The reason for the high price is it requires 6 synths to make; including alchemy (21) and cooking (74). Time is money. Thank you to all the cooks that are making this.
Sushi <No Thank You>
I've tried this food, and it's ***' awesome. As a full homam thief, there are some that think there is no way we'd need sushi. But if you parse our accuracy, it comes out to about 80-83% without food in merit areas, even with good gear and merits. This pizza however puts you just about at the accuracy cap, while still being an attack food. I imagine this case applies to a lot of other melee as well.
Yield: Marinara Pizza
HQ 1: Marinara Pizza +1
Fire Crystal
1 x Mhaura Garlic
1 x Dried Marjoram
1 x Holy Basil
1 x Pizza Dough
1 x Chalaimbille
1 x Marinara Sauce
This pizza is the best thing that happened to me since Rabbit Pie for my MNK. I eat this when hunting NMs in the past beastmen zones and they work wonders, especially on my THF and DRG. I'd imagine all melee jobs eating this, plus it's very affordable too, this is the only HQ food I can buy without feeling bad ^^
While a good food, yes, a great food? Not always. Tho it is a great alternative to Sushi, and obviously a very nice food for an acc boost that still gives attack.
Its a terrible attack food, (both hq and nq) as even a meat mithkabob gives more attack.
Choose carefully. If you need the attack not the accuracy, don't bother with this.
Nashmau Stew gives Attack+60/ACC+25 and with abyssea the stats down on it don't really hurt as much. If your zerging something down, just pop a Fanatics drink/powder + Nashmau Stew and wala ^^