Desynthing these in Giddeus are a great way to make some easy money with a rather low Clothcraft skill.
Even a nonHQ makes a profit... 3 Grass Threads = about 750g.
An HQ1 = 1500g
At higher Clothcraft levels, I'm sure there's better things to desynth, but for someone trying to make a little bit of cash, these can be great to farm.
Thank people like sesekuku when you go to buy these and there are none up because they are getting thrown away. it's not even worth paying the tax to put them up for 100 gil. people like this lazy undercutting hack suck balls. And the people who let him profit this way buy continuing to pay this little perpetuate the cancer that is undercutting.
1k is absolutely gross. I remember "happily" paying 500 or something like that, but 1k for a common drop like these?
That's just people being greedy and taking advantage of the fact that SE is dumb enough to have only 2 reliable (3 if you count the airship) ways to get Norg fame.
It would be so much nicer if you could also hand in Quadav Backplates or w/e it is Orcs drop that's unstackable.
And the Zinc Ore guys should accept Iron Ore and Copper Ore, obviously with different amounts of fame rewarded for each type.