SC Trubbles!!!

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SC trubbles!!!
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サーバ: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Karisa
Posts: 168
By Diabolos.Karisa 2010-10-17 17:17:28  
Please could anyone inform me as to whats wrong with this?
Nfc why it wont work D=
Any help GREATLY appreciated!! Thanks! ^^

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
RequireVersion = "2.17"
Debug = "False"
ShowGearSwaps = "False" />
<!-- Group: Nuke Low Skill -->
<group name="Low Skill" default="yes">
<!-- Set: Idle -->
<set name="Idle">
<main>Terra's Staff</main>
<sub>Raptor Strap</sub>
<ammo>Hedgehog Bomb</ammo>
<head>Scholar's mortarboard</head>
<body>Scholar's gown</body>
<neck>Morgana's Choker</neck>
<lear>Star Earring</lear>
<rear>Loquac. Earring</rear>
<hands>Argute Bracers</hands>
<lring>Dark Ring</lring>
<rring>Dark Ring</rring>
<back>Cheviot Cape</back>
<waist>Penitent's Rope</waist>
<legs>Scholar's pants</legs>
<feet>Herald's gaiters</feet>
<!-- Set: Enmity -->
<set name="Enmity" BaseSet="Idle">
<sub>Staff Strap</sub>
<head>Yigit Turban</head>
<body>Goliard Saio</body>
<hands>Argute bracers</hands>
<rring>Trooper's Ring</rring>
<legs>Mahatma slops</legs>
<rear>Novia Earring</rear>
<feet>Scholar's Loafers</feet>
<!-- Set: Enhancing -->
<set name="Enhancing" BaseSet="Idle">
<head>Scholar's M.board</head>
<neck>Enhancing Torque</neck>
<body>Glamor Jupon</body>
<legs>Scholar's Pants</legs>
<!-- Set: Enfeebling (LightArts) -->
<set name="EnfeeblingLight" BaseSet="Idle">
<head>Scholar's M.board</head>
<neck>Enfeebling Torque</neck>
<body>Glamor Jupon</body>
<hands>Argute Bracers</hands>
<legs>Scholar's Pants</legs>
<feet>Goliard Clogs</feet>
<!--Resting: hMP, MP-->

<set name="Resting" BaseSet="Idle">
<main>Pluto's Staff</main>
<body>Errant Hpl.</body>
<neck>Eidolon Pendant</neck>
<back>Felicitas cape</back>
<waist>Austerity Belt</waist>
<hands>Genie gages</hands>
<!--hp 822, mp 1182-->
<!-- Set: Enfeebling (DarkArts) -->
<set name="EnfeeblingDark" BaseSet="Idle">
<head>Scholar's M.board</head>
<neck>Enfeebling Torque</neck>
<body>Scholar's Gown</body>
<hands>Argute Bracers</hands>
<legs>Mahatma Slops</legs>
<feet>Goliard Clogs</feet>
<!-- Set: Dark -->
<set name="Dark" BaseSet="Idle">
<neck>Dark Torque</neck>
<body>Scholar's Gown</body>
<legs>Argute Pants</legs>
<feet>Goliard Clogs</feet>
<!-- Set: Elemental -->
<set name="Elemental" BaseSet="Idle">
<sub>Bugard Strap +1</sub>
<head>Scholar's M.board</head>
<neck>Lemegeton medallion</neck>
<rear>Moldavite earring</rear>
<lear>Novio earring</lear>
<body>Errant Hpl.</body>
<hands>Yigit Gages</hands>
<rring>Omega Ring</rring>
<lring>Snow Ring</lring>
<legs>Mahatma Slops</legs>
<feet>River Gaiters</feet>
<!-- Set: Stoneskin (LightArts) -->
<set name="StoneskinLight" BaseSet="Enmity">
<main>Kirin's Pole</main>
<!-- Set: Stoneskin (DarkArts) -->
<set name="StoneskinDark" BaseSet="Idle">
<main>Kirin's Pole</main>
<legs>Mahatma Slops</legs>
<!-- Group: Nuke Mid Skill -->
<group name="Mid Skill" inherit="Low Skill">
<set name="Elemental" BaseSet="Elemental" BaseGroup="Low Skill">
<head>Argute M.board</head>
<body>Errant Hpl.</body>
<legs>Mahatma slops</legs>
<waist>Penitent's rope</legs>
<back>Gleeman's cape</back>
<feet>River Gaiters</feet>
<lring>Snow Ring</lring>
<rring>Omega Ring</rring>
<neck>Lemegeton medallion</neck>
<lear>Novio earring</lear>
<rear>Moldavite Earring</rear>

