Gain 1 Morph Token*

*Now what the Morph token would do is allow you to change the family of monster's that you'll face in the area (Which of course, could
only be used once).

So for example, 8 BLM's, 2 SCH's, and 2 RDM's make a party. One of them has a Morph Token, so more than likely they'd change the type of monster that they would face to Flans. This would ALSO change the boss's family type.

Another example, 6 DRG's, 2 WHM's, 4 WAR's, 2 SAM's, and 3 NIN's make a party. If one of them has a Morph Token, they're definitely going to change the mob type to Colibri's.

Otherwise, if the party does not have anyone with a Morph Token, there will be basic Families of monsters that will be changed based on the lowest level player, for example:


This new event will allow low level, and high level players to experience quick, big, and fun parties, while being able to level up
jobs that they wish to play that they didn't have a chance to level pre-abyssea.

サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Sheelay
Posts: 2821
By Odin.Sheelay 2010-11-09 17:10:54  
- In Abyssea:

Allow Level Sync Abyssean parties to take place starting from lvl 30 and more peaople will be able to level low jobs all together since anyone will basically be eligible for the 'chest bish' duty.

- In the remaining 98% zones in the game:

Turn every zone into abyssea and allow exp chests to pop!

Put FoV books in other areas, dungeons included. Reduce the repop window on exp mobs.
Expand the number of buffs you can buy from FoV / Campaign by Tiers. Add 2 - 3 tick Refresh and Regen Tiers for double - triple the cost and the downside of having to rest 'Oldschool Style' will disappear.

Turn every zone into abyssea and allow exp chests to pop!

- Conclusions:

After realizing none of the options considered for the zones outside of Abyssea will ever take place, allow your personal NPC to go further up in levels and remove the 40% exp penalty from using it,especially since his level adjusts to yours so it's not like you're PLing yourself with a lv 70 npc.

At least having a NPC hitting stuff with you while doing FoV will make you feel less ronry.

サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-11-09 17:19:18  
Asura.Emoneaone said:
1. Increase the entry level for Abyssea. Minimum 70.
2. Put a bonus into the experience calculation that rewards 25% or 50% bonus to parties under 70.
3. FIX LEVEL SYNCH! Allow skill ups to occur in level-synced parties. Won't be hard to put some calculations in the mix to enable that.

level synch isn't broken, it's silly to expect skill ups on mobs that are below your skill level.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-11-09 17:20:13  
Caitsith.Judaine said:
Well, as we all know, there has been a tremendous decline in the amount of low level parties, or any parties outside of Abyssea nowadays. Heck, I have a 40 summoner I'd like to level but all I can do is either solo or HOPE to get in an abyssea party as a chest-***, since anyone seeking lv30-75 is asking to be a chest-***. Hardly anyone does a regular exp party.

So tell me FFXIAH, how in the world could SE possibly bring back parties outside of abyssea?
HOPE to? or you could just not be lazy and make one yourself.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: xSephrinx
Posts: 656
By Cerberus.Sephrin 2010-11-09 17:34:15  
Raising the entry requirement to Abyssea is a good idea. NO more key-whorin' I say! Should have been 70+ from the start because honestly what use does a player bellow (barring mages since they can heal) 70 have? I made money off lazy people wanting to be key-*** in Abyssea. The dude paid me 500k to let him key-*** his blm to 42. That's about the only thing i've gotten out of lower levels in abyssea.

People need to get off their lazy behinds and go party old school style. Learn your job and gain leadership skills. Seriously don't sit hours on end LFP then complain that nobody parties anymore. The real issue is that nobody wants to lead anymore. I shouted once for members when i was making an east ronfaure {s} (gasp! yes i partied outside of abyssea. /panic) party and i got an absurd amount of tells. The people are there just not the leadership.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2010-11-09 17:39:31  
Cerberus.Sephrin said:
Raising the entry requirement to Abyssea is a good idea. NO more key-whorin' I say! Should have been 70+ from the start because honestly what use does a player bellow (barring mages since they can heal) 70 have? I made money off lazy people wanting to be key-*** in Abyssea. The dude paid me 500k to let him key-*** his blm to 42. That's about the only thing i've gotten out of lower levels in abyssea.

People need to get off their lazy behinds and go party old school style. Learn your job and gain leadership skills. Seriously don't sit hours on end LFP then complain that nobody parties anymore. The real issue is that nobody wants to lead anymore. I shouted once for members when i was making an east ronfaure {s} (gasp! yes i partied outside of abyssea. /panic) party and i got an absurd amount of tells. The people are there just not the leadership.

because people suck and few people have the patience to put up with forming a party when every other person tells you no, or leaves etc... it's just too annoying for most people who just want to hop on and get experience points. They are allowed to *** just as much as everyone else. If they have the money and want to pay and there's takers, then so be it.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-11-09 17:43:54  
Learn your job and gain leadership skills. Seriously don't sit hours on end LFP then complain that nobody parties anymore. The real issue is that nobody wants to lead anymore.

