fishers are mad because you are providing materials for a reasonable amount of gil per stack, and the people who use them to make a product are profiting off of it?
Do you realize that were it not for the 1:1 profit bonecrafters get off of this (disregarding HQs) that these would be flooding the AH, I just bought 30 stacks of the things off of the AH for a nice easy way to up BC, cleaning it out for two days, and there's already almost 10 more stacks up again.
While the amount of gil that I had before and after crafting hardly changed I can look down the list and pick out at least five different people who I caused to profit over 150k in a single day.
I by no means think that I know alot about business and profit, but it seems both sides of this are getting a very good deal.
HQs will always be the key to a crafter's profit with items, saying they are greedy for making money is childish. I'm pretty sure fishing doesn't prevent you from having another craft leveled up too,
I'm a fisher; and, personally, I'm glad bonecrafters buy these. If they didn't, these fish wouldn't sell frequently enough to bother fishing them. I make almost twice on these what I make on my next best money making fish. Does it bother me that bonecrafters are making money on them? Not at all: if someone gets a craft to that skill level, they *ought* to be making a profit.
I love how people call Bonecrafters greedy; us fisherman are the ones that don't need to level a craft to 90+ to use these things. Doesn't that make fishers the greedy ones for wanting to gip people out of their own profit?