<!-- Group: Nuke High Skill -->
<group name="High Skill" inherit="Low Skill">
<set name="Elemental" BaseSet="Elemental" BaseGroup="Low Skill">
<head>Argute M.board</head>
<body>Scholar's gown</body>
<legs>Mahatma slops</legs>
<waist>Penitent's rope</legs>
<back>Gleeman's cape</back>
<feet>River Gaiters</feet>
<lring>Snow Ring</lring>
<rring>Omega Ring</rring>
<neck>Elemental Torque</neck>
<lear>Novio earring</lear>
<rear>Moldavite Earring</rear>

<variables clear="true">
<!-- Var: Elemental Staves -->
<var name="IceStaff">Aquilo's Staff</var>
<var name="WindStaff">Wind Staff</var>
<var name="EarthStaff">Terra's Staff</var>
<var name="ThunderStaff">Jupiter's Staff</var>
<var name="WaterStaff">Water Staff</var>
<var name="FireStaff">Vulcan's Staff</var>
<var name="DarkStaff">Pluto's Staff</var>
<var name="LightStaff">Apollo's Staff</var>
<!-- Var: Elemental Obis -->
<var name="IceObi">Hyorin Obi</var>
<var name="WindObi">Furin Obi</var>
<var name="EarthObi">Dorin Obi</var>
<var name="ThunderObi">Rairin Obi</var>
<var name="WaterObi">Suirin Obi</var>
<var name="FireObi">Karin Obi</var>
<var name="DarkObi">Anrin Obi</var>
<var name="LightObi">Korin Obi</var>
<if CommandPrefix="/magic">
<!-- Rule: Gear Based on Spell Type -->
<if Skill="EnfeeblingMagic">
<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White">
<action type="equip" set="EnfeeblingLight" />
<action type="equip" set="EnfeeblingDark" />
<elseif Skill="EnhancingMagic">
<if Spell="Stoneskin">
<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White">
<action type="equip" set="StoneskinLight" />
<action type="equip" set="StoneskinDark" />
<elseif Spell="Phalanx|En*">
<action type="equip" set="Enhancing" />
<elseif Skill="DarkMagic">
<action type="equip" set="Dark" />
<elseif Skill="ElementalMagic">
<action type="equip" set="Elemental" />
<!-- SubRule: Enmity set for Heals if they are Accession'd -->
<elseif Skill="HealingMagic" BuffActive="Accession">
<action type="equip" set="Enmity" />
<!-- Rule: Staff/Obi based on Spell Name or Skill -->
<if NotStatus="Engaged" TPLT="20">
<if mode="or" spell="Bio*|Sleep*|Drain*|Aspir*|Cure*|Cura*" skill="ElementalMagic|EnfeeblingMagic">
<action type="equip">
<if advanced='("%SpellElement"=="%DayElement")||("%SpellElement"=="%WeatherElement")'>
<action type="equip">
<if spell="Bli*|Fre*|Aer*|Tor*|Sto*|Qua*|Thu*|Bur*|Wat*|Flo*|Fir*|Fla*|*helix">
<if MPPAftercastLT="50">
<action type="equip">
<neck>Uggalepih Pendant</neck>
<!-- Rule: Correct Strategem for Proper Arts -->
<elseif CommandPrefix="/jobability">
<if spell="Penury|Parsimony">
<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Penury" />
<action type="Command">input /recast Penury</action>
<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts|Addendum: Black">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Parsimony" />
<action type="Command">input /recast Parsimony</action>
<elseif spell="Celerity|Alacrity">
<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Celerity" />
<action type="Command">input /recast Celerity</action>
<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts|Addendum: Black">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Alacrity" />
<action type="Command">input /recast Alacrity</action>
<elseif spell="Accession|Manifestation">
<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Accession" />
<action type="Command">input /recast Accession</action>
<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts|Addendum: Black">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Manifestation" />
<action type="Command">input /recast Manifestation</action>
<elseif spell="Rapture|Ebullience">
<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Rapture" />
<action type="Command">input /recast Rapture</action>
<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts|Addendum: Black">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Ebullience" />
<action type="Command">input /recast Ebullience</action>
<elseif spell="Addendum*">
<if BuffActive="Light Arts">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Addendum: White" />
<action type="Command">input /recast "Addendum: White"</action>
<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Addendum: Black" />
<action type="Command">input /recast "Addendum: Black"</action>
<!-- Rule: Equip Idle Set when Light/Dark Arts is used -->
<elseif spell="*Arts">
<action type="equip" set="Idle">
<main>Terra's Staff</main>
<if NotBuffactive="Sublimation: Activated" MPPLT="85">
<action type="equip">
<body>Vermillion Cloak</body>
<if MPPLT="93" HPPLT="100">
<action type="equip">
<neck>Orochi Nodowa</neck>
<elseif BuffActive="Sublimation: Activated">
<action type="equip">
<head>Scholar's M.board</head>
<!-- Rule: Gear Swap to cancel Job Ability Animation -->
<if EquipFeet="Rostrum Pumps">
<action type="equip">
<feet>Mahatma Pigaches</feet>
<action type="equip">
<feet>Rostrum Pumps</feet>
<!--Autosets: Used to handle gear for and after resting-->
<if spell="autoset">
<action type="equip" when="Resting" set="Resting"></action>
<action type="equip" when="Idle" set="Idle"></action>
<action type="equip" when="Aftercast" set="Idle"></action>
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2010-10-17 17:20:24  
It would greatly help if you said what about it isn't working and what error messages you might be getting
サーバ: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Karisa
Posts: 168
By Diabolos.Karisa 2010-10-17 17:23:04  
absolutely nothing at all, it loads but doesnt do squat is my dilemma
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2010-10-17 17:35:18  
Frankly I've never messed with multiple groups. So no idea if that is messing things up. Also whats up with all the
<!-- Stuff --> Things?