This just doesn't apply to low lv pts. You can lead an abyssea run as well.

As for learning your job, your roll in 99% of the endgame ***is going to be different than your role in an exp party, so you really don't learn ***until you're max level anyways.
サーバ: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Judaine
Posts: 789
By Caitsith.Judaine 2010-11-09 17:44:23  
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Caitsith.Judaine said:
Well, as we all know, there has been a tremendous decline in the amount of low level parties, or any parties outside of Abyssea nowadays. Heck, I have a 40 summoner I'd like to level but all I can do is either solo or HOPE to get in an abyssea party as a chest-***, since anyone seeking lv30-75 is asking to be a chest-***. Hardly anyone does a regular exp party. So tell me FFXIAH, how in the world could SE possibly bring back parties outside of abyssea?
HOPE to? or you could just not be lazy and make one yourself.

I've tried, nowadays there's actually hardly anyone on my server to do Abyssea. Usually Linkshells will be the only ones doing Abyssea, hard to find enough people to make a party.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Gias
Posts: 1308
By Quetzalcoatl.Giazz 2010-11-09 17:45:35  
Most people don't PT outside Abyssea these days because Abyssea simply gives you whole lot more EXP. It's simple logic.

That being said, how about instead of SE increasing Abyssea's level entry requirement, they do something more like the following:

Create "low level camps" inside abyssea for low level jobs to form PTs.

This way, you can have high level mobs/camps for high level players, and lower level mobs/camps for low level players.

Everyone gets to PT/contribute, and everyone gets high EXP.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: xSephrinx
Posts: 656
By Cerberus.Sephrin 2010-11-09 17:47:49  
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:

As for learning your job, your roll in 99% of the endgame ***is going to be different than your role in an exp party, so you really don't learn ***until you're max level anyways.

Maybe so, but at least learn the fundamentals.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-11-09 17:48:18  
Caitsith.Judaine said:
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Caitsith.Judaine said:
Well, as we all know, there has been a tremendous decline in the amount of low level parties, or any parties outside of Abyssea nowadays. Heck, I have a 40 summoner I'd like to level but all I can do is either solo or HOPE to get in an abyssea party as a chest-***, since anyone seeking lv30-75 is asking to be a chest-***. Hardly anyone does a regular exp party. So tell me FFXIAH, how in the world could SE possibly bring back parties outside of abyssea?
HOPE to? or you could just not be lazy and make one yourself.

I've tried, nowadays there's actually hardly anyone on my server to do Abyssea. Usually Linkshells will be the only ones doing Abyssea, hard to find enough people to make a party.
If your server doesn't have enough ppl to do abyssea, you need to swap, seriously.

20 ppl lfp 75-85 atm on Sylph not to mention the pts that fill up in 10-20 mins of ppl shouting abyssea.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-11-09 17:49:22  
Cerberus.Sephrin said:
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:

As for learning your job, your roll in 99% of the endgame ***is going to be different than your role in an exp party, so you really don't learn ***until you're max level anyways.

Maybe so, but at least learn the fundamentals.
If you're just starting the game and is your first job, sure. If you've played any job to before abyssea came out and have at least 1 75 before abyssea came out, then that's not really necessary at all.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: xSephrinx
Posts: 656
By Cerberus.Sephrin 2010-11-09 17:50:52  
Quetzalcoatl.Giazz said:
Most people don't PT outside Abyssea these days because Abyssea simply gives you whole lot more EXP. It's simple logic.

That being said, how about instead of SE increasing Abyssea's level entry requirement, they do something more like the following:

Create "low level camps" inside abyssea for low level jobs to form PTs.

This way, you can have high level mobs/camps for high level players, and lower level mobs/camps for low level players.

Everyone gets to PT/contribute, and everyone gets high EXP.

