This song will return 50% of experience points lost upon death, effectively making it a party-wide Reraise I.
A level 75 with a regular Goddess's Hymnus one will lose 1,200 XP, where as using an Angel Lyre, they will lose only 1,000 XP.
Using an Angel Lyre also increases the duration of the Goddess's Hymnus by approximately 20 seconds.
This also restores 50% of Maximum Weakened HP when the player reraises.
The spell Reraise will take effect over Hymnus if a player has both active.
The reraise effect granted will wear off if the player switches zones whilst K.O.'d (e.g. being ejected from Assault)
@Crusadex: Goddess's is correct, as it is singular possessive and not plural possessive. Goddess' would imply the Hymnus belongs to more than one goddess.
One of many possible drops from the NM "Abyss Sahagin" in Sea Serpent Grotto located in the area accesible only with the Sahagin Key. Abyss Sahagin has a respawn time of ~16-21 minutes.
Abyss Sahagin drops:
Bard's Testimony
Bastore Sardine
Cobalt Jellyfish
Pamtam Kelp
Scroll of Bewitching Etude
Scroll of Chocobo Mazurka
Scroll of Foe Requiem VI
Scroll of Goddess's Hymnus
Scroll of Herculean Etude
Scroll of Knight's Minne IV
Scroll of Maiden's Virelai
Scroll of Sage Etude
Scroll of Swift Etude
Scroll of Uncanny Etude
Scroll of Valor Minuet IV
Scroll of Victory March
Scroll of Vital Etude
Scroll of Warding Round
Shall Shell