Quick look things look like they should at least do something. Usually if nothing does anything you have wrong spellcast for the syntax or RequireVersion = "blah" you are using
Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2010-10-17 17:43:46  
Just glancing through it, I noticed your config doesn't have a closing > at the top.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 13835
By Bahamut.Dasva 2010-10-17 17:46:52  
Artemicion said:
Just glancing through it, I noticed your config doesn't have a closing > at the top.
It does. It's a couple of lines lower
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: zuriel
Posts: 264
By Cerberus.Nutt 2010-10-17 17:48:43  
I might be wrong, but what version of Spellcast are you using? Is it 2.17?

If it is not, try updating the line RequireVersion = "2.17" to whatever version you have. Then try your launch again.
Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2010-10-17 17:56:09  
Either I'm really tired and overlooking over and over again but I could swear there's no end config bracket.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Quipto
Posts: 608
By Cerberus.Quipto 2010-10-17 17:56:37  
Bahamut.Dasva said:
Frankly I've never messed with multiple groups. So no idea if that is messing things up. Also whats up with all the <!-- Stuff --> Things?
Those are just notes to let you know what things are doing what. They don't affect anything.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: zuriel
Posts: 264
By Cerberus.Nutt 2010-10-17 18:03:47  
Artemicion said:
Either I'm really tired and overlooking over and over again but I could swear there's no end config bracket.

RequireVersion = "2.17"
Debug = "False"
ShowGearSwaps = "False" />

Does the /> count as the end bracket?
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Gias
Posts: 1308
By Quetzalcoatl.Giazz 2010-10-17 18:07:19  
Diabolos.Karisa said:

<!-- Group: Nuke Mid Skill -->
<group name="Mid Skill" inherit="Low Skill">
<set name="Elemental" BaseSet="Elemental" BaseGroup="Low Skill">
<head>Argute M.board</head>
<body>Errant Hpl.</body>
<legs>Mahatma slops</legs>
<waist>Penitent's rope</legs>
<back>Gleeman's cape</back>
<feet>River Gaiters</feet>
<lring>Snow Ring</lring>
<rring>Omega Ring</rring>
<neck>Lemegeton medallion</neck>
<lear>Novio earring</lear>
<rear>Moldavite Earring</rear>


Well there's that for starters.