I disagree with this suggestion. Does not make sense to me to make "lower level parties" inside abyssea. Abyssea exp should be viewed as a reward after going through the first X amount of levels. It would defeat the purpose of abyssea to have baby mobs for people who just refuse to level outside of abyssea.
Posts: 174
By Areis 2010-11-09 17:51:45  
1: raise the minimum level to enter Abyssea (50, 70 or 75)

2: increase the rewards from FoV.
- increase rate you can do pages
- increase the Gil/XP/Tabs reward for finishing a page
- allow for certain armor/materials to be purchasable with tabs

3: increase the "effectiveness" of XP chains
- increase minimum time to maintain chain
- increase the maximum bonus attainable from XP chain

4: provide "XP bonus" for certain actions
- skill chain give bonus based on difficulty
- magic bursts give bonus

5: increase the "skill cap" for monsters outside abyssea
- Having to fight EM/T mobs to cap skills is a pain, provide some enemies which will allow players to cap skills higher (much higher) than the relative difficulty of the enemy.

most of these have been said in one form or another here there and elsewhere. I'm sure there are more as well.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Gias
Posts: 1308
By Quetzalcoatl.Giazz 2010-11-09 17:52:26  
Cerberus.Sephrin said:
Quetzalcoatl.Giazz said:
Most people don't PT outside Abyssea these days because Abyssea simply gives you whole lot more EXP. It's simple logic.

That being said, how about instead of SE increasing Abyssea's level entry requirement, they do something more like the following:

Create "low level camps" inside abyssea for low level jobs to form PTs.

This way, you can have high level mobs/camps for high level players, and lower level mobs/camps for low level players.

Everyone gets to PT/contribute, and everyone gets high EXP.

I disagree with this suggestion. Does not make sense to me to make "lower level parties" inside abyssea. Abyssea exp should be viewed as a reward after going through the first X amount of levels. It would defeat the purpose of abyssea to have baby mobs for people who just refuse to level outside of abyssea.

Well people "refuse to level outside of abyssea" because inside of get more EXP.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Rocketpop
Posts: 11972
By Ramuh.Laffter 2010-11-09 17:53:50  
I really like Judaine's idea.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-11-09 17:54:11  
Areis said:
1: raise the minimum level to enter Abyssea (50, 70 or 75)

2: increase the rewards from FoV.
- increase rate you can do pages
- increase the Gil/XP/Tabs reward for finishing a page
- allow for certain armor/materials to be purchasable with tabs

3: increase the "effectiveness" of XP chains
- increase minimum time to maintain chain
- increase the maximum bonus attainable from XP chain

4: provide "XP bonus" for certain actions
- skill chain give bonus based on difficulty
- magic bursts give bonus

5: increase the "skill cap" for monsters outside abyssea
- Having to fight EM/T mobs to cap skills is a pain, provide some enemies which will allow players to cap skills higher (much higher) than the relative difficulty of the enemy.

most of these have been said in one form or another here there and elsewhere. I'm sure there are more as well.
As said before, ppl would just smn burn longer.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2010-11-09 17:55:05  
Only thing that'd make people WANT to do a lower level pt is if you implemented a way they an get similar exp to inside of abyssea, so that way they can actually do something and entertain themselves while they're lv'ing instead of just opening chests.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Gias
Posts: 1308
By Quetzalcoatl.Giazz 2010-11-09 17:55:55  
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Only thing that'd make people WANT to do a lower level pt is if you implemented a way they an get similar exp to inside of abyssea, so that way they can actually do something and entertain themselves while they're lv'ing instead of just opening chests.

Basically this ^
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Tuv
Posts: 868
By Bismarck.Tuvae 2010-11-09 17:58:28  
making low level camps inside abyssea doesnt help the newer players without it unlocked, which recently im seeing more of. Sooo doesnt help low lvl pting at all
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: pchan
Posts: 756
By Leviathan.Pimpchan 2010-11-09 17:59:00  
Caitsith.Judaine said:
Well, as we all know, there has been a tremendous decline in the amount of low level parties, or any parties outside of Abyssea nowadays. Heck, I have a 40 summoner I'd like to level but all I can do is either solo or HOPE to get in an abyssea party as a chest-***, since anyone seeking lv30-75 is asking to be a chest-***. Hardly anyone does a regular exp party.

So tell me FFXIAH, how in the world could SE possibly bring back parties outside of abyssea?

By fixing campaign, sound pretty simple. Make it an FFXIV-like exp distribution where you randomly get exp for actions done on enemy or party memebers, but this time something decently fast, in the same trend as weak astral burn parties (30k an hour sounds good). Make a PT bonus in campaign (say +50% bonus in a party of 6) and make every successfull action give like 50 exp. I should start being decent a 30.

You could also imagine campaign forts where you automatically sync to level 20/30/40...

サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34
By Phoenix.Mitsukilatem 2010-11-09 18:00:40  
Make colibri drop traverser stones~
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Bogamoga
Posts: 1161
By Fenrir.Mtmoogle 2010-11-09 18:01:40  
crash the servers so everyone loses all gear, lvls unlocked jobs forcing you to start over and make the game free or atleast cheaper
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