The reason for the high price is it requires 6 synths to make; including alchemy (21) and cooking (74). Time is money. Thank you to all the cooks that are making this.
Sushi <No Thank You>
used to take meats alot, and I also loved sole sushi, but this seems to be my all time favorite now. It has the best of both worlds, both meat and sushi, and it lasts 3 hours not 30 mins.
best part of all, its only 3k.
Worth every bit of it too. Glad you made pizza the best SE, cause its one of my favortie foods in real life too lol.
Quite a time consuming craft, and these sell exceptionally well, 40+ daily. Still, I dont understand why other crafters become impatient and undercut for a faster profit. 6k is fair enough for the work put into this craft, stop selling yourself short fellow chefs, we're all here for the same reason.