Cerberus.Nutt said:
Artemicion said:
Either I'm really tired and overlooking over and over again but I could swear there's no end config bracket.

RequireVersion = "2.17"
Debug = "False"
ShowGearSwaps = "False" />

Does the /> count as the end bracket?

That's how you close config in Spellcast xmls, yes.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: zuriel
Posts: 264
By Cerberus.Nutt 2010-10-17 18:15:16  
Thanks, Giazz. I am learning about xmls so all of this is new for me too.

But I know what it's like to be frustrated so I'm trying to help.
Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2010-10-17 18:16:18  
Ah I see now.
Tiredness + XML is not a nice combo.
By 2010-10-17 18:17:20
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サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: zuriel
Posts: 264
By Cerberus.Nutt 2010-10-17 18:21:53  
Asura.Catastrophe said:
Diabolos.Karisa said:
Please could anyone inform me as to whats wrong with this?
You idle in AF1 body ;)

That's not nice. BACK IN YOUR CAGE!!

/cracks whip
By 2010-10-17 18:22:53
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Caliber
Posts: 1907
By Asura.Matzilla 2010-10-17 18:29:27  
if you use notepad++ you can just open it up and then do Run > open in firefox and it'll tell you what line any syntax errors you have are on
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Snick
Posts: 906
By Fenrir.Snick 2010-10-17 18:31:38  
Asura.Matzilla said:
if you use notepad++ you can just open it up and then do Run > open in firefox and it'll tell you what line any syntax errors you have are on
Don't need to do that, can just open with Firefox/IE~

But I really just wanted to quote Matzilla.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Caliber
Posts: 1907
By Asura.Matzilla 2010-10-17 18:32:21  
how U doooooooooin
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: zuriel
Posts: 264
By Cerberus.Nutt 2010-10-17 18:35:02  
Matzilla, does it matter what version of notepad you are using? (This is for me, I'm learning)
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Gias
Posts: 1308
By Quetzalcoatl.Giazz 2010-10-17 18:35:03  
Asura.Matzilla said:
if you use notepad++ you can just open it up and then do Run > open in firefox and it'll tell you what line any syntax errors you have are on

There's an XML tools plugin that you can download for Notepad++ as well. This gives you an option in the menu under plugins, named "XML tools" ...which you can use to check for xml syntax errors (it also gives you other options for xml editing though). It tells you what lines have the errors, or if no mistakes or errors are found... it will say "No errors detected."

Although, I suppose Firefox could work too.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: zuriel
Posts: 264
By Cerberus.Nutt 2010-10-17 18:36:12  
Never mind the last post, I googled it!
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Yekyaa
Posts: 42
By Asura.Yekyaa 2010-10-17 18:38:21  
Why are people using version 2.17?
2.32 was just released today and 2.22/2.3x has been out for 2+ years.
I'm honestly surprised it's even switch gear for you considering
resources.xml doesn't contain the Items any longer.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Gias
Posts: 1308
By Quetzalcoatl.Giazz 2010-10-17 18:45:28  
Asura.Yekyaa said:
Why are people using version 2.17?
2.32 was just released today and 2.22/2.3x has been out for 2+ years.
I'm honestly surprised it's even switch gear for you considering
resources.xml doesn't contain the Items any longer.

I agree. I was just about to suggest downloading spellcast 2.31 ...

I had no idea 2.32 was released today. I need to download that....

Also, note to other people that may not know: 2.22 code will not work on spellcast 2.3X+ ...since the syntax/format is different.

However, this tool is helpful for upgrading your 2.22 code/format xml files to 2.30+ format.

サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Gias
Posts: 1308
By Quetzalcoatl.Giazz 2010-10-17 19:59:01  
Also @Karisa

My suggestion would be to download the latest version of spellcast (as of today) from here:

Also, check for other news and plugin updates here:

And as for your SCH XML...

