The price was originaly higher at first because the information on how to obtain this scroll wasn't immediately known. Now, the price as gone down to what I think is reasonable. The people selling these scrolls are providing a service by taking -their- time to travel to Kazham and stock the AH so you don't have to make the detour.
If you were to get one from the vendor yourself, you would either have to get a tele(chances are you're paying 1k-3k for it) then take a choco to town OR wait up to like 10min for the ship to arrive and then endure the ride over. Isn't the 3-4k profit these sellers are making, worth the effort and time they are saving you?
Some people may prefer taking their own time to acquire it from a vendor, and that's fine, but don't knock on the players who find it cheaper(gil+time+effort) to just buy it off the AH.
It's not like some scrolls that are readily available from a Jeuno or Whitegate NPC...
@Opeth: You forget that when this spell was introduced, 90% of career nins were post 25. Meaning that they'd have to go -back- to Kazham, not simply pick it up on the way through.
I imagine this is based on Fame rating, therefore could increase, however this is purchasable from Toji Mumosulah in Kazham for 8,822gil.
Position (I-8) inside Hut!
Well Opeth (and everybody else who agrees with him), what's the problem if they're priced a little higher on the AH than buying it from an NPC? If it's so easy to get to the NPC because you're there anyway, then anybody buying it off the AH is ignorant, as you say, and deserves paying a few k more.
The options being provided are simple enough. If you're already near the NPC and want to get it for a little cheaper, good. If you don't feel like going to Kazham because you never level there (I personally don't level in Kazham for any of my jobs), then you can pay 3-4k more.
Quite honestly, I can't even figure out where all your anger is coming from. What does it matter to you is this item has the same situation as over 90% of the others in this game (somewhat cheaper to buy via NPC than AH)? Are you angry at the 2-3 people selling the scrolls all the time and making money on each sale? This is a *game*, and they're making legitimate money well within the rules. People have
Funny how people will pay 18k for something that they can get for about 8k. i would prefer to save my 9,800gil and get the ship over and buy one. and seeing as my nin will start lvling over there at 25 i can see why SE put the NPC seller over there.
I say lol to anyone who buys this off the ah, i mean come on guys are we that lazy and misinformed? i understand when the spell first came out like the day it came out people didnt know about the kazham vender that sells these, but now its been like 3 or 4 days now and people are still buying this from the ah >.>