I went ahead and converted it to 2.3+ format, so it can work on spellcast 2.3+

I also fixed a few lines where your original xml was giving errors in Notepad++ xml editor.

I have not tested in game, the xml below (in the spoiler); however, the syntax is correct for 2.3+ and has no errors when running it on Notepad++. It should work once you update your spellcast version.

Also, once you open the spoiler you can notice that the formatting for the code has been lost.

FFXIAH doesn't keep the formatting once you post code, apparently. Therefore, I think you can select to quote my post and see the code in the actual formatting, or if not...then just copy and paste the code, in the spoiler, into the format upgrader and it will format it nicely, aligning everything correctly etc.

サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2010-10-17 20:59:49  
Asura.Yekyaa said:
2.32 was just released today
サーバ: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Karisa
Posts: 168
By Diabolos.Karisa 2010-10-17 21:50:26  
Sooo many thank yous guys!! I really apriciate it! so for all of you THANK YOU THANK YOU! Ill give it a go asap!!

As for the SCH idle (SCH AF body) thing I just changed it because in almost all my SC ive tried I have issuies with my vermy leaving my body piece empty between swaps at times AND I just got the body so im loving the "school girl" skirt ;P

Once again THANK YOU to everyone kind enough to respond! much <3!!
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Aiyanna
Posts: 235
By Bahamut.Aiyana 2010-10-17 22:36:22  
Diabolos.Karisa said:
Sooo many thank yous guys!! I really apriciate it! so for all of you THANK YOU THANK YOU! Ill give it a go asap!!

As for the SCH idle (SCH AF body) thing I just changed it because in almost all my SC ive tried I have issuies with my vermy leaving my body piece empty between swaps at times AND I just got the body so im loving the "school girl" skirt ;P

Once again THANK YOU to everyone kind enough to respond! much <3!!

Agreed. Skirt > refresh. Always.
サーバ: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Karisa
Posts: 168
By Diabolos.Karisa 2010-10-17 23:45:48  
Ok it works fine now except one small minor problem.
When I rest and stand it goes back to Idle as I want it to but after preforming any action (nuke/cure/buff) It doesnt change me back to my idle stance anymore. Id love to do that spoiler allert to not spam the page with a long code but idk how ^^:
so here it is

Any idea?

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
RequireVersion = "2.17"
Debug = "False"
ShowGearSwaps = "False" />
<!-- Group: Nuke Low Skill -->
<group name="Low Skill" default="yes">
<!-- Set: Idle -->
<set name="Idle">
<main>Terra's Staff</main>
<sub>Raptor Strap</sub>
<ammo>Hedgehog Bomb</ammo>
<head>Scholar's mortarboard</head>
<body>Scholar's gown</body>
<neck>Morgana's Choker</neck>
<lear>Star Earring</lear>
<rear>Loquac. Earring</rear>
<hands>Argute Bracers</hands>
<lring>Dark Ring</lring>
<rring>Dark Ring</rring>
<back>Cheviot Cape</back>
<waist>Penitent's Rope</waist>
<legs>Scholar's pants</legs>
<feet>Herald's gaiters</feet>
<!-- Set: Enmity -->
<set name="Enmity" BaseSet="Idle">
<sub>Staff Strap</sub>
<head>Yigit Turban</head>
<body>Goliard Saio</body>
<hands>Argute bracers</hands>
<rring>Trooper's Ring</rring>
<legs>Mahatma slops</legs>
<rear>Novia Earring</rear>
<feet>Scholar's Loafers</feet>
<!-- Set: Enhancing -->
<set name="Enhancing" BaseSet="Idle">
<head>Scholar's M.board</head>
<neck>Enhancing Torque</neck>
<body>Glamor Jupon</body>
<legs>Scholar's Pants</legs>
<!-- Set: Enfeebling (LightArts) -->
<set name="EnfeeblingLight" BaseSet="Idle">
<head>Scholar's M.board</head>
<neck>Enfeebling Torque</neck>
<body>Glamor Jupon</body>
<hands>Argute Bracers</hands>
<legs>Scholar's Pants</legs>
<feet>Goliard Clogs</feet>
<!--Resting: hMP, MP-->

<set name="Resting" BaseSet="Idle">
<main>Pluto's Staff</main>
<body>Errant Hpl.</body>
<neck>Eidolon Pendant</neck>
<back>Felicitas cape</back>
<waist>Austerity Belt</waist>
<hands>Genie gages</hands>
<!--hp 822, mp 1182-->
<!-- Set: Enfeebling (DarkArts) -->
<set name="EnfeeblingDark" BaseSet="Idle">
<head>Scholar's M.board</head>
<neck>Enfeebling Torque</neck>
<body>Scholar's Gown</body>
<hands>Argute Bracers</hands>
<legs>Mahatma Slops</legs>
<feet>Goliard Clogs</feet>
<!-- Set: Dark -->
<set name="Dark" BaseSet="Idle">
<neck>Dark Torque</neck>
<body>Scholar's Gown</body>
<legs>Argute Pants</legs>
<feet>Goliard Clogs</feet>
<!-- Set: Elemental -->
<set name="Elemental" BaseSet="Idle">
<sub>Bugard Strap +1</sub>
<head>Scholar's M.board</head>
<neck>Lemegeton medallion</neck>
<rear>Moldavite earring</rear>
<lear>Novio earring</lear>
<body>Errant Hpl.</body>
<hands>Yigit Gages</hands>
<rring>Omega Ring</rring>
<lring>Snow Ring</lring>
<legs>Mahatma Slops</legs>
<feet>River Gaiters</feet>
<!-- Set: Stoneskin (LightArts) -->
<set name="StoneskinLight" BaseSet="Enmity">
<main>Kirin's Pole</main>
<!-- Set: Stoneskin (DarkArts) -->
<set name="StoneskinDark" BaseSet="Idle">
<main>Kirin's Pole</main>
<legs>Mahatma Slops</legs>
<!-- Group: Nuke Mid Skill -->
<group name="Mid Skill" inherit="Low Skill">
<set name="Elemental" BaseSet="Elemental" BaseGroup="Low Skill">
<main>Terra's Staff</main>
<head>Argute M.board</head>
<body>Errant Hpl.</body>
<legs>Mahatma slops</legs>
<waist>Penitent's rope</waist>
<back>Gleeman's cape</back>
<feet>River Gaiters</feet>
<lring>Snow Ring</lring>
<rring>Omega Ring</rring>
<neck>Lemegeton medallion</neck>
<lear>Novio earring</lear>
<rear>Moldavite Earring</rear>

<!-- Group: Nuke High Skill -->
<group name="High Skill" inherit="Low Skill">
<set name="Elemental" BaseSet="Elemental" BaseGroup="Low Skill">
<head>Argute M.board</head>
<body>Scholar's gown</body>
<legs>Mahatma slops</legs>
<waist>Penitent's rope</waist>
<back>Gleeman's cape</back>
<feet>River Gaiters</feet>
<lring>Snow Ring</lring>
<rring>Omega Ring</rring>
<neck>Elemental Torque</neck>
<lear>Novio earring</lear>
<rear>Moldavite Earring</rear>

<variables clear="true">
<!-- Var: Elemental Staves -->
<var name="IceStaff">Aquilo's Staff</var>
<var name="WindStaff">Wind Staff</var>
<var name="EarthStaff">Terra's Staff</var>
<var name="ThunderStaff">Jupiter's Staff</var>
<var name="WaterStaff">Water Staff</var>
<var name="FireStaff">Vulcan's Staff</var>
<var name="DarkStaff">Pluto's Staff</var>
<var name="LightStaff">Apollo's Staff</var>
<!-- Var: Elemental Obis -->
<var name="IceObi">Hyorin Obi</var>
<var name="WindObi">Furin Obi</var>
<var name="EarthObi">Dorin Obi</var>
<var name="ThunderObi">Rairin Obi</var>
<var name="WaterObi">Suirin Obi</var>
<var name="FireObi">Karin Obi</var>
<var name="DarkObi">Anrin Obi</var>
<var name="LightObi">Korin Obi</var>
<if CommandPrefix="/magic">
<!-- Rule: Gear Based on Spell Type -->
<if Skill="EnfeeblingMagic">
<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White">
<action type="equip" set="EnfeeblingLight" />
<action type="equip" set="EnfeeblingDark" />
<elseif Skill="EnhancingMagic">
<if Spell="Stoneskin">
<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White">
<action type="equip" set="StoneskinLight" />
<action type="equip" set="StoneskinDark" />
<elseif Spell="Phalanx|En*">
<action type="equip" set="Enhancing" />
<elseif Skill="DarkMagic">
<action type="equip" set="Dark" />
<elseif Skill="ElementalMagic">
<action type="equip" set="Elemental" />
<!-- SubRule: Enmity set for Heals if they are Accession'd -->
<elseif Skill="HealingMagic" BuffActive="Accession">
<action type="equip" set="Enmity" />
<!-- Rule: Staff/Obi based on Spell Name or Skill -->
<if NotStatus="Engaged" TPLT="20">
<if mode="or" spell="Bio*|Sleep*|Drain*|Aspir*|Cure*|Cura*" skill="ElementalMagic|EnfeeblingMagic">
<action type="equip">
<if advanced='("%SpellElement"=="%DayElement")||("%SpellElement"=="%WeatherElement")'>
<action type="equip">
<if spell="Bli*|Fre*|Aer*|Tor*|Sto*|Qua*|Thu*|Bur*|Wat*|Flo*|Fir*|Fla*|*helix">
<if MPPAftercastLT="50">
<action type="equip">
<neck>Uggalepih Pendant</neck>
<!-- Rule: Correct Strategem for Proper Arts -->
<elseif CommandPrefix="/jobability">
<if spell="Penury|Parsimony">
<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Penury" />
<action type="Command">input /recast Penury</action>
<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts|Addendum: Black">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Parsimony" />
<action type="Command">input /recast Parsimony</action>
<elseif spell="Celerity|Alacrity">
<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Celerity" />
<action type="Command">input /recast Celerity</action>
<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts|Addendum: Black">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Alacrity" />
<action type="Command">input /recast Alacrity</action>
<elseif spell="Accession|Manifestation">
<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Accession" />
<action type="Command">input /recast Accession</action>
<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts|Addendum: Black">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Manifestation" />
<action type="Command">input /recast Manifestation</action>
<elseif spell="Rapture|Ebullience">
<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Rapture" />
<action type="Command">input /recast Rapture</action>
<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts|Addendum: Black">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Ebullience" />
<action type="Command">input /recast Ebullience</action>
<elseif spell="Addendum*">
<if BuffActive="Light Arts">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Addendum: White" />
<action type="Command">input /recast "Addendum: White"</action>
<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts">
<action type="ChangeSpell" Spell="Addendum: Black" />
<action type="Command">input /recast "Addendum: Black"</action>
<!-- Rule: Equip Idle Set when Light/Dark Arts is used -->
<elseif spell="*Arts">
<action type="equip" set="Idle">
<main>Terra's Staff</main>
<if NotBuffactive="Sublimation: Activated" MPPLT="85">
<action type="equip">
<body>Vermillion Cloak</body>
<if MPPLT="93" HPPLT="100">
<action type="equip">
<neck>Orochi Nodowa</neck>
<elseif BuffActive="Sublimation: Activated">
<action type="equip">
<head>Scholar's M.board</head>
<!-- Rule: Gear Swap to cancel Job Ability Animation -->
<if EquipFeet="Rostrum Pumps">
<action type="equip">
<feet>Mahatma Pigaches</feet>
<action type="equip">
<feet>Rostrum Pumps</feet>
<!--Autosets: Used to handle gear for and after resting-->

<if spell="autoset">
<action type="equip" when="Resting" set="Resting"></action>
<action type="equip" when="Idle" set="Idle"></action>
<action type="equip" when="Aftercast" set="Idle"></action>
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Ravian
Posts: 106
By Siren.Ravian 2010-10-17 23:54:41  
Diabolos.Karisa said:
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